Buddha Immortal

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
The reflection of the Qilin True Spirit was really slow, until it was pulled into the rosette, it began to resist and struggle, constantly changing its shape.

The emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. Although it was extremely weak, the aura it exuded when it was struggling made Guo Lingchan's soul tremble, his heart throbbed, and he had an urge to kneel down and beg for mercy.It's not that he is weak, let alone that he has no backbone, but that Qilin's level is too high, and the supreme coercion attached to him.

When the universe first opened, Qilin was already the leader of beasts.

The most respected dragons in the minds of Xuanhuang's descendants are all ranked below Qilin, which shows how high its rank is.


Xiaobai suddenly opened his bloody mouth wide open. The strange thing is that this time, it didn't spew out air waves to attack the Qilin True Spirit, but a black vortex appeared in its mouth, spinning rapidly, generating a suction force out of thin air, devouring everything outside.

Sensing the danger, the unicorn's true spirit suddenly burst into a cloud of golden blue auspicious light, but it had no effect at all. It was instantly sucked into Xiaobai's mouth, swallowed it in one gulp, and disappeared.

Guo Lingchan was stunned when he saw it. The abilities of the Xiulin clan were more powerful than the other ones. If the mother beast of Xiulin used this kind of abilities back then, neither he nor Nangong Jianfei would be able to live.

After Xiaobai swallowed the Qilin True Spirit, he lay down on the lotus platform with his eyes closed, golden auras glowed all over his body, and a pixiu image loomed above his body, and he opened his mouth to let out a soundless roar.

After doing everything that needed to be done, Guo Lingchan saw that he could no longer help, so he turned his gaze to a black doorway behind the colorful lotus seat, there seemed to be a hidden hole in it.Out of curiosity, Guo Lingchan walked towards the doorway.

There is no door at the entrance of the cave, but pieces of black brilliance twist and flash, which looks very similar to the legendary space door.

After a moment of hesitation, Guo Lingchan raised his leg and walked in. In a blink of an eye, he had already entered another space.

I saw huge tombs everywhere, without tombstones or signs. The tombs were similar in shape and different in size, and the smallest one was the size of a house.The largest, taller than a small hill.

Guo Lingchan was a little curious, what exactly was buried in these tombs?
Reminiscent of the thirteen beast kings I saw before, the largest Behemoth king is bigger than a house. Its shape is a bit like an orangutan, and its physique is strong. It is exactly the same as in the legend.

"Could this be the most mysterious tomb of the beast king?"

There are so many legends about the tomb of the beast king, which are recorded in many classics, and there are many opinions, but no one knows where the tomb of the beast king is!Regarding the treasures in the Beastmaster's Tomb, there are countless versions and legends.

Guo Lingchan didn't expect that he accidentally entered the most legendary tomb of the beast king. His heart was beating violently and his blood was boiling. He finally got in. He couldn't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.He searched everywhere, but found nothing.

There is nothing but a strong sense of sadness and decline in it.

"Could it be that the treasure is in the tomb?" Thinking of the fierce eyes and powerful aura of the thirteen beast kings outside, Guo Lingchan shuddered and dug up their ancestors' graves. Such a thing was unthinkable.

But to return empty-handed, Guo Lingchan was really not reconciled.

He decided to explore a little farther away, especially the area shrouded in gray mist.

The gray mist in front of him was extremely strange, condensed but not scattered, covering the small area, but it didn't escape.The gray mist is colorless and odorless, and Guo Lingchan can feel the strong breath of death from the mist.

This is not evil spirit, nor is it demonic energy, but rather like the rumored mist of death.

Where there is a fog of death, there must be ghost bones.

Guo Lingchan wants to refine the magic umbrella, but he has not found the material for the umbrella stand. If there is a ghost bone here, it is a perfect match with the shroud. It will definitely greatly improve his chances of successful refining and the quality of the magic weapon.

The ghost bone is a very special material, and the conditions for its formation are very harsh. It can be the bone of any evil beast.However, the more advanced and powerful the evil beasts were, the higher the probability of their bones forming ghost bones.

Basically, it can be concluded that there are ghost bones in this fog of death, but I don't know what kind of monster's bone it is, and how big it is.When he refines the umbrella, it is better to have more ghost bones. If the ghost bones are too small or too few, he still cannot use it to refine the umbrella.

Although Guo Lingchan's dharma body is strong, he dare not easily enter the fog of death.

The death mist is so powerful that it will definitely make the Living Buddha terrified. Like the famous death ripple attack, it is an evil attack that accelerates people's aging.

It is said that there was once a very young holy monk who was defiant and found a fog of death during an accidental expedition. As a result, he broke into it, and he crawled out after only a few seconds.In less than ten seconds, he changed from a young boy to a white-haired old man.


Guo Lingchan instantly displayed his Yang Eye small supernatural power, and through the heavy fog of death, he saw a huge skeleton, which seemed to be the skeleton of a liger-like beast.If you look closely, it looks like the skeleton of an earth dragon.

The skeleton is very well preserved. It has turned from white to emerald green. At first glance, it looks like it has been aged for a long time, and it is covered with a layer of moss or mold.But if you observe carefully, you will find that the dark green skeleton is emitting a faint gray mist, and there is also a dim dark green light flickering on the surface of the bone.

In front of the fog of death, Guo Lingchan frowned tightly. He was not sure that he would enter the fog of death without being harmed.

In the eyes of many monks, the ghost bone is an ominous thing, and it is usually used to refine natal rosary beads. It is said that beads can kill people.

Guo Lingchan regretted that he didn't leave a soul general behind. If he could make the other party succumb, let the soul general enter the fog of death and take out the ghost bone, he would be able to get it immediately.One thing falls one thing, the soul will be a ghost, and the ghost is a kind of dead soul. They are undead creatures, so they are not afraid of the death mist hurting themselves.

Thinking of Soul General, Guo Lingchan suddenly remembered that he already had a Yin-Yang mirror, which was extremely miraculous, and had unexpected effects against things in the underworld.

He held the Yin-Yang mirror in his hands, but unfortunately this mirror is too mysterious, after obtaining it for so long, Guo Lingchan only mastered the function of using it to emit black or white light.He has studied this mirror many times, trying to find out the secrets inside, but unfortunately he found nothing.

As soon as the mana was urged, a white light shot into the fog of death.The fog rolled for a while, but the white light dispersed, and the fog became quiet again.

He didn't give up, and urged again, a black light shot into the mist, but it still had no effect.

Guo Lingchan was completely speechless now.He thought that relying on this thing could at least reduce some of the fog of death, but it didn't work at all. He frowned again, and kept thinking about how to get the ghost bone.

(End of this chapter)

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