Chapter 158

Su Heng left the Ghost Realm Mountain, and when he left, he heard the roar of the Eastern Ghost Emperor from the Ghost Realm Mountain: "Check!"

Dian Shang continued to walk in the air, with Su Heng on his back, carefully keeping his balance in the air, just to make the emperor sit more comfortably and make the emperor feel that his Dian Shang was far bigger than the mirage.

What's so good about a mirage ship is that it's just a lifeless tool. The emperor rides on it. No matter how he moves, it will always be the same. Just cry, cry if you want him to cry, you can also cry while crying, and you can open your mouth to say a few words in foreign dialects that the people of Kyushu can't understand...

He didn't stay in Zhu Yan's clan for nothing, but he learned a lot...

As Dian Shang traveled across the sky, he began to think wildly, and all kinds of strange pictures emerged in his mind...

"Monster, where are you going!" A cry came from behind.

Dian Shang didn't feel it, and continued to walk in the sky, Su Heng didn't feel it either, sitting on it, his mind was too empty.

"Monster, don't run!" The voice continued to shout, the tone was short and panting.

Dian Shang looked back, only to see a young Taoist priest standing on top of the sword, shouting towards this side, but Yu Jian's flying speed couldn't catch up with Dian Shang at all, so he tried his best to suck it up Panting, still not catching up, yelling in despair...

Dian Shang was a little puzzled, turned his head to look around, and then asked Su Heng: "Great Emperor, is he calling me?"

Su Heng also looked around suspiciously, but didn't see any evildoers, and then looked down at Dian Shang, his whole body was full of monsters...

"He seems to be talking about you." Although this is a rather cruel answer, Dian Shang has now taken the body of some great king from the Zhu Yan clan, and he is full of monster aura. Those who don't know will think that this is a world-class monster.

"It's unreasonable! Lao Dian, I'm not a monster, I'm a human!" Dian Shang was furious. Although he doesn't discriminate against monsters, he doesn't want to be regarded as a monster. This is a very contradictory idea...

"Go down, stinky Taoist priest!" Dian Shang stopped and swung his fist towards the back. The sudden attack of the thick fist caught the Taoist priest chasing after him off guard, and almost didn't fall off the flying sword. Fortunately, the Taoist priest It's not easy, after a few jumps, he stabilized his body, and then looked at Dian Shang with vigilance: "Monster, you have a burst of monster aura, you must have killed many innocent people on weekdays, today I will do justice for the sky , cut you down here."

"Remember, the one who takes your life is Longhu Mountain Yu Danggui!" The young Taoist tapped his toes lightly on the flying sword, his whole body was floating in the air, and he was dressed in a Taoist robe. As he muttered, the flying sword glowed crimson, floating in front of his eyebrows, as if gathering momentum, waiting for the command to attack at any time.

Angelica Yu?
Su Heng, who was sitting on Dian Shang, felt that the name sounded familiar, and glanced at the young Taoist priest suspiciously. He seemed to be familiar, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember clearly. He always had the impression of the weak. not very deep...

"Yu Danggui in Longhu Mountain? Great Emperor, seems to be the brother of that little girl Yuji?" Dian Shang thought of the little girl named Yuji in the underworld, who was overfed and impressed everyone.

When Dian Shang said this, Su Heng also remembered that Yu Ji seemed to have said during the chat in the mansion that she has an older brother named Yu Danggui, who is very talented and is called the little celestial master of Longhu Mountain, but his personality is a bit straightforward , thinking about killing demons and demons all day long.

"Huh? The opposite is Emperor Fengdu?" Yu Danggui, who was gathering his sword, also found a person sitting on top of Dian Shang. When he saw Su Heng, he thought of the scene on the Mengzhou battlefield. He scared off the Eastern Ghost Emperor, that was the Eastern Ghost Emperor. He stabbed at the Eastern Ghost Emperor with a sword, but he was slapped away, which is enough to show the strength of the Eastern Ghost Emperor. You know, in the dragon and tiger In the mountains, he couldn't remember how many junior juniors who claimed to be geniuses in the sky he had sent away...

Yu Danggui deliberately narrowed the distance, and after confirming that it was Su Heng, he immediately put away the flying sword, and politely saluted with fists cupped. Feng is not only powerful than the emperor, but also a monk named Qijie, who was only wearing a dragon at the beginning. Hushan, he discussed with his master, but the master lost, and he also lost the ancestral Tianshi sword. Now his master, the old Tianshi Longhushan in the world's mouth, hides every day. Houshan, hugging the cedar and crying loudly, saying that I am sorry to the ancestors of the past generations, saying that I am useless, I have lived a lot of years to the dog, that I have no face to live on, and I want to jump off the cliff of Houshan, and let Yu Angelica don't move, don't pull him.

