Chapter 156

In the realm of nothingness, a big monster with a body shape like an ape, a dark black face, thick limbs, and a height of about ten feet is straddling the void, roaming wantonly in the vast mist.

This big monster is full of demonic aura, and it is that inexplicable that has become the model of the king of Zhu Yan's clan.

Su Heng pulled the chubby man and sat on Dian Shang's shoulders. This old man was actually faster than a mirage. The invisible oppressive force of the void world had no effect on him, but he didn't know the way. He was a road idiot. Heng came to show the way, and he was only responsible for driving.

It can’t be blamed on Dian Shang. After waking up, he appeared in Zhu Yan’s clan inexplicably, surrounded by some ugly monsters, and even hit him on the head with a stick. Later, he was knocked unconscious. The exciting experience of a foreign land, not to mention the touching plot of beating Zhu Yan, a dandy, and marrying Bai Fumei and Zhu Yan...

Su Heng sat on Dian Shang, very stable, without any bumps, so he briefly explained the changes and changes in Lower Kyushu to Dian Shang.

Dian Shang's eyes widened when he heard this. The Kyushu is now turned upside down. He turned his head flatteringly and looked at Su Heng: "I have always known that the Great Emperor is wise and powerful. When I was in the church, I often told many brothers Explaining the peerless demeanor of the Great Emperor, I really can’t say what I said now. No matter how the Kyushu is changing, the Great Emperor will always be the top existence in the world. It is really my luck to grow up under the Great Emperor. When the family is facing despair, the first thing that comes to mind is the Great Emperor. They thought that they would never have the chance to see the Great Emperor Tianyan in this life, but they did not expect that the first thing they saw when they woke up this time was actually the Great Emperor. Maybe this is It’s a certainty in the dark, even God has felt my expectation, at this moment, the joy is beyond words, and all kinds of words are not enough to express what I want to tell the emperor at this moment.”

Little Fatty sat on the side listening to Dian Shang's eloquent words, his black eyes were wide open, the original words were used to say that, but it was really good, he secretly glanced at Su Heng who was on the other side , um, although the expression is very calm, but the slightly squinted eyes have obviously exposed his true joyful heart, it turns out that the chicken leg dad likes to hear such words...

Xiao Pangdun, who has always aimed to listen to the truth, thought about it. There is never a shortage of coquettish sluts like Dian Shang in this manor. If he wants to win the attention of the chicken leg father, he must be unique and impressive. He immediately looked at Su Heng and said, "Dad, you've worked hard!"


In the underworld, Su Heng came back with Dian Shang, and there was a lot of movement. Such a monster more than ten feet tall, with a monster aura soaring, it would be difficult not to attract attention. If Su Heng was not standing next to him, the people in the underworld would have already fucked The guy is on.

Even the Nether Ghost King, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, grabbed the rabbit and prepared to throw it out as a weapon...

"This is Dian Shang?"

"Old Dian?"

After hearing Su Heng's words, some old people in the underworld looked carefully at Dian Shang's dark face, and then all exclaimed.

In order for everyone to see his face clearly, Dian Shang had no choice but to bend down, lie down on the ground, and greet everyone with a smile on his familiar dark face.

Everyone opened their eyes wide after hearing Dian Shang's tragic experience, with various expressions on their faces, shock, surprise, fertilization... Then they listened to this sad story patiently, each was satisfied, and left with a smile...

Before he left, Old Man Yan said that Dian Shang was in good health. As a person from the underworld, he had to do everything he could to dedicate himself to the underworld at all times. He decided to draw some blood, cut some flesh, and cut some bones from Dian Shang's body to make a piece of it. Pot, study carefully...

After hearing this, Dian Shang patted his chest and said there was no problem. Isn’t it just a few cuts? He was beaten with so many sticks in the Zhu Yan clan, and he passed out. He couldn’t wake up, so he didn’t call out It's just a word of pain... What is this pain, especially in front of the emperor, he has to show his worth...

"The Great Emperor is worthy of being the Great Emperor. If you go out casually, you can find Dian Shang in this vast three thousand worlds. As expected, luck is like a rainbow. I have nothing else to ask for in this life. I just hope that I can be by the Great Emperor's side and get a little bit of immortality. Feel the breath of the great emperor carefully, this life is enough." Di Ting walked to Su Heng's side, got a little closer, and looked at Su Heng with his neck up, his eyes sincere.

Su Heng took a look at Di Ting and felt very relieved. He didn't like to listen to these flattering words, but every time he said it from Di Ting's mouth, he could feel the full sincerity, not only Di Ting, but also other people in the underworld. Every time Su Heng listened to their words, he felt that they were sincere, and he couldn't find a sycophant, not even Dian Shang who had just returned...

Qijie stood on the side of Di Ting, looked at Su Heng's leaving back, squinted and listened, and asked curiously, "Huh? Why are you looking up?"

