Invincible from the start

Chapter 101 Life and Death Book Can Reduce Lifespan

Chapter 101 Life and Death Book Can Reduce Lifespan

In the next few days, Su Heng resumed his beautiful life of admiring flowers and beauties. Every day, when he watched countless underworld messengers capture lonely ghosts in Kyushu and imprison them in dungeons, or send them to the eighteenth floor of hell, he felt sad. Always happy, this is good for eliminating harm for the people, and increasing longevity...

One hundred thousand ghosts stay in the underworld all the year round, and because of the practice of reincarnation, he is dressed in a black robe, holding a soul chain, with a sinister aura, and looks more like a ghost than a ghost.

The lucky girl seems to have temporarily lost interest in lanterns after having a rabbit as a playmate. She takes the rabbit to run around in the underworld every day. This rabbit is a scourge. It likes to bite things. If you don't leave when you're done, you just squat there, waiting for the owner of the thing to come, and then wagging your tail to mock him.

As a result, there will often be a picture in the underworld, a rabbit is jumping around nimbly in front, and a bunch of people behind are yelling, dead rabbit, I will kill you...

If they couldn't catch the rabbit, the last group of people ran to Su Heng to complain. Su Heng was very annoying. If he caught the rabbit, he would give him a slap on the head. memory.

The little girl and faithfully carried out Su Heng's orders, giving the rabbit a few melon seeds on the head every day, and said while pumping: "Good rabbit must be obedient."

The Nether Ghost King, who was habitually hanging on the beam, shivered when he saw the rabbit. He felt that the rabbit was not as clever as when he first came here. He had been beaten every day for the past few days, and his little eyes were a little lax. It seemed to be a little sluggish, and I'm afraid my brain is about to be pumped out...

Without the trouble of the rabbit, Su Heng lay down very peacefully, watching Hongyiluo fold off the petals of the other shore every day boredly, every time after folding a certain number of pieces, Hongyiluo would sway the petals into the sky together , the entire Wangchuan River is covered with ruddy and bright-coloured petals.

Hong Yiluo said that when she and Li Feiyun were together in the Qingyu Building, she liked to squat on the roof and sway the petals down. The beauty of that moment is always fresh in people's memory.

Su Xiaoxiao and others would come to report to Su Heng every day about the situation in various parts of Kyushu, or some affairs in the underworld, no matter whether the salted fish emperor would listen or not, she would talk about it.

After Su Xiaoxiao left, Zhong Kui, who was full of black beard and beard, came over. His expression was a little dignified, and his steps looked heavy. Since the implementation of the assessment system, he has been trembling all the time, for fear that if he did something wrong, he would be impressed by the emperor plummeted.

"Emperor..." Zhong Kui looked at Su Heng's back, feeling a lot of pressure in his heart, and beads of sweat slowly overflowed from his scalp.

"What's wrong?" Su Heng, who was looking at the Wangchuan River, didn't look back, but he could hear something wrong with Zhong Kui's voice.

Zhong Kui bit the bullet: "Great Emperor, my subordinates have discovered that some errant servants recently took bribes and let go of some evil spirits who should have been arrested and brought back to the underworld..."

Collecting bribes and corruption are unavoidable no matter where they are. Where there is white, there will naturally be black. Su Heng had thought about it before, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Su Heng thought for a while, he was not good at how to deal with this aspect, so he simply handed it all over to Zhong Kui: "You can figure it out yourself, and check what needs to be checked."

Seeing that Su Heng didn't blame him for his dereliction of duty, and still trusted him so much, Zhong Kui was deeply moved, didn't say any more nonsense, cupped his hands and left respectfully.

"Great Emperor, haha, let me just say, since this book of life and death can increase people's lifespan, it must also reduce people's lifespan. Otherwise, why is it called the book of life and death?" Old man Yan arrived before he heard, with a smug tone complacently.

"My lord, I have been researching the book of death recently. Although I haven't seen it through yet, I have tried it and have successfully reduced the lifespan of the Nether Ghost King by one day. I believe that if I go on for a long time, I will be able to crack the secret of the book of life and death." Old man Yan was holding the book of life and death, his tone was excited, and his eyes were excited.

After studying for so long, I lost one day...

Su Heng looked at Old Man Yan silently, and after thinking about it, he still gave him a look of encouragement, but he was a little worried. He changed his life against the sky last time and gave Su Xiaoxiao an extra 100 years of life. 100 years of life are deducted.

This old man Yan reduced the lifespan of the Nether Ghost King, and hurt each other like this, I feel that old man Yan will die first one day...

Old Man Yan left happily. He felt that he was one step closer to the goals on the small list.


Beizhou, Zaitian Mountain, the sky is scorching hot, and a group of farmers at the bottom of the mountain are digging hard with hoes, sweating.

The leading farmer, with white hair and white beard, looked 80 or [-] years old, but he was hale and hearty, not at all like an ordinary old man.

Beside the old man was a group of young people, who seemed to be from the same village. Like the old man, they were digging hard with hoes, as if they wanted to open a road out.

The old man was different from these young people. Every time he swung the hoe, there was a flash of light in his hand. As soon as the hoe was lowered, a large rock was easily dug out, and then a group of young people would come up to carry it and drag it away.

The old man is also tireless and energetic.

Every time the old man dug up a few boulders, he would rest for a while to wipe off his sweat. When he looked up, he saw a burly man with a bare upper body running in the sun. He had big earlobes and two yellow snakes hanging on his left and right sides. , holding two yellow snakes in each hand, and the four yellow snakes spit out letters, but they didn't bite the big man, but they were very well-behaved.

The big man was full of energy, and he didn't feel tired from running under the hot sun. He kept running along the mountain road without taking a breath.

"This idiot is chasing the sun again, chasing the sun every day, how can he catch up with the sun, isn't he a fool..." The old man laughed when he saw the big man chasing the sun.

After hearing this, a young man next to the old man looked up at Mount Zaitian, which is at least several thousand meters above sea level, and then lowered his head and muttered a few words in a low voice: "I also said that you are a fool, aren't you stupid to dig mountains with a hoe every day... ..."

The old man's ears are very sensitive, and he gave the young man a head straight after hearing it: "What nonsense, old man, I am digging mountains for the benefit of future generations, so that future generations can enjoy the shade of the ancestors, brat, do you understand, wait for you in the future If you die and bury it in the ground, future generations will remember your goodness, and every Qingming will remember to burn more paper money for you."

Your old analogy is a bit fresh and refined...

The young man murmured in his heart, covered his head, and grinned his teeth in pain: "Yes, yes, Yugong, you are right."


PS: There are two more updates to come, please ask for a recommendation ticket for support...

Thank you for the 20170619212933436 coins from 'You Shuang 叒叕通过', the 20190212223809106 coins from 'Little Crane in the World', the [-] coins from 'Tun Tianshi', and the [-] coins from 'Book Friends [-]', Thank you for the [-] coins from 'The Journey of Tyrannosaurus Dragon', thank you to 'Book Friends [-]' for the [-] coins, thank you for the [-] coins from 'Zhuo Zhuo Zhuo', thank you to 'Severely' for the [-] coins, thank you to 'Tutu Mengxue' Thank you for the five hundred coins of 'The Delusion of False Reality', thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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