Invincible from the start

Chapter 138 Heavenly Court Reappears

Chapter 138 Heavenly Court Reappears (Please Subscribe!)
Shushan Demon Lock Tower, the red sun bathes the murals of demons, showing every stroke of the murals vividly and vividly.

Through the efforts of Shushan disciples, many demons and ghosts have been imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower. It is no longer as empty as it was at the beginning. There are nine floors in the tower. The higher the strength, the higher the number of floors. Inside, the spiritual power of the whole body was cut, and all the monsters in the tower had nothing to do all day long, and they fought with each other to vent their grievances.

It's just that although they each have their own battles, they dare not go up to the ninth floor. The monsters in the tower are all rumors that there is an extremely powerful big man living on the ninth floor.

On the ninth floor of the Suoyao Tower, Situ Chanxin and Kong Yang were still sitting in their original positions, and the screen between them was still painted with patterns of flowers, birds and fish.

Situ Zhong delivered the food on time as usual, but Situ Chan's heart has become more and more powerful recently for some reason. It seems that the spiritual energy isolation in the Demon Locking Tower has no effect on her. Now I eat less and less.

Kong Yang has also changed drastically. Under the guidance of Situ Zhong, or because there is another side hidden in his heart, he has become a drunkard, and he does not panic every day without drinking.

Situ Zhong was also so happy, drinking and bragging with Kong Yang every day, he felt uncomfortable.

"Senior Situ is getting stronger and stronger." Situ Zhong looked at Situ Chanxin behind him through the screen with a look of envy. He carried a sword on his back all day, and stayed on the ninth floor of the Demon Locking Tower, doing nothing, and it was boring. Yes, in the early years, I was thinking about killing demons and demons every day.

"Become stronger? The price is too high..." Kong Yang also looked at the screen, his eyes were cloudy, and he sighed.

Situ Zhong immediately looked over, sat casually beside Kong Yang, and then found a good position to lean against the pillar, looking interested.

Kong Yang glanced and explained: "In order to get rid of the demonic nature, what she is practicing now is the Taishang Wangqing. The root of the demonic nature lies in the seven emotions and six desires. The reason for her becoming a for the word long as Wangqing, there is no root , naturally she can get rid of the demonic nature and return to normal, but as her skill improves, she will become more and more indifferent, and in the end, there is no emotion at all in her heart."

Situ Zhong glanced at Kongyang, and said abruptly: "It's not because of you."

Kong Yang looked over, speechless...

"Zen Xin, this is too forgetful, do you have to practice it? I can go out and find other ways for you..." Kong Yang looked at the screen, thought for a while and finally opened his mouth, although he knew that it was useless.

"Please call me benefactor, Kongyang Divine Monk." A cold voice came from inside the screen.

Kong Yang didn't speak, and fell silent. Situ Zhong looked over again and asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"All causes and effects are caused by me, and my sins are serious." Kong Yang closed his eyes and said nothing.

Situ Zhong hugged the wine gourd and said with a smile: "Affection is the most troublesome thing, but the wine is better. I will stay away from such affair in the future."


Outside the realm of nothingness, one after another of brilliant brilliance lights up, quickly shuttling through the fog and chaos, and they all have a common target point in the direction of their shuttling, Kyushu!

"Great, I'm finally back."

"Yeah, I can't remember how many years, but I finally came back."

"I don't know what happened in Kyushu, and it actually triggered the imprint we left behind."

"When I return to Kyushu this time, I can rebuild the heaven again and control all living beings. It's wonderful."

"Hey, it's a pity that the Buddhist monks are one step ahead."


All kinds of chaotic discussions came, and when they saw the cracked barrier of Kyushu, they stopped discussing and rushed in.

On this day, the sky above Kyushu was like a shooting star falling, and countless colorful lights streaked across the sky.

All kinds of light colors illuminated the ruined walls, and the other side of the blue sky and white clouds in Kyushu, the desert, and the wind and sand appeared one by one. Countless monks in Kyushu were dumbfounded. Only then did they know that on the other side of the sky, there was such a thing. spectacle.

After the meteor landed, the ancient battlefield underwent earth-shaking changes again. Countless golden lights shot up. The wind and sand in the desert began to dissipate gradually. The broken buildings began to recover from strange angles. Scattered, revealing a brand-new white jade, pure white and flawless, with a flash of inspiration.

Stone statues emerged from the soil. These stone statues looked lifelike, like living things, but they lacked a kind of soul.

Pieces of white jade walls stood up from the soil across the edge line, and the pictures of fairies dancing together were carved on the jade walls. The paintings of each fairy were lifelike and extremely delicate.

The brilliance of the meteors spinning around in the sky also began to fall at this time, some landed in various parts of Kyushu, and some directly landed on the ancient battlefield. The moment the streamer fell, many scenery and stone statues changed again.

As the clouds and mist gradually lifted, countless giant white jade pillars stood up majestically. The jade pillars were engraved with coiling dragon carvings, but they all lacked eyes.

Many fairies float out of the picture in Yubi Fairy. They are graceful, dancing in the faint clouds and mists, singing graceful and pleasant songs.

Some of those standing stone statues began to shake, and the outermost layer of dirt slowly fell off. They slowly raised their hands, gestured stiffly, and tried to walk back and forth a few steps forward, like newborn children.

At the same time, they also glanced at the unloose stone statues beside them, thoughtfully.

The ancient battlefield has changed drastically, from a desolate desert to a heaven on earth. Many people have not adapted to this change, but then the monks below Kyushu can no longer see clearly, because layers of clouds and mist float up. , together with the sea of ​​clouds, hiding the ancient battlefield in it.

"The gods of heaven return to their positions quickly!"

A chorus of shouts resounded in the clouds, and then thunder after another fell, scattered all over Kyushu.

Su Heng stood below, looked up at the ancient battlefield hidden in the clouds and mists in the sky, and then calmly yawned...


Gao Laozhuang, a white and clean fat man with big ears, stayed in the pigsty, looking at the countless little piglets, smiling cheerfully, he patiently fed the little piglets. The chubby little piggy, he smiled gratifiedly.

People in this area of ​​hundreds of miles all call him a big pig farmer, Zhu Wuneng, a member of Zhu Daguan.

Raising and feeding pigs every day, not competing with the world, being quiet and peaceful is his greatest pleasure.

Until a thunderbolt fell and hit the pigsty, countless piglets died tragically in an instant, this peace was broken.

Hearing the calls from the distant sky, Zhu Wuneng looked at the dead piglet, his eyes were red, and his fat face began to transform into a pig demon with a pig head and a human body. With a straight face, he yelled at the sky: "Why is it like this, you still don't let me go!"

 thanks for your support!Continue to code, it's too late to thank!

(End of this chapter)

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