Buddha Immortal

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
I am afraid that only Guo Lingchan has such courage. The three daughters are all the proud daughters of heaven, and all of them are the top ten characters among novice monks. They can graduate and get a Taoist temple after they have cultivated to the Bhikkhu realm.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

This is a good lesson through the ages. None of the three girls are willing to be bound by others, especially the soul boys, each of them is proud of their hearts. In the previous life, each of them stomped their feet and trembled in all directions.

"Fellow Daoist said strong people are difficult, if you can lead us out of this predicament, I would like to give you treasures and money!" Xinjing adjusted his breath a little, and then opened his eyes. She regains her mana.

She looked up at Guo Lingchan with cold eyes, and her tone was extremely firm.

Guo Lingchan naturally looked down on the so-called 'treasures and money', and he was not in a hurry, because the roar from the Pharaoh King on the eighth floor had already been transmitted to the ninth floor.

Cracks several inches wide were cracked on the ground, and some scenes of the eighth floor could already be seen.

I saw the Pharaoh King, whose face was shrouded in blood, and covered with blood-colored armor condensed by the evil spirit of corpses. His bare skin was glowing golden. If he danced casually, the sky would collapse and the pyramid would sway.

For Guo Lingchan and others, the walls and the ground, which are as firm as fine steel walls, would collapse in a large area at will, and a big hole would form if they stepped down.

Behind the Pharaoh King was a copper-silver baby corpse, which was the terrifying blood baby on the seventh floor.


Looking up, the blood baby found figures on the ninth floor, each of whom had fought against it. Unfortunately, each of these people was very slippery, and they all escaped to the eighth floor. They were blocked by the prohibition at the entrance. On the seventh floor.At this moment, when it found these people again, it immediately roared excitedly, its small body jumped several feet high, and hit the roof of the building with a bang.

As cracks in the ground widen, it can even stick its hands into them.

Two ferocious beams of blood shot out from the eyes of the Pharaoh King. He raised his head to look at the roof of the building, and then looked down at the blood baby, "Roar!" It suddenly jumped up and punched the roof of the building.

Like a missile blasting there, gravel flew, and a huge hole appeared at once.

"Three senior sisters, if you don't convert, don't regret it!" Guo Lingchan felt that the Pharaoh King was really cute, which meant that he had indirectly helped himself.

That punch was a reminder.

The blood baby jumped up excitedly again, a head came out of the blasted hole, and its mouth opened, revealing sharp fangs, which made the third daughter and Liu Chanzi terrified.

The three women looked at each other. Among the nine floors, except for the entrance to the eighth floor, there is really no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to enter the earth, and there is a terrible ancestor on the eighth floor. If you go down, you will seek your own death.

"Two senior sisters, the younger sister is the family's honor and disgrace, and her parents are still alive, so she must live on!" Xinru's face was a little sad. Her parents and relatives tried their best to train her. If she died here, those people would definitely be in trouble. The consequences are unimaginable.

A peerless genius, behind the superficial scenery, has too many connections, without the support of a force and a large number of resources, no matter how great a genius is, it will be in vain.

"Zhichan, I would like to take refuge in you and become a member of Foshan for ten years!" Xinru looked at Guo Lingchan with fixed eyes. Some can't hang up.

Guo Lingchan didn't want to persecute these top talents too much, lest they would be self-defeating.

"Okay, ten years is the limit. If you still feel that Foshan can't keep you, you can quit at any time!" Guo Lingchan believes that with ten years of development time, Foshan will definitely have many attractive places.If you still can't conquer a person's heart after ten years, you can only blame yourself for your lack of ability.

He made a formula to guide Xin Ruyi, and a golden light led her to the lotus platform.

The two girls, who are pure in heart and kind in heart, did not expect that Xinru would add a ten-year deadline, their eyes lit up, ten years is acceptable.

"The two of us are also willing to convert! Ten years is the limit!" The two said at the same time.

At this time, the blood baby was about to emerge, and the two girls had fought against it. If it hadn't been for the powerful Guanyin Triple Treasure and Xinru's efforts to protect the two of them from their injuries, they might have died on the seventh floor.

"No, your soul boy is the most ruthless, ten years is too short, 20 years is the limit!" Guo Lingchan's refusal made the two girls a little angry, which seemed to raise the price, but they also admitted that the soul boy did not have much affection. In other words, as long as they can improve their cultivation, they can do anything.

Even if they were talking and laughing one moment, they will meet each other with swords and swords the next moment.

"Fellow daoist, don't go too far!" Xinjing's face was covered with ice, as if she was about to go crazy at any time.

"Then think about it again!" Guo Lingchan was not in a hurry, with a face of a villain.

"Okay, we promise you!" Xinjing said holding back her anger.

The situation was so severe that she had to make amends. She was more afraid of death than others. Once she died, the cultivation of the two lives would be wiped out.

They who once possessed supreme strength are even more nostalgic for the various benefits brought by strength.

"After you take the Dao Heart Oath, you will become members of Foshan, and I will guide you to the lotus platform immediately!" Guo Lingchan said with a serious expression.

He had to beware, it was because the soul boys were too rational and had no emotions at all, so they had to swear with their Dao heart.

Dao Xin is the heart of every practitioner who seeks Buddha and asks questions.

For ordinary people, it is dispensable, but for practitioners, Dao Xin is the most sacred and important existence.

If the mana is destroyed, it can be repaired again, but if the Taoism is destroyed, then there will be no progress in life.

"Zhichan, don't go too far!" Xinci, who didn't talk much, couldn't bear it anymore. Guo Lingchan asked again and again, which made her very annoyed, and the fire in her heart rose violently.If she was strong enough, she would have slapped Guo Lingchan away with a slap.

