Buddha Immortal

Chapter 309

Chapter 309
With the strength of the four dharma kings, if they didn't want to protect the students of the monastery, they could easily escape.

The four of them have a small green seal on their heads, only the size of a palm, with brilliance flowing, giving people a cool and pure feeling.

I saw that the magic pattern attack of the Pharaoh King hit the small green seal and was immediately neutralized.

Guo Lingchan could see clearly from above, and he was a little hot-eyed. The Divine Shield Zen technique he had cast could also resist spiritual attacks, but he couldn't last even a second under the magic pattern of the Pharaoh King.

He had already guessed the small green seal cast by the four dharma kings. This must be the true method of Buddhism. If he guessed correctly, it must be the ultimate god-protecting true dharma that only dharma kings can cast, the seal of the soul.

The soul seal is a spiritual protection seal, which can defend one's own soul impeccably, almost to the point of perfection.

The attack of the Pharaoh King is not limited to the magic pattern attack, the body of the Shashi is definitely the strongest, far surpassing the monks of the same level.Moreover, at the level of the Pharaoh King, the recovery ability of the demon body has reached the point where it is heart-shattering.

The most powerful corpse king in the legend is called the Immortal Corpse King.

The Immortal Corpse King is not really immortal, it means that their regenerative ability is ridiculously strong, they are really reborn from a drop of blood, and they are immortal.

Just like the current French king, just a heart can be resurrected and reborn.

The Pharaoh King, whose strength has returned to its peak state, is full of magic flames all over his body. Although he is constantly weakened by the purifying Zen light, every time he howls up to the sky, the magic flames all over his body can be restored to the original state, and even become more and more vigorous.

The Tao is one foot high, and the demon is one foot high, and the four Dharma kings could not do anything to get it.

On the contrary, every time it attacks, every time it swings its six arms, it can force any dharma king into danger and panic.Even the most powerful middle-aged scribe can't compete with it.

"Junior Brother, be careful!"

Suddenly, the cunning Pharaoh attacked frantically, forcing back the middle-aged scribe and another old pharaoh. His eyes were filled with blood, regardless of the attack of another old pharaoh with a raised eyebrow, his eyes were bloodshot. Guang Dasheng suddenly turned into a phantom and shot at Elder Jingji who was already injured.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged scribe was startled and angry, and he threw out a magic weapon like a hill, smashing it towards the Pharaoh King with bursts of sound.

Guo Lingchan saw it clearly. It was a Sumeru Altar. Somehow, it was refined into a magic weapon by a middle-aged scribe. The power of merit contained in it was almost full, and the power of merit in the shape of a golden liquid could be vaguely seen flowing. .

It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance. The middle-aged scribe looks like a gentle and elegant scholar, but the magic weapon he uses is a powerful and fierce human magic weapon.

At the bottom of the Sumeru Altar, there appeared an 'X' Buddha Talisman, which looked extremely sacred, and it rose in the wind. When it reached the top of the head of the Dharao King, it was almost half the size of a hill, and its momentum was very terrifying.

It's just that the middle-aged scribe's trick of encircling Wei and saving Zhao can only relieve the pressure on Elder Jingji in the later stage, and cannot immediately stop the French king from attacking him.

The six demonic arms, all of them are dark, solid and condensed, as terrifying as the bodies of demonic dragons.They are either condensed into eagle claws, or held into magic fists, or turned into palm knives, they all strike together, as fast as lightning, attacking in three directions, up, middle and down, like three peerless powerhouses attacking at the same time.

Sha Zang's true demon body is not something to be trifled with.

Elder Jingji didn't dare to resist, but under the strong attack of the Pharaoh King, he had to bite the bullet and take it.His hands met a pair of magic fists that hit his head.On the chest and abdomen, a highly condensed Fudo Ming King seal appeared at the moment of Qian Jun's attack.

The more concentrated and condensed the seal of King Ming is, the stronger the defensive power will naturally be.If you want to block the attack of the Pharaoh King's claws, you must concentrate and condense them to block them.Otherwise, it is likely to be broken with one blow, and it cannot be blocked at all.

He blocked the upper and middle attacks, but the pair of palm knives on his thighs and crotch were no longer able to resist.

The crotch is where the perineum is. If one is hit by the King of Law, even the Elder Jingji, who has cultivated a golden body, will not be able to withstand it. If he is not dead, he will be seriously injured.

There is nothing he can do about it, the head and chest are more important than the lower body, once he touches him, he will definitely die immediately.

Both sides in the fierce battle did not notice that a Han-6 flying saucer was quietly floating hundreds of meters above their heads.Guo Lingchan has been watching the battle below from above. Battles at the Dharma King level are extremely rare, but he has opened his eyes and benefited a lot. He has gained a lot of inspiration, and his vision has become more enlightened. He has some clear understanding of future practice.

Perhaps it was because Elder Jingji was seriously injured, Guo Lingchan always felt that his divine light was dim, and there was a faint glint of blood on the top of his head. With the miraculous power of the prophet, he vaguely sensed that Elder Jingji was about to encounter great danger.

The one who can pose great danger to him is naturally the Pharaoh King who is so fierce and mighty.

If you receive the favor of dripping water, you should repay it with a spring.

Buddhism attaches great importance to cause and effect. If you want to realize the status of living Buddha, you must end all causes and effects in order to obtain great peace and freedom.

Back then, when Guo Lingchan was still weak, he killed seven students of the Tantric sect force out of impulsiveness, including the genius student Zach.

When Bhikkhu Huimi planned to sue, it was Bhikkhu Huineng who asked Elder Jingji and got his help, which saved Guo Lingchan from death.

Guo Lingchan always kept this favor in his heart.

He originally thought that he would have to wait a few years before the cause and effect could be settled, but he didn't expect that there was an opportunity right now.Without too much hesitation, he immediately and quietly manipulated the flying saucer to land not high above the ground, to the top of the battlefield.

He is also a bold man with high skills. Ordinary monks, when facing the French Lao King, would only think of running far away, and would not approach him.

Elder Jingji's heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley, he knew that under the blow of the Pharaoh King, it was a blessing in misfortune to be able to save his life, as for his legs and lower body, they were likely to be destroyed.There was a burst of numbness from the injured part of the chest, which was the corpse poison corroding the muscles and nerves.

"Bang, bang..."

The Pharaoh King's attack this time was more ferocious than before. Elder Jingji's Ming Wang Fudo Seal could barely block its two claws and it was shattered, and his arms clashed with the Pharaoh King's fists, and a burst of pain When he came, he became numb and weak in an instant, and the bones inside were all damaged.

When Qian Jun shot, a figure descended from the sky. The speed was not inferior to that of the Dharma King. What Elder Jingji didn't expect was that the figure seemed to be able to predict things well. The two palms of the Pharaoh King were afraid.

And that figure snorted, came quickly, went even faster, and was knocked out in an instant, and the person was in the air, spurting out big mouthfuls of silver blood.

Elder Jingji was not knocked into the air, but he was not much better. He only had time to use his body skills to escape into the distance.

He no longer had the strength to fight anymore, and he was completely terrified by the French king, so he didn't dare to fight anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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