The Edge of Love and Pain: My Double Husband

Chapter 498 I Have Never Treated You Kindly

Chapter 498 I Have Never Treated You Kindly
Just when I was on the verge of collapse and wanted to pull out the pile of tubes on my body and jump out of the window to escape, someone came to the ward.

I am already very familiar with the footsteps of the female nurse, and my hearing has been very good recently, so even though this person walks as lightly as a cat, I quickly realized that it was a stranger.I was nervous at first, and then excited. No matter who it is, even the police, they can always bring me some news from the outside world. I can also ask to talk to Nian Nian and them. It's not their close relatives. I have been tricked so many times in my life that I don't dare to believe anything.

This man soon came to my hospital bed and sat down when he heard the sound. I sniffed my nose like a dog, but I didn’t smell anything. so close to me.

I didn't smell the reason, so I had to give up, knowing that this person was looking at me, this feeling made me feel anxious, restless, and soon I couldn't bear it, and asked tentatively: "Who is it?" There is no need for the police to come in Observing me this way can be ruled out.

Hearing that he was silent, I asked, "Mr. Meng?"

He still doesn't speak.

Nian Nian will not walk so lightly, so it is naturally ruled out.

Although Assistant Zhou has been discharged from the hospital, he is injured in his leg, and walking will definitely not be so light, so that is also ruled out.

I can't think of anyone else for now, could it be... "Mr. Pu?"

Still don't speak.

Pu Lan should not be able to come in. I don't think Meng Jiancong will let him come to see me.

I couldn't think of anyone anymore, so I tentatively asked, "Could it be Xiao Tiantian?" How could it be possible for nine guns to fall to the ground in eleven days?I just got beaten and still haven't landed yet.

However, there was an unsatisfactory cold snort immediately from the opposite side, and he still didn't speak.

I immediately recognized it: "Yinyin?"

He was silent.

It looked like it was No.1, and obviously, he was angry.I hurriedly explained: "I thought your injury was still not healed, but I didn't expect you to be able to go to the ground so soon."

He snorted again, but still didn't speak.

I explained again: "It was him in the end that day, so..."

"That's why I was so moved that I wanted to turn against him immediately, and now I'm still thinking about it." He sneered coldly: "Do you need me to get out now and make room for him to make out with you?"

I asked: "Do you think I can 'make out' now?"

Sure enough, he was even more upset, his tone was so cold that I immediately pictured his ferocious face, flaming eyes, and veined fists in my mind: "Are you so spineless?"

"Are you here specifically to find fault?" I could hear his tone still a little weak: "Didn't the doctor tell you that I can't be angry now? Do you think I'll die early?"

He stopped talking.

After being silent for a while, I asked, "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah." The voice was still full of anger.

"What are you upset about?" I said, "You just came, tell me quickly, how much information do you know? I'm going to die of anxiety. Do you know how the children are doing now? What do the police think? How to do it?"

"The children are all well." He only answered this sentence, and his tone became cold again: "Have you rekindled your old relationship with him?"

I asked, "What's this saying?"

He snorted and fell silent.

I said, "I'm sorry for the wrong guess, but after all, he was the one who passed out, and I thought he was the one who woke up first."

He still didn't speak, and I could sense that the explanation didn't satisfy him.

I had no choice but to straighten my face and ask, "In your heart, it's so easy for me to rekindle my old relationship with him? I'm like this kind of person? It's not like I don't know that he always wants to kill my child!"

"Why not?" He asked coolly. In fact, he was not as fierce as before, but what he said was more hurtful than before: "I also killed your child, and I also killed you. Don't you still love me?" gone?"

I was taken aback for a moment: "Say it again."

He seemed to know that he had made a slip of the tongue. After a pause for a while, his tone was a little strange: "I can't get out of bed yet, so I sneaked out. I just wanted to see you. I haven't had time to do anything else, and I don't know anything about the outside information. I know. However, the police have never looked for me, and it seems that the matter has been suppressed for the time being, and I don’t know what the role of the Red Snake Gang is, it’s so big, and it can be suppressed for so long.”

It seems that he still doesn't know the inside story of the Red Snake Gang.

But I didn't pay attention to what he said, and my mind was full of what he just said.Those kind of words are as ugly as calling me a female cousin in person.

Probably because my face was so ugly, he said again: "I talked to Nian Nian this morning..." My heart trembled, and he suddenly changed the subject and seemed to smile: "Do you want to know what you said?"

If he doesn't mention Nian Nian, I really don't want to talk, but when he mentions it, I feel helpless: "What did you say?"

"Smile first." He took the opportunity to say, "I apologize for what I just said."

