Invincible from the start

Chapter 109 What the hell is going on

Chapter 109 What the hell is going on
A sudden sound interrupted Houyi's attention. He subconsciously put away his spirit bow, looked at Su Heng in surprise, and his heart skipped a beat when he recognized Su Heng's appearance. Just now, he heard a monk next to him mention that this person seemed to be The invincible Emperor Fengdu?

It's just that this great emperor seems to be a bit idle, and he likes to wander around when he has nothing to do all day long...

But teach yourself to shoot the sun?Even if you are invincible, but I have been practicing arrows since I was a child, and I have practiced arrows for more than 20 years, so I may not be worse than you...

"Ayi..." Seeing Houyi frozen in place, Kuafu on the side immediately reminded him and touched him with his hand.

Hou Yi came back to his senses, looked at Su Heng, and fell silent again.

Su Heng didn't care, and said with a smile: "Can you lend me this spirit bow?"

borrow?The corners of Hou Yi's mouth twitched when he heard it. It was rumored that this person has always had the habit of borrowing things, and usually he may not be able to return after borrowing... I heard that Changsheng Temple has borrowed a lot...

The spirit bow is very important to Houyi, it is equivalent to his second life. In the words of Kuafu, apart from life, nothing is more important than the following...

To take away the spirit bow is to take his life, and to take away his lower body... Hou Yi didn't want to borrow it.

Hou Yi even remembered what he had said to Kuafu just now, and he said with great ambition that if they want to get the hibiscus tree, no matter who they are, they can't stand in their way...

The first person blocking the way is here, and he has a big background...

"Ayi, the emperor just wanted to see, and he will pay you back..." Kuafu on the side saw that Houyi was in a bad state, so he uttered again. He deliberately spoke loudly, and many people nearby heard him.

Su Heng glanced at Kuafu, the fat man who kept snakes was very scheming...

Houyi is not stupid, he grew up with Kuafu since he was a child, everyone knows how long every hair on each other's body is, and he understood the meaning after a few words from Kuafu. Handing over the spirit bow, he lowered his head, feeling extremely unwilling.

"Hehe, the resentment is very deep." Mo Tuo was also paying attention to this side. When he saw Houyi, he smiled. This is the resentment of the weak, which is very deep.

Zhang Chuzhi looked over: "This is the sword of the weak."

Su Heng held the spiritual bow and watched it carefully. The bow was like fire, shining brightly. It's really good. I really want to borrow it for a lifetime...

Glancing at the ten suns in the sky, Su Heng followed Hou Yi's example, raised his bow, and drew the string with his right hand. The aura gathered in his palm and transformed into a purple spiritual arrow.

Hou Yi and Kuafu looked over at the same time. The arrow had not been shot yet, but they already felt a terrifying aura, which was much stronger than the arrow that Hou Yi had practiced for more than 20 years.

Although this arrow is on the string, the people watching it can already guess the fate of those scorching suns in the sky.

Su Heng was also full of confidence. Although it was his first time to shoot an arrow, it was because he felt itchy to try this spiritual bow and wanted to try it, but he was very confident in himself.

The aura of the purple spiritual arrow that gathered thousands of spiritual energy had reached its peak. Su Heng didn't hesitate. He let go of the string with his right hand.

The purple streamer broke through the space, tore through the air, and headed straight towards the scorching hot sun with an aura of destroying everything.


The arrow is crooked...

Shooting into the vast East China Sea...

Seeing Lingjian and Lieyang passing by, the atmosphere was quiet and scary for a while...

Countless eyes looked over, and Zhang Chuzhi also looked over: "..."

Su Heng panicked a little. This is the first time he didn't get his head right, and it's normal to be crooked, but he is the emperor of Fengdu, so he can't be crooked...

"All things have spirits, and the Nine Suns are formed by the branches of the Hibiscus Sacred Tree. If you shoot them directly, you will feel a little bit unbearable after all..." Su Heng's face was calm, and there was still a bit of compassion on his chiseled face.

