Chapter 72 Hypocrisy
I stood at the door for at least 5 minutes before I decided to open the door and go in. I still didn't see his face clearly, but I heard him ask, "What are you hiding?"

"Feel awkward."

He laughed and said, "Come here."

I reluctantly moved a step away.

"Come here," he repeated a third time.

"Fanyin." I clenched my fingers and summoned up the courage to say, "I've thought about it, and now I can answer your question from yesterday."

He didn't speak.

"I didn't 'love you too'." I looked up, looked him in the eyes, and decided to speak clearly, although I was almost late: "I have always loved you."

He turned off the shower and turned to look at me.

There were no other sounds in the bathroom.

I'm almost like a performer on stage for the first time: I can't tell whether the performance will be greeted with an encore or boos.

"I've always loved you." I never wanted to hide it, and I couldn't hide it: "But I didn't 'also' love you."

He still looked at me calmly.

I can't even tell which personality he is at the moment.

"Although in your heart, you and him are not the same person, but I always get confused. Sometimes I think you are one person, and sometimes I don't." I said, "It's like although you don't agree, but I Sometimes I still feel that the child is yours, and I really can't completely separate you from him all the time."

He still looked at me blankly, I don't know how he felt when he heard these words.

"This may be the reason why I misunderstood you yesterday. I don't want you to continue to misunderstand, this feeling is very strange. So, even if you are not happy, I can only say this..."

The more I talk, the more I want to cry, because I actually don't want money or beauty, I just want to live a normal life with a man like Xiao Tiantian, without passion, romance, or any extravagance.More specifically, I can see him after get off work, and we stay in a small house that is bigger than a palm, eat together, watch TV together, and discuss whether to raise a cat or a dog.

But I can't ask for it.

I wiped my tears for a long time before I said this sentence: "I don't love you."

And he stood there looking at me for a while, then suddenly turned on the shower again, and continued to take a shower as if no one was there.

I have to admit that even though I nagged so much and seemed to have thought it through clearly, I still felt very heartbroken when he ignored me.

This kind of psychological conflict is not the first time.

I don't know how to resolve it, and being able to face it to this point is already my limit.

After a stalemate like this for a long time, I finally wiped away my tears, turned around and opened the door, planning to clean up and go to class.

Just as he pulled the doorknob, his voice suddenly came: "Come here."

I froze.

"Come here." He repeated coldly: "Come to me."

Anyone who hears this kind of tone will be scared. I walked over with my head down, wondering if he would hit me?
It can't be kissing me.

When he was near him, his arm suddenly came up, and he hugged me under the shower.

The hot water poured down my head, and I couldn't open my eyes for a moment.There was a stabbing pain in the trachea, and I couldn't help but cough violently. He pressed the back of my head and patted my back.I was so confused that I lay on his shoulder and coughed for a long time before I felt a little better.

His palms turned to caress my back, with silky body wash, moving flexibly on my back.

After finally waking up, my mind once again fell into that kind of entanglement that people don't want to face, and I am determined to break this weird atmosphere: "Fan Yin?"

"What do you call me?"

"Fan Yin."

He didn't speak.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"No." He held my hand loosely, his palm swam to the front, his expression was still focused, without lust.

I grabbed his wrist, and he raised his eyelids and looked at me without smiling or angrily.

I squeezed his wrist tightly and said in a low voice, "My words are all well thought out."

He didn't move.

And somehow, my scalp started to tingle.

Suddenly, his face came closer, and I wanted to back away, but his left arm, which was pinched by me, was pulled out without warning, and quickly wrapped around my waist.

I saw his face getting closer and closer, almost breathing with me, unable to move, so I had to close my eyes tightly to escape.

It was like that for a long time.

What I thought never happened.

I couldn't help but open my eyes, but I was shocked: his face was still at the position where my eyes were closed, staring at me without blinking.I couldn't see what he was thinking at the moment.

Suddenly, his right arm was raised.

I turned my face and watched him press the shampoo button.I felt him grab the hair stuck to my back, put it on top of my head, and let go of my left arm.

I couldn't help but look at him, seeing the corners of his lips slightly raised, and pressing and rubbing my head gently with the palms of both hands.

I found myself unable to move at all because I had no idea what he was trying to do.

His sudden service to me wasn't the main cause of my discomfort, I just honestly couldn't believe he was acting like this after I said those words?