Di Ting glanced at Qi Jie, the neck was forcibly straightened last time when it was hung on the longevity seat, and now it has left a little sequelae, so I can only look up at my neck all day, as if I am very proud, every day I raise my head, who I also despise...

"Because in this way, we can see the emperor more clearly and learn the qualities of the emperor." Di Ting continued to raise his head, watching Su Heng leave.

The Nether Ghost King, who was lying on the beam again, saw this scene, and felt very anxious. He felt that if he didn't work harder, there would be no room for him in the underworld...

This time Su Heng returned with a full load, and the storage bag contained the details of the Zhuyan clan, and the treasures he had collected for many years were all in it.

After entering the list of gods again, Su Heng saw the weak members of Yuxu's twelve sects, all of them listless, with sweat dripping from their heads, and their bodies trembling.

Su Heng didn't care about these, and took out all the treasures of Zhu Yan's family at once. All kinds of treasures gathered together, and all of them turned into strong spiritual energy in a short moment, and poured into the list of gods.

Su Heng and Fengshenbang have the same mind, so they can naturally feel this change. With a heartbeat, they continue to be busy with the great cause of creating the world.

The sun is there, but the moon is needed. It is the treasure of the Zhuyan clan. I don’t know what it is. It’s just a stone. Anyway, its attribute is cold and cold, with fire in the cold, which just makes up for the yang in the fire created by the earth and stars. Overcast sun.

In addition to the moon, there are stars, sky, earth, mountains, rivers, etc...

When creating the sky, Su Heng encountered a problem. No matter how he did it, the clouds in the sky would not be able to gather together, just like tearing down the east wall to patch up the west wall, there would always be a little bit exposed...

Su Heng thought for a while, then withdrew from the list of gods, grabbed the rabbit that was taking a nap, and plucked out a few furs.

The rabbit yelled in pain, and the rabbit's face was in pain. It flew into a rage. There are still people in this hell who dare to provoke my Lord Rabbit. Last time, Cui Jue wanted to roast him, but when the emperor left, It immediately bit the judge's pen, and was chased all over the place by Cui Jue, until Qijie came forward to solve the matter...

This time, I don't know who doesn't have eyes, so ignorant, the rabbit turned his head angrily, and saw Su Heng...

Then he lowered his ears obediently, and flicked the rabbit's tail limply...

Su Heng glanced at the abnormal rabbit suspiciously, ignored it, returned to the list of gods, and filled the leaky sky with a handful of rabbit fur in his hand...

The twelve disciples of Yuxu saw the changes in the list of gods, saw Yin and Yang, saw mountains and rivers, all of them were very excited and burst into tears. This senior finally got inspiration again, and finally remembered them, so he did not abandon them ...

After mending the sky, Su Heng frowned again. Now the aura is enough. After all, he has the powerful background of the Zhu Yan clan as the backing, but there are still a few necessary things missing.

For example, in this list of gods, although the sun and the moon are all there, but there is always a lack of agility, and it looks lifeless.

Su Heng observed carefully, and found that the power of the five elements is missing here. The world has yin and yang, and there are five elements. Now that there are yin and yang, the five elements are missing.

Speaking of the Five Elements, you must be the first to think of the Five Spirit Beads, which are naturally formed by water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth. You have only heard of them, but you have never seen them.

The five spirit beads are very similar to the five spirit stones. When the underworld was first built, it relied on one of the five spirit stones, the earth spirit stone.

Now if you want to open up a new world in this list of gods, you need to collect all five spirit beads. Su Heng sighed, and it seems that he has to go out for a stroll again...


In Beihai, Li Xiaoyao stood out in the sun with a big bald head, especially with his unrestrained face, holding a jug of wine with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, he didn't look like a monk at all.

You can go to Fairy Island by boat from Beihai, but Fairy Island has always existed in legends. Arriving, there are many crises along the way. No ordinary person is willing to experience this illusory legend for himself. The monks are dismissive of this. They are monks themselves, so how can they believe in these illusory legends.

Li Xiaoyao has been staying in Suzhou-Hangzhou City all his life. Although his dream is to be a hero, to fight for righteousness, to travel the world with his sword, but because of his aunt, he never left Suzhou-Hangzhou City. This time, it is also because of his aunt. It was the first time he left the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Although Zen Master Fahai persuaded him, he refused to listen. He wanted to save his aunt.

Zen Master Fahai had no choice but to simply teach this cheap apprentice some basic spells, which can be regarded as a simple way to deal with small troubles. Li Xiaoyao saw a lot of novel things along the way, and lamented that the world is like this.

After arriving in Beihai, Li Xiaoyao raised his head and looked at the kun floating in the sky in amazement. They said that kun can often be seen in the sky above the Beihai. I can't cook it in one pot...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket...


(End of this chapter)

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