The strongest time travel in history

Chapter 37 The Demon Monarch Tests the Heavenly Court 1 Tour

Chapter 37

Sha Qianmo ordered Shan Chunqiu to seize the four artifacts, and after letting him retreat, only Qin Wuyue and Sha Qianmo were left in the hall.

"It's not a gentleman's job to hide your head and show your tail, so let me see your true face!" Sha Qianmo finally couldn't help but make a move. He wanted to take off the mask of the mysterious person in front of him and test his strength.

The figure of Sha Qianmo was like a frightened bird, with fluttering sleeves and extremely fast speed, grabbing towards the opponent's mask, with a pleasing feeling in his hand!

Qin Wuyue was faster than him, just when his palm was about to catch his mask, his body moved slightly backwards, dodging away, Sha Qianmo's fingertips slid across his mask!


Seeing that his grasp failed, Sha Qianmo felt the mystery of the person in front of him even more. Although he only grasped lightly, he was confident that few people in the world could escape from his random strike.

Qin Wuyue's figure flitted across, and she pretended to be angry and said, "I don't know what the devil means! Do you want to kill people to silence your mouth?"

Hearing his words, Sha Qianmo was a little angry. Could it be that he was so narrow-minded? Thinking of this, he made another move and fought Qin Wuyue.

Qin Wuyue saw the tricks, and Sha Qianmo's strikes were not sharp and had no killing intent, so the two were considered to be a trial fight.

Sha Qianmo shot like a surprise, waving his long sleeves, the more he fights with Qin Wuyue, the more he feels that the other party is unfathomable!Secretly startled.

After the two exchanged more than [-] strokes, Sha Qianmo yelled, "No more fights, no more fights. It made me sweat!" He stepped back on his toes, landed on the chair, immediately took out the mirror, and turned his head Seeing whether her face and hair are messy, Qin Wuyue was directly defeated by his appearance.

Sha Qianmo said in a cold tone, "Your strength is not bad, at least stronger than Shan Chunqiu, but the purpose of your transaction should not be to kill Bai Zihua, no matter what your purpose is, I just want to resurrect Liu Xia! Don't think about it." What kind of conspiracy and tricks are you playing in front of me?"

In the middle of the fight, the opponent suddenly took out a mirror to "touch up makeup", Qin Wuyue almost collapsed, Mojun, you have to pay so much attention to your "beauty" no.

"However, I'm not interested in your purpose, and I believe that Shan Chunqiu will soon seize the four artifacts. During this period, I will take a good rest in order to cope with the next big battle. You step back!" Sha Qianmo Xuehong Looking at him with wide eyes, he opened his mouth lazily. After finishing speaking, Sha Qianmo disappeared into the hall.

Just when she wanted to go out for a walk, Qin Wuyue still believed in Shan Chunqiu's ability to handle affairs. With the help of Sha Qianmo's power to seize the ten-party artifact this time, she could save a lot of trouble.

This method is good, what to do in the future, you don't have to do it yourself, it's so troublesome.

But Sha Qianmo is really a wonderful flower, and he "makes up" in the fight. This time, Sha Qianmo didn't use all his strength to make a move. If he really made a move, it might not be so simple.

"With Shaqianmo, I don't have to worry about artifacts, so where should I go to play?" Qin Wuyue didn't know where he should go. Just as he was distressed, he gradually had a place in his heart, that is "Heavenly Court" ", Pantao and Jindan are good things, it seems that today I will be a monkey grandson, I smiled slightly.
Looking at the sky, the place where the star of crape myrtle and the star of the Big Dipper are facing each other is the entrance of the legendary Nantianmen. Entering the Nantianmen and entering the Tiangong is also the entrance of the heaven. The heaven is supported by nine layers of floating cloud shields.There are many fairy islands, floating clouds go straight up, and Qin Wuyue goes straight up to the nine heavens.

The heavenly court is full of peace, the fairy music is faint, and the heavenly soldiers of the Nantianmen are patrolling around, guarded by heavy soldiers. Looking back is the Lingxiao Palace.

"This heaven is really weak. I'm afraid Bai Zihua is the strongest person in the fairy world!" Qin Wuyue slandered in his heart, and sneaked into the heaven. He was only interested in Pantao and the golden pill of the Supreme Lord during his trip. .

"But this Heavenly Court is a bit weak, but the boss's style is not bad at all!" Qin Wuyue looked at the Heavenly Palace, one hundred and eight fairy palaces arranged in the number of Tiangang and Disha, and sneered slightly in her heart.

But it didn't care about his business, he walked all the way to the Pantao Garden, last time the Heavenly Court used a lot of flat peaches for the feast of immortals, but there were still a lot left in the Pantao Garden, which made Qin Wuyue cheaper for nothing.

"It is said that ordinary people can live forever and become immortals if they eat the fairy fruit in the peach orchard in Yaochi. Immortals have boundless magic power after eating it, but this heaven is too weak, and the flat peaches are probably not that powerful." Qin Wuyue touched it all the way. Pantaoyuan, at the moment, was eating a big flat peach in his hand, but he was different from Monkey King, he would throw away after eating two mouthfuls, but he ate them all.

Adhering to the principle of not being wasted, Qin Wuyue ate all the flat peaches, leaving none for the heavenly court.

"Not only is the heaven weak, but even this flat peach is weak!" He slandered while eating, if it was the flat peach in Journey to the West, he would probably not be able to bear it even if he ate a few, let alone all of them.

When a flat peach fell down, he felt that his mana had increased a little. Although the increase was not much, he didn't eat it for nothing. After a while, he destroyed the entire flat peach garden.

"The next thing is the golden pill of the Supreme Lord!" Qin Wuyue threw away the peach in his hand and headed towards the Supreme Lord's Lihen Tiandoushi Palace.

There is an old saying: 33 days, Lihentian is the highest.Among the four hundred and four diseases, lovesickness is the most painful.

33 Chongtian Que, also known as Dachitian, Taiqingtian, and Huochitian, is the ashram of Taishang Laojun, a sage of Taiqing, but this "Taishang Laojun" cannot be called a saint.

Dousita Palace is just a palace of Laojun in Lihentian. Dousita Palace sits west and faces east, with nine pillars supporting the roof. "This Laojun will enjoy it. The treatment is almost the same." Qin Wuyue complained in her heart, all of them had no strength, but they still enjoyed it like this.

Taishang Laojun is not in Tushita Palace at the moment, which gave him another opportunity to take advantage of.

"Laojun. Laojun, remember to practice more golden pills next time, it's not enough!"

Qin Wuyue is like a bandit, as long as it can increase mana, he eats it all, regardless of whether he can digest it or not, just like Pantaoyuan, he doesn't keep one, after all, it can't be wasted!
"Hi! It would be perfect if there is a little fairy wine at this time!" Qin Wuyue hiccupped, feeling that the mana in her body was like a rushing river. After the catastrophe, you can be promoted to a true immortal.

You're done, it's time to withdraw!I came in secretly, and I don't want to fight with the people in heaven.

"I can be regarded as a thief and a good way, robbing the rich and helping the poor." Since I am so poor, I have the right to help myself.

(End of this chapter)

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