Chapter 116
In Dongzhou, on the vast and endless plain, you can occasionally see some bamboo fence and thatched houses sitting next to each other, forming villages, but the population is sparsely populated, and there are two families standing against the wall.

The two families were arguing, and it was actually because of a wall. Some villagers passing by were used to it. Dang Lehe looked at it, and the two families were quarreling over the land of a wall, leaving the plains that could be reclaimed everywhere. In general, it is to fight for that breath.

The quarrel lasted for a long time, and no one dissuaded it, until the two quarreling families began to realize that something was wrong. They found that the distance between them seemed to be widening, and the whole land was shaking.

They lowered their heads and found to their surprise that the land seemed to have grown bigger...

Then, they discovered that the distance between each other was getting bigger and bigger, and they were getting farther and farther away. They stood in place, but the ground under their feet separated them. In the end, they could no longer see each other. , only the wall remained, standing alone in place.

This place... has grown bigger?

After so many years of experience, no one is too surprised.

It's just that the two quarreling families stood where they couldn't see each other, feeling a little melancholy. Thinking about the relationship between the two families in the past, it was still good, but it gradually changed. Now this place exists, but the human touch is gone. , and suddenly separated so far, in the wilderness, I don't know if there will be a chance to meet again in the future...

The next day, a monk from Dongzhou used a magic weapon and shuttled between the states. It was said that Dongzhou and other states and counties were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles!
The governor of Dongzhou claimed that he was a descendant of Empress Tang, and he established himself as a country, named Dongtu Great Tang Kingdom!

Taoism, the head teacher Wang Qingyuan is sitting on a futon, wearing a crane robe, and his whole temperament has changed drastically. In the past, Wang Qingyuan had the kindness and pity of an old man in his eyes, but now Wang Qingyuan's eyes only see the coldness and silence that regards all beings as equal. , with a few strands of white beard on his chin, and a boy standing on the left and right, showing the air of a master of the immortal family. The boy stepped forward to fiddle with the incense burner, on which sandalwood was lit, and the green smoke filled the air, full of fairy spirit.

A group of Taoist disciples below bowed respectfully and proclaimed Tianzun.


Once the monks at the foot of Daxue Mountain attained enlightenment, they stepped on the Buddha's light and entered the Changsheng Temple. After three days of chanting, the flowers, birds, and wild animals all became enlightened, and their aura rose spontaneously. , Wanfo Chaozong.

Tathagata Buddha has a six-foot golden body, sits on a golden lotus and on the back mountain of Changsheng Temple, and utters Zen thoughts. In one day, the aura of the back mountain soars to the sky, and a group of monks call this mountain a spiritual mountain.


In Fengdu, when Su Heng came back with the little girl, he found that the water of the Wangchuan River was all around Fengdu. , there are many false and real lonely ghosts floating on the river bank, and these lonely ghosts are waiting for the day when the gate of hell will open next month.

With Su Heng's arrival, countless ghosts and ghosts along the way panicked and avoided, and even knelt down and prostrated, proclaiming the emperor.

In the Wangchuan River, a black and strange boat appeared under the city of Fengdu, passing through the mist, and sailing towards Su Heng. The hull was completely black, without sails, and the outside of the boat was stained with water stains from the Wangchuan River, which could be seen everywhere , like a little bit of moss scattered, it looks very dilapidated.

"Great Emperor, you have worked hard. I have been waiting here for a long time." On the bow, it was Zhou Feng, who claimed to be Su Heng's number one dog leg, bent over, respectful, with a smile on his face.

Now Zhou Feng no longer brainwashes people personally, and all the tasks are assigned to the subordinates. These days, he is pampered, his body is out of shape, and he is heading towards the trend of obesity, and chubby flesh appears on his face.

Su Heng was curious about the dilapidated boat, and took the little girl's hand and walked up it. The little girl resisted the dilapidated boat, holding Su Heng's clothes tightly with one hand, unwilling to let go.

"My lord, this black boat was made by Mr. Qin. He said that it can come and go freely on the Wangchuan River without worrying about the erosion of the river. It's just that some materials are not complete, so some parts of the surface of the boat are still affected. So it looks dilapidated, but it’s actually a new ship.” Zhou Feng bent over with a smile before asking Su Heng, and took the initiative to speak out. While speaking, he also brought warm tea that was just right, and handed it over respectfully. In Su Heng's hands.

Su Heng took the cup of tea that Zhou Feng had replaced countless times with new tea, and took a few sips casually.

"My lord, if outsiders want to come to Fengdu and enter the underworld, they must take a black boat. I see that the seniors in the underworld are very busy. Only the young one has nothing to do all day long. I think I will let the young one do this in the future." Come on, boatman, firstly you can lead them into Fengdu, and secondly, you can also tell them about the peerless demeanor of the great emperor." Zhou Feng said with a smile, his eyes full of anticipation.

Su Heng glanced at Zhou Feng, and vaguely guessed some of Zhou Feng's careful thoughts. Although this guy is usually respectful in front of himself, he is also quite well-behaved in front of old man Qin and others. He has a sweet mouth and can be a man. , but in front of those erratic servants below, he behaved like a snobby, and was scolded by countless people behind his back.

But Su Heng doesn't care about these things. Even if Zhou Feng has no credit, he has hard work. This boatman is really suitable for him. As he said, at least he can promote his peerless demeanor to outsiders...

"More favor from the Great Emperor," Zhou Feng was ecstatic when he saw Su Heng nodding his head. This boatman is a fat job. Whoever wants to enter Fengdu in the future can let them in without knocking on his spiritual weapons?

Zhou Feng smiled cheerfully, and became more energetic when he was controlling the black boat. The black boat traveled along the Wangchuan River all the way to Fengdu, and then passed through the bridge hole and entered the underworld.

The chief manager, Su Xiaoxiao, had been waiting for a long time. She knew about Su Heng when he entered Fengdu, so she waited here on purpose.

After getting off the boat amidst Zhou Feng's respectful greeting, the first thing the little girl did was to run up to the rabbit who was playing with Xuanwu, pick up the rabbit, hit the melon seeds on the head, and said, "Rabbit!" Do you know, fortunately many rabbits suddenly disappeared, otherwise I would have knocked you many, many, many times."

Hearing these headless and thoughtless words, the rabbit had a long rabbit face, and his face was bewildered...

Su Xiaoxiao looked at everything, then quickly turned her gaze to Su Heng, with a beautiful smile: "The emperor's trip should be quite rewarding."

When Su Heng took away the lucky girl and returned the lantern to the little girl, Su Xiaoxiao vaguely guessed something, guessing that this time the world has undergone another big change, the emperor may have something wrong Less force.


PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !The update is a bit slow tonight, and there is another update that will be released before twelve o'clock.

Thanks to 'Splashing Pig' for the five hundred coins, thanks to 'Book Friends 20190214142039889' for the five hundred coins, thanks to 'Wangui Zhenyi' for the two hundred coins, and thanks to 'Tyrannosaurus Journey' for the one hundred coins ,, Thank you for the [-] coins from 'Children Sleeping', thank you to 'Tutu Mengxue' for the [-] coins, thank you to 'Oh Lei Wa Gang Da Mu Da' for the [-] coins, thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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