The voice is well controlled, it is neither ostentatious nor weak, and many people can hear it clearly, and many people even look refreshed after hearing it.

Su Heng sighed again, with the strength of the voice just now: "But these ten days are in the air, it is harmful and not beneficial. After all, it is the people of Kyushu who are suffering. For the sake of the common people in the world, we can only kill them."

The purple spiritual arrow reappeared. With the previous failure, this time Su Heng grasped the angle very accurately, and the purple light soared into the sky again.

With the momentum of shattering everything, he roared away.

This time, the spirit arrow shot through Lie Yang accurately, and at the moment when the spirit arrow shot in, there was a miserable cry from the sky, and a golden crow fell down with its head down, and the flames on its body were no longer as hot as before Bright and limp, it returned to the hibiscus tree and returned to its original appearance.

Not only that, the purple spiritual arrows continued to move forward, piercing through one scorching sun after another, no more, no less, exactly eight, strung together in a line, the nine-headed golden crows fell one after another, with miserable cries from their mouths sound, back to the hibiscus tree.

With one arrow piercing nine days, this is Emperor Fengdu, so terrifying...

"Everyone, if the Golden Crow appears again and harms the common people, I will bring this hibiscus tree back to the underworld. No one will object, right?" Su Heng tried his best to show a kind smile and looked at the crowd. What he wanted to show was a refined and easy-going side. Convince these people by being calm, reasoning, and talking about the righteousness of the common people, not by strength...

He wants to convince people with virtue...

"Heroes from all walks of life in Kyushu are here. Any one of the twelve sects of Shenzhou can be in charge of the hibiscus tree. Why should you be in charge?" A voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was a little delicate, with a hidden bewitching sound. The monks below didn't feel anything at first, but gradually, an inexplicable irritability rose in their hearts, and then they recognized the words, and they felt more for Su Heng in their hearts. Contradictions, countless resentments arise.

Su Heng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would dare to oppose him. The bewitching voice sounded familiar. Although the voice came from all directions, Su Heng quickly caught the source. Looking over, he was taken aback again.

It's actually an old acquaintance, Mo Tuo...

Mo Tuo was sitting on the black lotus, squinting his eyes, behind him there was a faint phantom of Mo Buddha, sitting on the black lotus exuding a strange light.

Mo Tuo sat there, no one could see him, no one could feel his aura, but Su Heng saw it clearly...

It's just that Su Heng didn't know that Mo Tuo had a secret stone, which could shield him from all auras. He was still wondering, is this Mo Tuo's guts getting fatter now?Dare to stand up and sing against yourself in such an upright manner?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Su Heng became vigilant in his heart, and slowly raised his palm, gathering the momentum of his whole body in the palm without any reservations. What surprised him was that the Mo Tuo didn't hide or dodge, just sat on the black lotus, closed his eyes , continue to bewitch the group of monks below, arousing their resentment.

What is the support of this Mo Tuo?

Su Heng couldn't figure it out, the black and white qi had already gathered in his palm, without hesitation, he pushed flat with his palm, and the edge of the palm was born and died.

Motuo, who was sitting on the black lotus, absorbed the resentment wholeheartedly, his magic power soared, and he couldn't pay attention to the movement outside. He didn't react until a shocking palm came to his face, opened his eyes, foolishly Looking at the black and white energy that can destroy everything in the world...

What the hell is going on...

At this time, in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the wind and sea are calm, the new Dragon King leans on the dragon chair and closes his eyes to rest, everything is peaceful and peaceful, until an arrow is shot down...


PS: Everybody?Already squeezed dry?Is it not working anymore? Is there no recommendation ticket?

Thanks: "zfsgdgs" for the reward of [-] coins, thank you for the reward of [-] coins from "The Journey of the Tyrannosaurus", thank you for the rewards every time you update my brother, I am familiar with it...

(End of this chapter)

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