Invincible from the start

Chapter 127 The Most Beautiful Woman

Chapter 127 The Most Beautiful Woman (Two in One)

In the sky above Kyushu, a monkey is walking in the sky in the sea of ​​clouds, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog. The monkey looks at the clouds and mists gathered by spiritual energy under his feet, which will dissipate in a short time. Baby Yunwu, so I can lie on it every day in the future, and I can also lie on it with a small lamp...

The monkey thought of Xiaodeng’s words, so he had to go outside to look more and find the most beautiful woman in the world. The monkey thought, the sky in Kyushu is the highest, and from above, he can have a panoramic view of everything below, and naturally he can find the most beautiful woman in the world. The most beautiful woman.

Just what is the most beautiful woman in the world...

The monkey couldn't help but think of the female monkey on the mountain, with snow-white hair, so conspicuous among the monkeys...

Thinking of this, the monkey's eyes were in a trance for a while, and he soon came to his senses. He forcibly dispelled this thought, and the woman appeared in his mind again. She was wearing a bright red wedding dress. He couldn't see her face clearly, but he could feel her. She was looking at herself with despair, that must belong to the most beautiful woman in the world...

A series of blurred pictures kept flashing in the monkey's mind, and they disappeared in a flash.

On Everlasting Regret Mountain, Su Heng stood up, bid farewell to Yu Yin, stood on the edge of Everlasting Regret Mountain, looked down, the whole Kyushu seemed very small, raised his hand for comparison, it seemed to be the size of a palm, through the gap between five fingers, Kyushu can be split into four parts.

Su Heng looked down, concentrating, until a monkey suddenly appeared in front of him, with a furry body and a stick in his hand, looking at him in a daze.

Where did this monkey come from...

Su Heng froze for a moment, looking at the monkey that appeared in front of him.

The monkey was also stunned, looking at Su Heng, wondering why this person was inside, and how he got in there...

After the group of weirdos from Everlasting Sorrow Mountain disappeared, many Kyushu monks tried to climb Everlasting Sorrow Mountain, but most of them failed without even breaking the outermost barrier. Clinging to the innermost realm of Everlasting Sorrow Mountain, but found that there was no big gain if it was spent, it would only waste time, so he gave up.

Monkey thought that Everlasting Sorrow Mountain was so high, if he climbed up and stood on it, he should be able to observe those beautiful women in Kyushu...

However, it failed after several attempts, and the monkey was about to give up when it saw Su Heng.

" are the Great Emperor Fengdu..." Hou Zi was surprised and realized that he thought of the luck competition that day, and the great emperor left a deep impression on him.

Su Heng nodded and glanced at the monkey: "What do you mean here?"

Everlasting Sorrow Mountain is connected to the passage leading to the world of nothingness, and Su Heng is not sure if the monkey knows something.

Just as the monkey was about to speak, Yu Guang happened to glance behind Su Heng and saw Yu Yin in white.

Under the moonlight, ginkgo blossoms are blooming, and the white skirt is swaying gently. The woman is sitting on the edge of the cliff, with slender fingers, playing the qin music, a picture of a beautiful woman under the moon, and the monkey is dumbfounded.

This should be the most beautiful woman in the world...

This idea came to the monkey's mind. He thought that in his eyes, human women should be no different from female monkeys. After seeing Yu Yin, he understood that there really are the most beautiful people in this world...

"I wanted to come here to climb high and look far to find the most beautiful woman in the world, but I should have found it by now..." the monkey said to himself, staring at Yu Yin with his monkey eyes.

Yu Yin, who was playing the piano, noticed the monkey's gaze. Looking at the red eyes, she felt a little flustered. Being looked at by a monkey like this made her a little scared...

Su Heng looked at the monkey, then turned his head to look at Yu Yin, and after thinking about it, he said to the monkey: "She is not a woman, she is a man..."

While talking, Su Heng glanced at the iron rod in the monkey's hand. If he didn't help the monkey correct it, looking at his eyes, the rod might be bent...

Hou Zi was stunned again, a little unbelievable, he stared at Yu Yin closely, never would have guessed that this charming beauty is actually a man?

"Who says I'm a man." The body of the piano stopped in response, and Yu Yin's faint and soft voice came from behind.

Su Heng looked back in surprise, and looked at the woman in white clothes who was so beautiful under the moonlight. Although he didn't speak, his eyes already showed everything. Obviously you said before that you are not a woman...