I said, "I asked you what you said on the phone with Niannian?"

"You accept the apology first." His tone became more and more calm.

"Forget it." Still thinking about threatening me with this, the child is probably fine, so I closed my eyes, not wanting to fall into his trap again.

He didn't leave, he didn't seem to move, and he didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't smile anymore: "I'm just jealous...that's why I didn't choose what to say." He paused, as if he was waiting for my response, and his tone was a little disappointed : "Aside from protecting you at this moment and having children, I have no other advantages... Now I am inferior to him in everything."

I said, "What you said is indeed an objective fact."

He answered immediately: "No, I know..."

"So I was indeed moved again, and fell to him." Who wouldn't attack someone?Of course I want to repay him in the same way: "He used to be cowardly, and he was afraid when he encountered this situation. Now he is different, but you are still the same. You still like to attack me in exchange for your own balance."

He fell silent.

I said, "If you don't want to talk about the conversation with Niannian, then don't. Thank you for coming to see me."

It took him a long time to speak, like a defeated rooster: ""

Hearing that he was about to cry, I wondered, "What about me?"

Instead, he fell silent.

I waited for a while, but he never spoke.

I said, "If you're angry, I'm sorry for what I just said."

He said: "Nian Nian said that my sister can speak a lot of words, she has taught her to speak English. She also said that everything is fine recently, she misses you very much, nothing else."

I said, "What about my dad? Did you ask her? How is Dad? Did someone like the police go to harass her?"

"Nothing, she said everything is fine, your father still hasn't woken up." He said calmly.

I said: "That's good." I thought that even if he didn't know the situation, he would definitely ask carefully, so I was relieved.The probability of the police harassing the Su family is not high, after all, the matter mainly came from the Fan family.

I was thinking about it when I suddenly heard some movement, the sound of a chair moving, and I hurriedly asked, "Leave?"

He didn't speak, and the footsteps had gone away gently.

I asked loudly: "You have such a double standard? You are allowed to say that kind of thing to hurt me, and I am not allowed to poke your pain points?"

He stopped and said after a long time, "I'm sorry, I apologize for my double standards."

I feel very wrong: "You come back."

He didn't seem to be walking, but he didn't move either.

I said, "You come back first, and we'll talk when you have something to say. I haven't asked about your injuries yet."

But he didn't follow me. He stood there silent for a while, and said: "I was used to winning before, and I never lost. I always laughed at him as an idiot. I didn't expect to fall into this situation so soon."

I said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand. Stop talking and come to me."

"I have long forgotten that you loved him and you changed your mind to love me because I was the winner. You just couldn't resist, and it was also because of the child." He said, "I haven't treated you well. You hate me. Actually It's all about 'me'."

I frowned and asked, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"It's nothing." He said, and opened the door: "You can rest."

"Stop!" I ordered.

Probably because I turned my face so suddenly, he seemed to be overwhelmed by me, and the sound of opening the door stopped abruptly.

I have fully realized at this moment: "What do you want to do? Make way for him and ask him to come out and kill the child?"

He said, "No." That tone was suicidal.

"Then what do you want to do?"

He said nothing.

"Close the door, come and talk to me." I was so angry that I had a headache, so I could be sure that Xiao Tiantian lied to me. How could a personality without emotions be so ink-stained?How can you be so jealous?How can the competitive spirit have such a strong force?
"I don't want to give way to him, and I don't want to do anything. Actually, before I came, I had already thought through everything I should think about." He was still calm: "Sorry, what I said just now was indeed that I was too impulsive and hurt your self-esteem. .I'm leaving, you should take good care of yourself."

Of course I knew that his attitude was not right, so I quickly pulled out the tube on my body and tried to get out of bed, but found that I had no strength at all and fell to the ground.The nurse heard the sound and pushed me back on the bed without any explanation, and the doctor came to check again. During the whole process of tossing these things, I didn't hear Fan Yin's voice, so I don't know if he left or not.

For so many years, I know the meaning of his words is unusual, but I don't know what it means?Since he said that he would not give way to Xiao Tiantian, it should be true.But what else?If he just wants to hang out with me, that's fine.But I feel that something is wrong, but I can't explain it clearly. It is this kind of inexplicable error that scares me the most.

It may be because the head injury was really serious. Soon after the doctor checked me, I fell asleep. When I woke up again, my head was still aching and I was retching.When I retched, I thought of being pregnant. Of course, it wasn't me who was pregnant, but Putao. I don't know how this matter has progressed.Thinking of this, I asked the female nurse to call, after all, Fanyin had already contacted Niannian, but the female nurse refused. Her explanation was that my condition was more serious than Fanyin's, although his seemed more terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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