Invincible from the start

Chapter 125 Borrowing the Way

Chapter 125 Borrowing the Way
Su Heng stepped through the void gate and came to the Purgatory Realm.

At first glance, the sky is full of stars, the stars are dotted, and there is a gentle night breeze passing by, but it is also suitable for the love of a concubine, or the love of a husband...

Looking down, it turned out to be a real place of purgatory. It was an abyss. A fire well was dug in the middle of the abyss. The fire inside was boiling, and the red fire light illuminated the steep black rock walls on all sides of the abyss. The big-eyed dwarves gathered together, and they lined up in a long line, walking towards the fire well.

The dwarves went forward one after another, walking and jumping one by one, stepping on black stones, and jumping into the fire well one after another without fear.

Every time a dwarf jumped in, the fire in the fire well grew stronger.

Narrow channels were dug next to the fire well. After the dwarves were burned to ashes in the fire well, a dark brown liquid would flow out of their bodies and flow down the channels.

Su Heng noticed a fat man sitting on the other side of the channel. The fat man also had big eyes and an ugly face. Sitting there, he looked like a big mountain, with one hand missing from his fat body.

The fat man stared coldly at the black liquid in the channel. The broken arm slowly absorbed the liquid, and then the arm began to show signs of extension, as if a big hand was about to grow back.

Su Heng turned his gaze back to the group of dwarves who were going to die. He found that after these dwarves died, their souls would float out of their bodies and would not dissipate. They just wandered in the abyss. Float to the other side of the abyss together.

There was a black wooden coffin lying flat there, and the dwarf's soul floated towards the black coffin, like fresh supplements, completely absorbed by the black coffin.

Su Heng continued to wait and see, looking at those souls, he couldn't help but think that it would be pretty good if all these souls were brought back to the underworld.

If the ghosts in the underworld want to cultivate, they will naturally need the resentment from these souls. The source of the resentment is naturally to imprison those evil spirits in the eighteenth floor of hell, where they are smoked and whipped every day to arouse their resentment. They are absorbing cultivation.

It's just that the overall strength of the ghosts in the underworld has been improved, and the evil ghosts close to Kyushu are no longer enough. The speed of cultivation of the ghosts has been greatly slowed down, and now the souls of these dwarves are obviously a ready-made one. Piggy...

These piglets can be captured and raised in captivity...

There are a huge number of these dwarves' souls, and Su Heng alone cannot get them all back, so he needs to find a way to bring the ghosts from the underworld.

Su Heng thought for a while. Just now, Yu Yin opened the passage to the purgatory world through the piano sound of the farewell song. He looked at it casually, and he has comprehended some space principles, which can conveniently and quickly create a Yin-Yang road between the purgatory world and the underworld. Come out, specially for the use of the errand.

This purgatory world can be used as a pig farm in the underworld in the future, and there will be a steady stream of piglets to provide...

"Quack quack quack..." A strange cry interrupted Su Heng's thoughts. Under the abyss, the sitting fat man stood up and roared at Su Heng. The fat man didn't understand how Su Heng came in. , the big eyeballs showed a puzzled look.

Although the fat man made a lot of noise, the ugly dwarves below didn't make any changes, as if they didn't see Su Heng, they just continued to line up and jumped into the fire pit.

Su Heng couldn't help looking back along the long queue of dwarves, and saw an egg, a black egg, not too big, but small eggs kept splitting out of it, and the small eggs split out quickly. It will break open soon, and then climb out one by one ugly dwarves, and then join the army queuing up to die.

This black egg seems to be constantly pregnant with these ugly monsters?
"Quack quack..." Seeing that Su Heng ignored him, the fat man angrily patted his chest with his big, intact hand.

"Irritable!" Su Heng turned his head to look, his eyes were like lightning, and the two fingers of the middle index merged, and all the spiritual energy in the purgatory world surged over. The fat man pointed, and a black and white light fell, cutting off the fat man's other hand.

The fat man was obviously taken aback, and looked at his arm that had suddenly disappeared. Then he realized that he let out a wail, and his fierce eyes were already full of fear when looking at Su Heng.

Seeing the fat man hiding in the corner, Su Heng smiled, and did not kill the fat man. It is still useful to keep the fat man. I feel that if he is there, as long as the broken hand does not recover, the group of ugly dwarves will follow. Jump into the fire well, and only after death can the soul be produced continuously.

Su Heng needs these souls, and he already has an idea in his heart, and he will give this fat man some time when his arms are about to grow...

The fat man shrunk his head down below. He didn't know that after the man from Kyushu saw him, a terrible thought had already appeared in his mind...

Su Heng looked at those souls again and made up his mind. He began to think about the passage that Yu Yin played just now by relying on the farewell song. The evolution continued in his mind, and various Dao laws evolved into images that ordinary people could not understand.

Not long after, Su Heng opened his eyes and smiled with satisfaction. The Yin-Yang Road evolved from the law of the Dao is considered complete, but if he wants to send all the hundred thousand ghosts in the underworld, he needs to borrow a way.

By someone's advice, Su Heng has also found it...


Yunzhou, Lingshan, since the Tathagata Buddha entered the Changsheng Temple, the people in Yunzhou have gradually forgotten that there used to be a Changsheng Temple here. They only know that there is a Lingshan in Yunzhou, and there is a Leiyin Temple on the mountain.

In Leiyin Temple, Tathagata opened up a separate space. There is a lotus pond in the space. The water in the pond contains the true meaning of Buddhism. There are bursts of Buddhist imprints floating on it. It is full of lotus flowers. The lotus is very strange. Lotus, on the other side is full of monster black lotus, one is good and the other is evil, and the two extremes do not interfere with each other in the connected pond.

Tathagata looked at the lotus pond with a calm face, but his gaze was indifferent and cold for a while, and the two kept switching between the two.

"Amitabha, the Buddha lotus is ready, it seems that the time has come for us to decide the winner." The Tathagata with indifferent eyes said.

"Hehe, you're doomed. I'm your demon. If you didn't have any demons in your heart, how could you have this competition?" Tathagata said with gloomy eyes.

None of them spoke, just quietly watching the buddha lotus that was about to take shape, and the buddha lotus on both sides were in full bloom.

"Huh?" Tathagata was taken aback for a moment, he noticed a strange movement in the lotus pond, and then opened his mouth wide, a little dumbfounded...

The golden Buddha lotus gathers together to form a white avenue, which rises into the sky and goes straight to the sky. The black Buddha lotus on the other side is not to be outdone, and also goes straight to the sky. The two avenues, one black and one white, blend together to form a black and white road. avenue.

At this time, Su Heng, who was in the realm of purgatory, chuckled, "The Yin-Yang road is done!"

"Listen to my order, a hundred thousand errands, go on the yin and yang road, there must be no mistakes."

In the underworld, a voice they couldn't resist came out of the minds of every errant at the same time, they got up almost at the same time, and walked towards the black and white road that appeared in the underworld.


PS: Everyone, don't forget to vote for recommendation, thank you......

Thanks to 'Wan Gui Zhen Yi' for the reward of two hundred coins, thanks to 'Why shut me up and smile lightly to the prince' for the reward of one hundred coins, and thanks to 'Oh Lei Wa Gang Da Mu Da' for the reward of one hundred coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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