Seeing Su Heng's eyes, Yu Yin sighed softly, and said: "I was originally a piece of spiritual jade, accompanied by a guqin. Master said that white jade is pure and flawless, and should not be deceived by the world. All rules and laws in the world are a kind to me. Therefore, I cannot be compared with you after my transformation, it is a piece of spiritual jade, so there is no gender distinction."

After listening to Yu Yin's explanation, Su Heng nodded and understood, but after thinking about it, there is no distinction between men and women... It's even more terrifying...

"By the way, I dare to ask the emperor, I heard that there is a strange book in the underworld called the book of life and death, which can increase people's longevity.

The little lamp is just a lotus lamp with a weak cultivation base, and the lifespan after transformation must not be much.Originally, he planned to go to the underworld in person after Xiaodeng transformed into a form, and find the great emperor of Fengdu to change the book of life and death, and prolong Xiaodeng's life, but now that he met him, the monkey simply said it directly.

The book of life and death has always been studied by old man Yan, and he often uses the ghost king as an experiment, but this book of life and death is also weird, adding life to people, but deducting life yuan from oneself, and being struck by lightning, reducing life for people. If you deduct your lifespan, you will still be struck by lightning. Generally speaking, you will be struck by lightning...

In Su Heng's mind, he remembered the appearance of old man Yan last time. His black hair was slightly curled up, his skin was pitch-black, and he shouted that one day he must successfully reduce the life of the Nether Ghost King by one year, not just one day. One day less...

"There is indeed this book, but there is a price." Su Heng looked at the monkey again, and the eyes under the tufts of monkey hair were looking at him expectantly.

After getting an affirmative answer, the monkey smiled, and said in a somewhat respectful tone: "In the future... I want to ask the Great Emperor to give my wife... a longer life. As long as the Great Emperor asks, I can take what I can."

Monkey thought of Xiaodeng's words, and his wife... had a smile on her lips.

This monkey has a wife?

Su Heng was suddenly speechless.


Zhongzhou, Yanjing.

Zhao Jinyu, the youngest sage in Dayan's history, stood up straight and sat on the dragon chair. He was dressed in a black robe, which made his immature face mature.

Standing next to him was a Taoist man in purple, with a strange appearance, and the corners of his eyes were slightly tilted back. He was the Imperial Master of Dayan and Shen Gongbao, who is also the current emperor's teacher.

There are a row of civil and military ministers standing on the left and right under the court hall. The leader on the military commander's side is Lin Zhao, the Seventh Princess of the Great Yan Kingdom. She is wearing a bright red armor, with blue silk coiled behind her shoulders, making her look even more heroic.

Shen Gongbao took a step forward, bowed slightly to Zhao Jinyu, and said, "Your servant!"

Zhao Jinyu immediately raised her hand: "Teacher, please tell me."

Seeing the young sage, Shen Gongbao smiled, this one is really like the one back then, he is so polite and trusting to himself, but it is a pity that he still has something to trust him...

Shen Gongbao quickly came to his senses and said: "Qi Zuo Shengjun, Li Tang of Dongzhou rebelled and established the Tang Kingdom, I ask Zuo Shengjun to send an army to fight against the rebellion, and return Dongzhou to my Dayan."

Holy King...

I don't remember how many times I heard this name. Zhao Jinyu's eyes were a little confused, and he always thought of the sword that pierced his father's heart, and always remembered his father yelling at himself, "Kill the Wudao Hunjun, are you here?" What are you afraid of...

"What the national teacher said is very true, let's play it." Zhao Jinyu came back to his senses, glanced at the ministers, and responded. These words were discussed before, and now they are just a formality.

Shen Gongbao bowed his head again and said, "The minister recommends someone who can be the coach."

Zhao Jinyu nodded in agreement, he had met that person before, it was really unusual.

After receiving the signal, the little eunuch next to him turned around and shouted in a sharp voice toward the outside of the hall: "I heard that Zhong Jin will see you."

Following the words of the little eunuch, all the civil and military personnel on the left and right looked out of the main hall.

A burly man in civilian clothes came in with a solemn expression. The burly man had a burly figure and powerful steps. He had a thin beard on his resolute face, and there was a bright red thin mouth closed between his eyebrows, like a little cinnabar.

"Wen Zhong pays homage to Shengjun." Wen Zhong looked at the young Zhao Jinyu, with no contempt in his eyes, full of respect.

Zhao Jinyu raised his hand, made a gesture of support, and said in his mouth: "Feng Wenzhong is the Marshal of Zhengdong, and he will give male and female whips. Three days later, we will attack Li Tang's rebellion."

