Invincible from the start

Chapter 107 Donghai Fuso

Chapter 107 Donghai Fuso
Su Heng came out in a mirage boat from the sealing stone, and looked back at the rabbits who were still gnawing on the sealing stone. They had already gnawed half of it, and the group of old things in the strange man's mouth probably came out soon, and it should be in these In the past few days, Su Heng didn't know where he came from.

Without staying longer, Su Heng left in the mirage boat.

Standing on the edge of the boat and waving to Jin Chanzi, the monk looked back at the half-gnawed setting sun. Although he didn't know what was going on, he could guess that it had something to do with Su Heng.

Watching the mirage ship go away, Jin Chanzi continued to close his eyes and meditate, and a sentence full of Zen sutras drifted away with the peach blossoms.


When Su Heng returned to Fengdu, he saw the little girl holding a rabbit, riding a tortoise, and walking along the Wangchuan River.

Rabbit's eyes were a little blank, and the back of his head was also swollen...

Xuanwu crawled slowly, and the snake tail on the back of his butt gave the rabbit a little bit from time to time...

Hearing that Su Heng was back, Su Xiaoxiao came immediately, the wheels rattled, and she was dressed in white, with her skirt dragging slightly on the ground.

"My lord, someone discovered the sacred hibiscus tree in the East China Sea. The monks from all over the world went there together. Master Qin clamored for many times to ask you to bring back the hibiscus tree, saying it would be of great use." Su Xiaoxiao nodded slightly to Su Heng, as if Respect, in fact, the two are too familiar with each other, generally there is no need to adjust those cumbersome etiquette, so as not to appear strange.

This old man Qin has a lot of things to do. Last time it was a yin-yang tree, and this time it was a hibiscus tree. After the old man was unable to support the chicken, he was on the tree. Maybe he could have a little fantasy by looking at the thick trees all day long.

"Emperor, you are back. You must bring this hibiscus wood back." Old man Qin was not much slower than Su Xiaoxiao. This old man was quite old, and he ran like flying, shouting loudly from afar.

The old man Qin ran over, took a few breaths, and said: "My lord, I found that the Wangchuan River was moving a few days ago, and the fluctuations were severe. After careful inspection, I found that the river was overflowing. Fusang Shenmu is the most powerful tree in the world. The existence of Zhiyang can be placed in the Wangchuan River to calm the water of the Yang River."

The Wangchuan River was originally created by the old man Qin leading the water from the Yang River. The old man swore that there would be no problem at the beginning, but he did not expect the problem to arise now.

Seemingly aware that something was wrong with Su Heng's eyes, Master Qin blushed: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault for not being good at learning, and I didn't do it well. I promise I won't make any mistakes again this time."

Su Heng glanced at old man Qin, this old guy boasted that he was the number one casting master in the world every day, and it turns out that anyone who claims to be the number one in the world is not very reliable, except himself...

"Emperor, take Zhang Chuzhi with you on this trip. He has already broken through and said that he needs new experience to sharpen his swordsmanship." Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Su Heng from the side, and said lightly.

Su Heng nodded, it doesn't matter if he takes Zhang Chuzhi with him or not, anyway, no matter where this guy goes, he just sits there. Su Heng doesn't understand the guy's kendo.

Zhang Chuzhi, who had changed into clean clothes, stood beside Su Heng with dull eyes, somewhat similar to that rabbit.

The little girl rode a turtle over to say hello to Su Heng. Hearing that Su Heng was leaving again, he was a little bit reluctant. Su Heng patted the little girl's head and told him a few words, especially the rabbit, remember to beat it all the time...


In the East China Sea, the blue ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, the sea breeze never ceases, and the waves rise layer upon layer.

Because of the appearance of the Fusang Sacred Tree, monks from Kyushu came from all over the country. This time, it was different. After getting the news, no one chose to hesitate, and they all came to witness the grace of the Sacred Tree.

Fusang stands in the middle of the East China Sea, shining golden light, standing upright, with intertwined roots and strange shape, like a golden phoenix living here, and nine branches are branched from the tree, each of which is shaped like the golden phoenix , but slightly smaller.

Humans, ghosts, and demons all gather here. Those with strong strength stand on the islands in the sea, and those with weak strength stand on the shore and wait and see.

As the local power of the East China Sea, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is quiet and abnormal. People who don't know it are confused, but those who know it tell the truth. Everyone in the East China Sea is scared out of their wits. When Emperor Fengdu killed the Dragon King of the Four Seas, he I warned the Four Seas Dragon Palace not to come out and wander around if there is nothing to do, so the people in Donghai are very good now, and they dare not show their heads, for fear that it will not end when the great emperor comes and sees it.

On the coast of the east coast, Kuafu, with two yellow snakes in his ear and holding two yellow snakes in his hand, silently looked at the dazzling hibiscus tree in the sea. Looking at the hibiscus tree, I don't know what I'm thinking.

One lost his sister, the other lost his fiancée. Since then, the two have often been inseparable...

One wants to catch up with the sun to seek justice, and the other wants to shoot down the sun to seek justice. No one can understand them.

"It is rumored that the Fusang sacred tree is the one closest to the sun. If I can get it and find the secret inside, maybe I can catch up to the sun soon." Kuafu's voice was strong and powerful, and he looked up at the sky when he spoke. In Chiyang, four yellow snakes spit out letters.

Hou Yi folded his arms and said, "It is rumored that this hibiscus tree can give birth to nine suns. I don't know if it is true or not. If it is true, maybe we can use this to find a way to shoot down the sun."

Kuafu looked at the countless monks on the shore, and said, "There are too many people, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Hou Yi said with a cold face, "No matter who it is, no one can block our way."

Kuafu didn't speak, just looked at the hibiscus tree in the sea.

"Amitabha, the hibiscus tree is very attractive to the world." At an inconspicuous place on the east coast, Motuo sat on a black lotus, looking at the East China Sea and the group of people with a gentle face.

"It's good to have many people, so that there will be disputes, so that more blood can be shed." Beside Motuo, a big man in black with a long face and a few red ropes were tied on his back, behind which a coffin was wrapped.

Mo Tuo smiled: "The world is so greedy. Although the sacred tree is good, it is not my own. After all, it is useless to fight for it."

Zou, a big man in black, frowned: "Are you sure that emperor from Fengdu will come?"

Mo Tuo nodded indifferently: "I understand him, Fusang Shenmu, who wouldn't want it."


PS: Foreshadowing... Please recommend tickets, come out every day, otherwise you will definitely not ignore me...

Thanks to 'xiaomeng' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to 'The Journey of the Tyrannosaurus' for the reward of [-] coins, and thanks to 'Why shut me up and smile like a prince' for the reward of [-] coins, brother, you I want to laugh at this nickname once I see it, and I will solve it for you as soon as I know how to lift the ban...

(End of this chapter)

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