Invincible from the start

Chapter 136 Lao Niu, I am the most loyal

Chapter 136 Lao Niu, I am the most loyal (please book first! Ask for monthly pass!)

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea finished bathing and changing clothes under the service of the maid. Prime Minister Gui told him that the great emperor of Fengdu had already arrived, and he would come down to take a look after solving the unsightly things above. This is for an old slave' It took a lot of effort and a dry mouth to invite this one, so don't be negligent.

Hearing that the emperor was coming, the Dragon King of the East China Sea immediately ordered the Dragon Palace to make all preparations to welcome the emperor. Just now, in order to save time, he took the tortoise prime minister to take a bath together. While bathing, he asked for some details to pay attention to. There are no taboos, etc., because there are too many problems, and if you are not careful when taking a bath, the spirit grass used for cleaning in your hand slipped to the ground...

a moment later...

Prime Minister Gui told everything one by one, and then the old and the young waited together in the hall, just waiting and waiting and waiting...


Qingqiu Tushan, Yu Ji was lying on the table alone, she quietly eavesdropped on the movement outside the door, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, she wrote on the paper with a pen made of peach wood branches: Dongfang Nian kisses: Dongfang son, one day It's like three autumns later, after Xiyi and his son Taihuashan parted, he still misses his son day and night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.I hereby ask my younger sister Yu Ji to send a letter to express her love.Handwritten by Tu Shan Xiyi.

Well, it’s definitely not allowed to go in and out of Fengdu casually. My sister and that Dongfang Nian have an old relationship, so if you call Dongfang Nian out in the name of sending a letter to your sister, you can naturally go to Fengdu in a fair manner. I’m really this Tushan The smartest fox demon...

Yu Ji looked at the letter in her hand, and the more she read it, the more she was satisfied, and then she was thinking about how to get rid of Hong Hong, what's the use of staring at me every day, no matter how you look at it, you are not as big as me, Yu Ji was thinking Standing out proudly...


Huoyan Mountain was originally not called Huoyan Mountain. Later, a cow and a monkey came. The old cow claimed to be the Great Sage of Pingtian, the Bull Demon King, and the monkey called himself the six-eared macaque.

Because the old cow was afraid of the cold, he chiseled out the ground fire of the Flame Mountain. Since then, it was an ordinary mountain, but it was covered by the ground fire, and the magma was rolling, and it became the Flame Mountain.

The Bull Demon King and the Six-Eared Macaque worshiped each other in the Flaming Mountain, and gathered millions of little demons. For a time, the name was passed down to Kyushu, and the reputation was illustrious.

In the chiselled smooth and neat cave, the Bull Demon King is lying on his side on the stone bed, and next to him is a charming little demon woman holding a beautiful porcelain plate with various fruits on it.

The Bull Demon King looked at the little demon girl, bulging forward and backward, and couldn't help squinting his eyes, very satisfied. He gnawed on the fruit, and began to think of some strange things in his mind...

"My lord, my little one just made a special inquiry and confirmed it. The six-eared king is not in the cave, and he left half a month ago." A little demon ran to the side of the Bull Demon King, muttering softly.

After hearing this, the bull's eyes could not help but brighten up. Speaking of monkeys, there is really a destiny. Last time when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was revived, he awakened at the same time as a monkey. His eyes were crazy, he yelled at the sky, and his temper was very irritable. At that time, the Bull Demon King was worried that he would be punched to death by this monkey, so he simply agreed with him and called himself the Great Sage of Pingtian. Calling one is used until now.

After parting from that crazy monkey, he met another monkey named Six-Eared Macaque. He couldn't see through his whole body, and later became brothers of the opposite sex, and together they conquered the Flame Mountain.

"My lord, since Liu Er is not here, we can take this opportunity to take down the other half of the Flaming Mountain..." Xiao Yao's eyes flickered, and he began to make plans.

The Bull Demon King immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this, and glared at the little demon with a murderous look: "Dog, old cow, I am the most loyal, how can I do such a thing that is not as good as a pig or a dog."

Seeing the appearance of the Bull Demon King, the little demon fell to his knees in fright: "My lord, spare me!"

Satisfied with the little demon's posture, the Bull Demon King stood up, twisted his neck and said, "Let's go, call the little guys together, grab your weapons, and go to Liu Er's."

The little demon raised his head and looked at the back of the Bull Demon King dumbfounded: "..."


In Fengdu, Su Heng deliberately chose to take the black boat controlled by Zhou Feng to visit the Wangchuan River again. The boat was still the same, dilapidated, and looked weird in the mist.

While Zhou Feng manipulated the black boat with proficiency, he served Su Heng carefully, serving tea and water all the way. He was still the familiar Zhou Feng, and he did not forget his original intention.

Su Heng was very satisfied with this trip to the Wangchuan River. Before getting off the boat, he patted Zhou Feng on the shoulder: "Do it well."

On the bank of the River of Forgetfulness, the flowers on the other side are still blooming bright red. Standing there, Hong Yiluo is more beautiful than flowers. Lucky and scattered money are still playing the tortoise and the hare. But this time there is a bad old man, the old man Yunshan is in high spirits I found it very interesting to participate in it, especially the part of beating the rabbit, which he was most satisfied with.

The three grandparents all have one thing in common, that is, they hold a chicken leg and gnaw all day long...

Su Xiaoxiao and Yu Yin stood by the Naihe Bridge, looking at Su Heng together.

Director Su has now found out Yu Yin's true identity, but it's better not to know, and it's even more sad after knowing, it's okay if you can't compare with a woman, now you can't even compare with a man or a woman, this is a bit hurtful... …

So Su Xiaoxiao has been using Yu Yin's words recently, how can she become bigger...

Yu Yin was a little annoyed by the question, but luckily Su Heng came back.

"My lord, I've been restless recently, so I went to Lying Changhen Mountain on purpose. I saw a few huge footprints on the mountain. I suspect that another big monster has come out to make trouble." Yu Yin walked over, and the people in the underworld Same, they all call Su Heng the Great Emperor, especially seeing that the old man Yunshan is like a grandson when facing Su Heng, the Great Emperor is so convinced...

"Big feet are great, and they are ample to roast." Su Heng replied without thinking, and he couldn't help but think of the Yinglong meat, which was extremely delicious.

"Hey, I'm just worried that if this big monster goes to Kyushu, it will bring disaster to Kyushu. My duty is to protect the enchantment of Changhen Mountain and resist these outsiders from the void world. Now that the enchantment is lost, it's all my fault..." Yu Yin's expression was gloomy, and he blamed himself a little.

Su Heng thought for a while and was about to say a few words of comfort when he suddenly heard a loud roar.

"Who is Su Heng? Get out!" The voice was very penetrating, like thunder, rolling in, accompanied by several loud noises, as if some huge object was hitting the ground.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Su Heng strangely. In the Kyushu, the reputation of Emperor Fengdu has long been known all over the world, and now there are still people who don't have eyesight and dare to come to provoke him?
Yu Yin frowned at the side: "The strength of the voice is not the same as ours. It seems to be some kind of monster. Could it be the big monster from the void world?"

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(End of this chapter)

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