Shen Gongbao looked at Wen Zhong and smiled. This time, after all, he was one step faster...


Ho capital city, Ji's old house.

The Ji family has a new clan elder, and Pei Yan is by his side.

Seeing this elder of the Ji clan, Pei Yan pursed his lips. He was no longer interested in knowing his name, because he could already guess what would happen to him in the future.

It's just a pity that this clan elder who had just seized the power stood on the high platform without knowing it. He looked excited, stood on it, looked at the Ji clan below, swearing and foaming.

The pleasure of coming to the pinnacle of power for the first time made this clan elder lost himself very quickly. He forgot the advice of some friends in the clan before, and said loudly to the Ji clan below: "It seems that there are still fish that slipped through the net in the last investigation. This time the old man sits here personally, come one by one, check for me, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go!"

In Ji's backyard, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy was squatting on the ground. He had been squatting for a long time, as if he was watching something intently.

On the ground in the backyard, ants crawled past one by one. The boy noticed two ants, one up and one down, and he didn't know what they were doing. He just looked at it for a long time...

At this time, a handsome scholar in white came in. He walked up to the young man with a gentle smile: "Ji Long, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. You are very similar to a person. I see the future from you. Are you interested?" Worship me as a teacher?"

The young man slowly raised his head, glanced at the white-clothed scholar in front of him, thought for a while, and finally remembered the name of the person in front of him. He heard from his grandfather that this scholar seemed to be called Jiang Ziya, and he was very capable.

But apprenticeship?Just reading and writing?Thinking of this, the young man's expression changed, as if he had seen some horrible scene, he immediately shook his head frantically, then continued to look down at the ant without speaking.

Jiang Ziya sighed slightly. According to the information provided by Ji Shi, that fateful opponent had already taken a big step ahead. Time was running out. He couldn't wait any longer. Looking at the young man in front of him, he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and went up Taking the previous step, he trampled to death the two ants that the young man had been paying attention to, and said in his mouth, "Ji Long, don't you ever think of being above all living beings? Or do you want to be trampled to death like these ants? ?”

The young man was stunned to see the ants he had observed all afternoon being trampled to death. He raised his head, looked at Jiang Ziya, and remained silent for a long time.

Jiang Ziya smiled silently, he felt anger in the young man's eyes, and said with a smile: "Adore me as a teacher, I will teach you all I have learned in my life, and after you have learned something, you can be the king who stands above you. Treat all living beings as ants, and me, you can trample to death at any time."

The young man continued to look at Jiang Ziya and remained silent.

Jiang Ziya didn't say anything, he was waiting for the young man to kowtow to his teacher.

After a while, the boy suddenly turned around, then continued to squat down, looking at another ant again...

Jiang Ziya was stunned, silent, and stood there, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, with a melancholy face and confused eyes, is this time enough...


Above the East China Sea, Tathagata is sitting on a golden lotus with a golden body of six feet long. He frowned tightly and carefully observed every move under the East China Sea. Someone told him that there is a lotus lantern under the East China Sea. Who is that person? He didn't know, but the man said that this lotus lamp was born with a natural spirituality, and it was about to take shape. Hearing this, the Tathagata hurried over regardless of whether it was true or not.

Soon, after passing through the countless sea caves under the East China Sea, Tathagata saw what he wanted to see, a lotus lantern emitting a faint light.

Tathagata was overjoyed, he did not expect to lose the golden lotus just now, and now there is another lotus lantern.

"Amitabha, this thing is predestined with my Buddha." Tathagata was floating on the East China Sea, with the waves surging behind him, smiling all over his face, stretching out his big hands, and heading towards the East China Sea.


PS: The two updates are together.It seems that the recommendation votes have disappeared. Please take a look to see if there is a problem with the system. See if you can still vote (manually funny). To be honest, tomorrow is Monday, and the recommendation votes will be cleared. If you have votes, please vote Alright, thank you.

Thanks to 'vxvg' for the reward of one thousand coins, thanks to 'It's not Yang Kang' for the reward of one thousand coins, thanks to 'God Demon King' for the reward of five hundred coins, and thanks to 'Kan Superman' for the reward of one hundred coins, thank you' Thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by "Fanyuntian", thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by "Samsara Yishiyuan", thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by "Fat Mao Ayu", and thank you for the one rewarded by "Heaven and the world are my only ones" Hundred coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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