It felt like a bungee jump where the rope snapped and I never made it to the bottom.This sense of "will I die" is almost killing me.

I was so entangled that I naturally didn't have the energy to observe him.I only heard his deep voice: "Bow your head." The tone was very gentle, and it was so gentle that it was cold.

He exerted a slight force on the hand pressing my head, and I lowered my head following this force.

I don't know how long I endured it.

I dare not speak, feeling that the atmosphere is like a dream, and like the calm before the storm.

The foam came near my eyes, and I instinctively closed them.My eyes turned into darkness, and my heart beat even harder.

Thankfully, he finally spoke up: "Frankness is a good attitude."

As soon as I opened my mouth, the foam flowed into my mouth.Of course, this is just an excuse, I don't know what I can say.

"But." He suddenly stroked my face with his hand, I couldn't wait to open my eyes, his face leaned down, and his thumb stroked my lips: "The premise is to be honest, otherwise it will be hypocrisy."

I couldn't move my face, so I had to slide my eyeballs to the corners of my eyes.I still couldn't answer his words, I didn't even dare to listen, let alone question myself like this.I am afraid of his eyes at this moment, as if they have stripped my last fig leaf.I was so afraid that he would expose something, so I could only choose to avoid it.

The atmosphere once again fell into a strange stalemate.

Suddenly, his face turned sideways, so fast that I couldn't react.When his lips were pressed against each other, my brain was still a little dizzy from the steam in the steamy bathroom.There was a pressure on the lower jaw, very light, but I opened my mouth.

The tip of his tongue swung around my mouth, like a thin feather, and finally wrapped around my tongue, like a bird's beak holding its prey.

The guy in my mouth who can chat and argue but is not smart seems to have an independent life. It is no longer under my control. It seems to have found a lover-it has already found it.But I "hypocritically" want to control it, trying to let it stay quietly like the most devout nun, not being seduced by any desire.But obviously, it is more "magnanimous" than me.

His arms wrapped around my waist again, getting tighter and tighter.His palm firmly pressed the back of my head, making it impossible to live.

My arm did want to hug him for a moment, but fortunately, I managed to let it hang "fake" to the sides of my body, twitching, but kept the last integrity.

I knew that I had suffered a dark loss, but I couldn't tell where the loss was.I also understand that I seem to be becoming weaker, but I can't tell where the weakness is.

Finally, he let go.

I quickly lowered my head, not daring to open my eyes.Darkness is safer than him.

But I can still clearly feel his hand touching my cheek, rubbing his thumb, and I can also feel that he is looking at me, but he just doesn't speak, and is irritatingly deadlocked with me.

Thankfully, he finally opened his mouth: "What did you ask me yesterday?"

I did not speak.

"Children only say they like it." There was a hint of a smile in his voice: "Adults only say love."

I suddenly collapsed.I couldn't help but raised my eyelids and looked at him, with a very shameful expectation in my heart.

He asked solemnly, "Which one do you want?"


I'm even more shameless: "Adult."

He said nothing, still expressionless.

Time passed by, and I became uneasy: "Children's... It's okay."

He let go, turned his face away, and smiled very happily.

Suddenly, I wake up like a dream:
What am I doing?
humiliating myself?
Even if he said he likes me now, he loves me, what did he think the moment he pulled the trigger yesterday?What were you thinking when you insulted me the day before yesterday?

He is obviously playing me and humiliating me on purpose.

After a long time, I finally found a slightly less childish sentence: "Is it funny?"

He was still smiling when he turned his head, and then suddenly withdrew his smile and frowned: "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Whoever I am will want to cry right now.But I just can't explain any reason: "I'm late for school."

He wiped my tears with his fingers, but with the other hand he took my arm.

I said, "I'm going to class."

"Tell me why you are crying first." He still frowned, as if I had made another mistake.

"It's because I'm going to be late for school, and the instructor won't let me in after I'm late..." My throat was completely choked with tears.

He was silent for a long time after listening, and said, "Answer my two questions first."

I didn't want to answer, and I couldn't say anything from crying.

"Did you do anything to him that day?"

How am I in the mood to explain this?
He didn't seem to need an answer at all: "Who is Su Yu to you?"

I still didn't say anything.

He squeezed my wrist tightly and said, "If you don't speak, you will never go to class."


There was severe pain in his arm, and he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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