Buddha Immortal

Chapter 158 Shroud

Chapter 158 Shroud

The inside of the cave is very dark and damp, and only the outlines of objects can be vaguely seen. There are drips of water dripping everywhere on the roof of the cave.Fortunately, this stone cave is huge, about two meters high and nearly three meters wide. There is an apparently trimmed stone path in the middle, and they walked inward along the stone path.

"There is a light here!" Ye Yuying was quite familiar with the scene of the cave, and she pressed on the cave wall, and the light turned on.Under the illumination of the light, the invisible gloom faded a lot.

Perhaps the lights startled the bats in the cave, and they all started to fly in all directions. Instead of flying outside the cave, they flew deep into the cave, and disappeared in a short while.Only a thick layer of bat droppings was left on the ground, proving that they have lived in the cave for a long time.

The deeper you go into the cave, the lower the temperature. Outside the cave, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining brightly, but the inside of the cave is bitterly cold and chilly.

After turning a corner, the space in the cave became much narrower, and Ye Mu's ice coffin was parked there.

"This pair of ice coffins was bought when my father sold all the valuables in the family and borrowed a lot from relatives and friends!"

Guo Lingchan could tell at a glance that the ice coffin was really good, crystal clear, extremely thick and well sealed.

At this moment, by the light, one can see a peaceful woman sleeping in the coffin.

"Mother, Yingying came to see you!" Seeing the woman in the ice coffin, Ye Yuying couldn't bear it any longer, broke away from Guo Lingchan's hand and rushed over, lying on the ice coffin and crying.

The ice coffin and the woman in the coffin were both normal, and there were no demonic objects around. Guo Lingchan saw that there was no danger here, so she left Yuying alone in front of the ice coffin to accompany her mother, and continued to walk deeper into the cave. walk around.

After walking for about 30 to [-] meters, turning more than eight or nine turns, the cave finally came to an end.On the ground at the end, there is something emitting a faint green light. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to find that light without careful observation.

When we got here, the lights had long since disappeared, and all those giant bats gathered here, hanging densely on the top of the cave at the end, squeaking and screaming, and seemed to be singing and celebrating.

When he got closer, Guo Lingchan realized that it was a piece of gray-black linen.

"It's so magical!"

With the strength of his dharma body, copper skin and iron bones, it has long been impenetrable by water and fire, but as soon as he approached the linen cloth for three or four steps, he immediately felt the chill penetrate his skin, and his blood became a little stagnant.His heart has been suspended high, and mana is flowing through his body, ready to go.

After cultivating the relics, the shield formed by mana has been extremely solid, tightly attached to the body, covering the body surface, and the defense is impenetrable. It is much stronger than the mana shield formed by the six monks, and it is also more powerful. In order to be flexible, no matter it is the magic weapon attack, or poisonous gas, poisonous smoke, etc., it is difficult to break through the body protection method.

So far, he has only learned the Zen technique of Duhua **, and the magic weapon is only a top-grade magic weapon. When the pan-length, offensive and defensive lotus platform cannot be used, he immediately seems a little stretched.

"Tom tom tom!"

Guo Lingchan is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He does not believe in evil, so he took three steps forward.

This immediately alarmed the densely packed giant bats on the top of the cave. Each of them was about the size of a duck, and the biggest one was as big as a washbasin. The sharp and dense teeth are very cold, and their ugly faces add a bit of horror.


One by one screamed, like a series of sharp arrows, they shot at fast, fast and ruthless, creating whirlwinds.


The sound of their sharp teeth gnawing at the mana shield was endless, and the huge impact force also made Guo Lingchan feel very uncomfortable.These bats have already mutated, with deep demonic nature, vicious and violent. If they were ordinary people, they would have been eaten to death.

Guo Lingchan no longer allowed them to attack, his shots were like lightning, his Dharma body was the best weapon, "Bang bang bang..." The corpses of the bats rained down like raindrops, they were all killed by one blow, and they were smashed into balls Meatloaf, black blood splattered everywhere.

Only ten minutes passed, and a thick layer of bat corpses fell on the ground. The biggest bat king saw that it was not good, and immediately screamed, and flew out with only a dozen remaining bat soldiers. Then he disappeared without a trace.

Without hindrance, Guo Lingchan looked at the piece of sackcloth on the ground again. A faint stench came from the cloth, which was very pungent. When he inhaled it, he felt his head sink and his chest feel oppressed.


He hurriedly held his breath, and under the flow of mana, the poisonous gas he had inhaled was forced out.

He was fairly knowledgeable about history, the more he looked at the sackcloth on the ground, the more he felt like an ancient shroud.Linen can be said to be an extinct species in modern times. Modern technology is highly developed, and man-made fibers and animal hair have replaced the rough and not warm linen.

It is not unusual to have a piece of linen in this ancient cave, not to mention the poisonous stench and terrifying demonic energy contained in this piece of linen.

It seems that for Guo Lingchan's conjecture, there is actually an ancient Chinese character in a corner of the sackcloth, which is a pictograph that is earlier than the pre-Qin characters.