In the end, he sat on the edge of the cliff and did not jump for a long time. Yu Danggui was watching by the side at that time, standing like that, watching without moving, very obedient and not moving, then he didn't know why, he was driven down the mountain by his master He even said that he was not allowed to go back to the mountain without an order...

Pulling back her thoughts, Yu Danggui glanced at Dian Shang, and then looked at Su Heng again: "I said why a big monster with a demonic aura suddenly appeared. It turned out to be the emperor's car. This is understandable. The emperor suppressed it No matter what kind of monsters and ghosts he has, he will be submissive, although this ugly monster is powerful, but in front of the emperor, he can only be obedient and obedient."

Yu Danggui's words made Dian Shang unhappy. What do you mean by lifting one and suppressing the other, but you dare not refute it. If you refute it, doesn't it mean that Dian Shang does not approve of Yu Danggui's words?What would the great emperor think when he heard this?As an existence who wants to grab a job, he definitely can't make this low-level mistake. In short, he can't afford to provoke...

Yu Danggui and Su Heng waved goodbye. Su Heng didn't feel much after hearing it, but felt that the outsiders were similar to those in the underworld. They all spoke nicely and sincerely, and couldn't find those sycophants.

Dian Shang was a little depressed, and his heart was full of anger. This little celestial master from Longhushan, with delicate skin and tender flesh, must look good next time he meets.


Buzhou Mountain is located outside the Northwest Sea, in the corner of the Great Desolation. There are mountains that do not fit together, so it is called Buzhou.

Gonggong was very angry after failing to run for the leadership of the tribe. He felt that it was all due to Buzhou Mountain, because Buzhou Mountain represented incompleteness, incompleteness, and disaster. It was these bad reasons that led him to compete for the leader of the tribe. Failed.

Gong Gong is tall and burly, with a big head. In fact, it was not so big before. But after losing the election, he felt depressed and depressed. He bumped his head against the mountain every day to vent his grievances. As a result, his head got bigger and bigger...

Not only did his head get bigger, he was also bald, and his hair was gone. In order to practice iron head skills, he worked hard and struggled every day. Later, he became bald and felt a little stronger, but it still couldn’t work, because he now There is still no way to knock down Buzhou Mountain.

The towering Buzhou Mountain stands there, its peak touching the sky, as if mocking his incompetence.

Gonggong gritted his teeth with anger on his face, and continued to hit the mountainside with his shiny bald head again and again, causing echoes from all around the mountain.

"Brave-headed brother, take a break. I brought back a big bird, eat it first and then talk." A young man appeared behind Gong Gong, with a bow on his back and a big bird in his hand. The neck is crooked, and there are traces of arrows pulled out on it.

"I've found firewood too." A fat man with a yellow snake on his body also came over with a pile of firewood and put it aside.

These two people are Houyi and Kuafu. After the last trip to the underworld, the two had a falling out, but in the end, love overcame everything and reconciled as before, but the two came to a gentleman's agreement Kuafu said, if he catches up with the sun first, then Hou Yi is not allowed to think about his reincarnated sister, she is still young, don't think about old cows eating tender grass, if Hou Yi shoots with arrows first When the sun goes down, he doesn't care about it, even if it's cheaper for Hou Yi, the flower of my sister will make Hou Yi, a pig...

After the two reached an agreement, they came to this great wilderness together. They just wanted to calm down and practice, so as to accomplish their goals as soon as possible. Later, the two met Gonggong. Bald man.

Now Hou Yi has given up the unrealistic idea of ​​shooting down the sun directly with an arrow, and switched to shooting birds with arrows. He feels that everything should start with small things. To think about shooting the sun.

Kuafu is not chasing the sun blindly, he is now raising snakes every day, he believes that there must be a relationship between the yellow snake and the yellow sun, and maybe he can find the secret of chasing the sun from the yellow snake, and one day, He felt that he could do it, and he would go after the sun again.

Thus, a man who practices iron head skills, a man who shoots birds, and a man who raises snakes, this strange combination was established in Dahuang.

They perform their own duties and are busy every day. The men farm and the men weave... they live happily together...


An outsider broke their peaceful and beautiful life.

A soaring demonic aura came from outside Buzhou Mountain, coming this way.

Gong Gong glanced at the panicked birds and beasts running around in the mountains, and frowned. This big monster exudes such a monster from such a distance, I'm afraid it's hard to deal with.

Houyi and Kuafu also had serious expressions on their faces. They hadn't felt such a strong evil spirit for a long time, and they immediately backed up and became vigilant.

It wasn't until a big monster with a body like an ape and thick limbs came from outside the mountain, and when they saw a person sitting on it, Houyi and Kuafu relaxed, and they both clasped their fists and said politely: "Great Emperor."

Emperor?The one from Fengdu?Gonggong looked at Houyi and Kuafu suspiciously. He had heard from both of them before that they seemed to be very powerful. In contact with outsiders, a lot of news came from Houyi and Kuafu.

(End of this chapter)

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