Chapter 449 Help

There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled.

A gust of wind blew up in the sky, and gusts of black yin energy quickly rushed out from the ground of the mountain.

Yi Tianxing's face changed, "How is it possible?"

How can there be such a strong yin in this place?


The sound of the brown snake came from below, followed by a black snake covered in bruises rushing out from below.

As soon as the black dragon turned around, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of water towards the bottom of the mountain.

There is a cloudy atmosphere around, and the sky and the earth seem to have become darker.

The tomb of the royal family was supposed to be a place with rich aura of geomantic omen, but now it seems that is not the case.Demon cultivators use yin qi, and only those who are unwilling to reconcile with wronged souls have strong yin qi.

Yi Tianxing held his long knife as soon as he raised his hand, "You guys wait here, I'll go down and have a look."

"Father, don't go there." Yi Jiu hurriedly called Yi Tianxing to a stop, and glanced at the long knife in his hand.The shape of this long knife is more like Qinglong Yanyue knife, the blade is narrow and cold, and the light is sharp. This kind of weapon is at least a top-grade magic weapon.But this weapon is good, but it has one biggest weakness.

Yi Jiu didn't know it at first, but Tianxiang Ding, who is an artifact, knew it.

"Father, there is hostility on your saber, you must not go down." Yi Jiu shouted loudly, but fortunately, Hei Jiao was fast enough and finally stopped Yi Tianxing.

"Arrogance?" Yi Tianxing was puzzled.There is a strong hostility on his weapon, but he has been to some dark places before and he has not seen any strange things happen.

Yi Jiu naturally saw the doubts in Yi Tianxing's heart, frowned and patiently explained to him, "The people below are probably from the royal family, and there should be a magic weapon that can control people's hearts through hostility. Specifically, I I don't know too well, anyway, Dad, you are not suitable to go on."

Hostility is not something that only weapons have, and Yi Tianxing himself also carries a lot of hostility.

This is a special power, which can be said to be good or bad.The good thing is that it can make people avoid their edge on the battlefield, but the bad thing is that it will always make people who are contaminated with this aura fall into anger.

Yi Tianxing is fine, but Yi Jiu doesn't want him to take risks.

The eighth sister has already had an accident, if her father has any problems, she is really the first two older.

"Master." The brown snake flew over and called out panting.

"Thank you for your hard work, where is my eighth sister?"

The brown snake opened its mouth, and there was guilt in its vertical pupils, "There is a demon down there, and Miss Ba and I accidentally bumped into each other when we came out. Miss Ba was taken away by that demon, and I desperately wanted to Take Miss Eight back, but..."

It is not uncommon to have such a thing as a demon cultivator. The question is why this demon cultivator suddenly ran into the royal tomb.

Yi Jiu got off the bed with chest tightness, seeing the brown snake's body hurt, feeling a little pain in her heart, and worried about Yi Wei's situation.

"You come back to rest first, and let's talk about it after recovering from the injury."

The brown snake looked at Yi Jiu, "I can't rest, I didn't protect the master sister well, I must bring her back."

"Oshemaru, you've tried your best." Yi Jiu said, reaching out and patted his head, "This time I made you suffer."

"Master, I'm fine. I can still support this little injury." The brown snake said as it shrank and flew to Yi Jiu's shoulder.

Seeing that the brown snake was unwilling to go back to the spirit animal bag to rest, Yi Jiu didn't say anything more. The situation is urgent now, so we must quickly bring Yi Wei out.

(End of this chapter)

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