His historical knowledge helped him a lot. Through careful memory comparison, and even searching the Internet with his optical brain on the spot, he finally recognized the ancient character that was only the size of a fingernail.


It is a pictographic character of Dian, which expresses more directly and vividly than modern simplified Chinese characters. Just that character alone has a deep meaning of death.

He didn't dare to directly touch the shroud that was at least thousands of years old with his hands. With a wave of his hand, a condensed mana swept out, and the shroud was rolled up and floated in the air. The dust was flying, and the stench was overwhelming.

An unexpected thing happened again. After the shroud was rolled up, he actually struggled and made a rattling sound. There was no wind in the cave, but it seemed to be blown by a huge wind, causing layers of ripples.

"Buddha light purification!"

After cultivating the relics, he could directly use the Buddha's light to purify the evil. For a better effect, he even summoned the head of the pan, and the dense golden rain dripped from the head of the pan, onto the shroud.

With the increase of his mana, the power of driving the head of the pan also increased, which was three or four times stronger than when he was in the novice state.It's also faster.

The head of the former Bailing, but now it looks like a fake product, the purification golden rain has no effect on the shroud, and it all disappears.And the shroud was still struggling and shaking.


Guo Lingchan didn't believe in evil, and abundant mana surged out, and all of it entered the pan chief.The golden purification raindrops were bigger and denser than before, and the speed of the dripping was even more astonishing, but there was still no reaction from the shroud.

This time, he finally understood that this shroud was not something he could deal with.

Thinking of Ye Yuying who was still crying on the ice coffin, the iron blood and tenderness in his heart were intertwined in an instant. Gritting his teeth, Guo Lingchan made a crazy decision, sat cross-legged on the ground, and wanted to risk using the alchemy of mind Zen again.

Although the art of refining mind Zen is extremely dangerous, it is suitable for magic treasures or monsters of any level.

Wealth and wealth are in danger. Last time, under his adventure, he successfully refined the coffin board and obtained the incomparably mysterious gloomy wood and soul-locking nails. Only then did he have the supreme weapon to deal with evil spirits.This time, for that poor girl, out of the instinct of human kindness, he shot again.

Originally, it was impossible for Guo Lingchan, who had been a man for two lifetimes, to be so impulsive and reckless, nor would he take such a big risk for a person he met not long ago.

But as his understanding of the Zen of Blood Bodhi deepened, he, who already had a very thorough view of the world, felt that some things didn't have to be done with equal rewards, as long as he thought it was worth it, he could have no hesitation.

At this critical moment, he actually realized a little bit of love, but it was only a part of the realization, so he did not condense the second relic.

A streak of blood-colored Zen was mixed in the mana, and suddenly wrapped the shroud full of evil spirits, turning into tiny blood threads, which penetrated into the cloth.

Guo Lingchan's eyes were tightly closed, and he kept his mind tightly, trying to control the blood Bodhi Zen to refine the shroud.

Perhaps it was his kind deeds that moved the Buddha. This time there was no obstacle, and the meaning of blood bodhi Zen was gradually seeping into the shroud.On the originally dark brown linen cloth, blood lines like spider silk gradually appeared, and gradually increased.

Strangely, the Shroud, which was originally struggling, became extremely quiet at this moment, allowing Guo Lingchan to refine it.

It stands to reason that this piece of magic cloth that has existed for an unknown number of years cannot be so honest. An ominous premonition came to Guo Lingchan's heart, but he was on the verge of an arrow at the moment and had no choice but to succeed. Either he succeeded or he was bitten by the magic cloth. , became a demon who lost his nature and only knew how to kill.

This refinement took nearly an hour. The strange thing is that Ye Yuying in the cave has not been found. The whole cave is extraordinarily quiet, so quiet that you can clearly hear the beating sound of "bang bang" from the shroud. , like a heart beating.

The shroud was covered with dense bloodshots, and the whole cloth glowed with blood, which seemed to indicate that it was about to be successfully refined by Guo Lingchan.

But not only was there no trace of blood on Guo Lingchan's face, his brows were frowned into Sichuan characters, and he bit Bangzi tightly, looking extremely strenuous.

After only three or four minutes, his whole body trembled like a pendulum, his face flushed red, and then turned pale in an instant, without a trace of blood.And the mutation also happened at this time. The shroud that had been quiet all this time suddenly came alive, and there was a hunting sound between the shaking. The black awn of the police quickly cast the harmony mana and the belt of Zen along Guo Lingchan from the cloth, leading to his body.

"Oops, backlash!"

There was a thump in his heart, and without thinking, he bit the tip of his tongue and became a little sober.In a panic, he subconsciously operated the only relic of fear, and a stream of mana rushed towards the black devil energy pouring into his body.

Accompanied by the dense demonic energy introduced into the body, there is also a tyrannical and fierce aura that eats souls and bones. They directly erode Guo Lingchan's soul and mind, and have already affected him. His eyes gradually turned crazy. This is A sign of an impending loss of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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