Guo Lingchan wasn't angry either, but just stared at her with clear eyes.

He was really determined by these two people. As for Liu Chanzi, this stubborn guy, he will have more powerful methods to deal with him later.


The screaming sound of the blood baby was so captivating that it sounded like a note of death in the ears of the two girls. Half of its body came out, and it was trying to get out with all its strength.If the floor of this pyramid was not very strong, it would have climbed out long ago.

"My Dharma name is Xinjing, and my real name is Liu Hui. I swear by my Taoist heart, I wish..."

"My Dharma name is Xinci, and my real name is Hanshuang..."

The faces of the two women were not very good-looking. It seemed that there were two volcanoes in their bodies that were about to erupt, and they were suppressed under Guo Lingchan's lustful power.

After the two girls had made their oath, Guo Lingchan didn't make things difficult any more, he made two consecutive moves, and two golden lights shot out, leading the two girls to the lotus platform.

The three girls stood obediently behind Guo Lingchan, Xinjing closed her eyes and recovered her mana.

Xinru has been injured all along and has not yet recovered, so she also closed her eyes and began to heal her injuries.

The two women soon discovered that both healing and recovering mana on this lotus platform were much faster than on the ground, and the effect was astonishing. They were secretly envious of such a good lotus platform to teach others how to do it, which is really irritating.

"Hmm... woo...!"

The blood baby finally crawled out, screaming excitedly, it didn't care about the violently shaking pyramid at all.It turned into a silver electric light, shooting ghostly towards Liu Chanzi who was trying to escape from the crack in the wall.

Liu Chanzi was terrified, he didn't care to bombard the cracks in the wall, and hastily sacrificed the vajra plate to resist the blood baby.It's just that the blood baby was far more powerful than he had imagined, hitting the King Kong plate with a bang, Liu Chanzi was also forced to a corner, his face was as white as gold paper, and his breathing was heavy and short.

Although Xinci had converted to Guo Lingchan, her anger was still in her heart, and her small mouth was pouted enough to hang an oil bottle. Standing on the lotus platform and seeing Liu Chanzi being chased and killed by the blood baby, the anger in her heart quietly dissipated a lot. The mouth is also slowly not pouting.

Although taking refuge in Guo Lingchan took some anger, compared to being chased and killed by that terrifying blood baby, she was very glad that she chose to take refuge, and felt a lot more balanced in her heart.

"Liu Chanzi, take refuge in me quickly, that's the right way!" Guo Lingchan was high above the ground, his voice carried the prestige of a king, Liu Chanzi's body trembled, his face flushed, and he roared angrily, "Fantasy!"

While urging the vajra plate, he repeatedly pinched out various mysterious fingerprints. His feet seemed to be walking, and when he finally stopped, his legs crossed, and he sat in a half-squat, with the middle fingers of both hands facing upwards. The whole person showed a domineering aura of both blessings and wisdom, and strength and strength. Even the blood baby seemed to be a little uneasy, and the offensive became more ferocious, and it kept screaming.

From Liu Chanzi's pale and bloodless face, bruised veins on his neck and forehead, and his body shaking like a pendulum, it can be seen that it was not easy for him to make this secret seal.

"Mandala, mi, hum!"

Liu Chanzi uttered the mantra, and the mantra and the secret seal were superimposed, the power multiplied, and the vibration made the space hum faintly.

Just when Guo Lingchan thought that Liu Chanzi was desperately trying to launch the strongest attack on the blood baby, he suddenly noticed a trace of cunning in Liu Chanzi's eyes, turned his body, and slammed into the tower wall behind him.

This collision was shocking, broken stones flew, and there were extremely wide cracks in the extremely hard tower wall, and Liu Chanzi happened to choose the place where the cracks were the most dense, and smashed a big hole in one fell swoop. I didn't care about collecting it, and jumped down directly.

The nine floors of the pyramid are as high as more than [-] meters, and it really takes a lot of courage to jump down from such a high level.

The blood baby lost its target, screamed, and fixed its eyes on the lotus platform floating in the air. There were four prey on it. Although it was a little afraid of the lotus platform, it still rushed over.

Liantai Zhan released a golden light to block it.

However, the blood baby's strength is too strong, it has surpassed the level of a Mahayana monk, and is comparable to a holy monk of dharma.Although the lotus platform is incomparably miraculous, Guo Lingchan only has a novice cultivation, which is not enough to display its full power. This is because the spirit of the golden lotus has fused with his mana and condensed into a mana lotus platform. Otherwise, he can only collect the lotus platform at most, and cannot activate it at all. Let alone sitting on it.

The lotus platform shook violently and swayed, Xinci, who was too panicked to sit down, hurriedly sat down.

Guo Lingchan didn't dare to get entangled with the blood baby, so he shot a golden light at the vajra plate, and with the help of the power of the lotus platform, he took it into his hand at once.This treasure is extremely spiritual, and it still throbs and struggles in the hand.

Guo Lingchan had seen the power of the Vajra Plate before. It could resist the Bodhisattva image conjured up by the Three Treasures of Avalokitesvara, and it could withstand the attack of the Blood Infant for so long without any damage.As long as he spends some painstaking efforts to refine it after returning home, Guo Lingchan's strength can be greatly enhanced.

He steered the lotus platform and floated directly out of the hole that Liu Chanzi blasted.

Liu Chanzi was so powerful that he opened Haiqing's suit like an umbrella, and golden glows sprouted from under his feet to support him, and his body floated down slowly like a feather.

(End of this chapter)

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