Invincible from the start

Chapter 174 Really Distressed...

Chapter 174 Really Distressed...


Not only Qijie looked solemn, but everyone around him also looked at the handleless knife cautiously, not daring to approach it rashly.

"Whoever can pull me out, I will recognize him as the master." The handleless knife spoke, and already had spiritual consciousness. It may have been a long time for a spiritual weapon to be able to give birth to spiritual consciousness in the world.

It's just that no one paid attention to it, and the onlookers were silent. Tianmen is different from ordinary adventures. Every time it opens, there will definitely be an existence that stirs up the world. It is precisely because of this that they have become so cautious.

"This year's Kyushu cultivators are so poor, no one dares to go forward and try? I am so disappointed." The tone of the handleless knife is energetic, not rigid, as if a normal person is communicating.

The Lord Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tathagata Buddha all curled their lips when they heard the words of the handleless knife...

I’ve been here every time the Heaven’s Gate opens, and I’ve never seen you. Why do you make this broken knife look like you’ve been here every time...

"Hmph, little demon sword, dare to be presumptuous, I'll do it." A burly and strong man came out, and he walked forward with a confident face. Judging by his momentum, he seemed to be a big boss.

"Great Emperor, this is..." Qijie immediately turned to look at Su Heng after seeing this person, and when he was about to introduce, Su Heng waved his hand and interrupted.

"If you don't survive three chapters, don't mention your name." Su Heng continued to watch calmly, the strong usually came out last, and he had to wait for these people to be overwhelmed by this handleless knife before going out.

While Su Heng was speaking, the burly man let out a scream, and his whole body turned into a puff of smoke, disappearing into the world...

Qijie was silent after seeing it, and then glanced at Su Heng, the Great Emperor was indeed the Great Emperor, always the Great Emperor...

"Tathagata, the golden lotus under your seat happens to be the nemesis of these evil things, why don't you do it yourself?" The leader of Tongtian looked at the golden lotus under Tathagata, and said, the two people he hates the most, one is Yuanshi Tianzun, the other It is Tathagata.

If he came to see the Master of Eye Tongtian, he knew that this old guy had no good intentions, but he still planned to try it himself. After all, all the people present here are all powerful people from all parts of Kyushu. His name will definitely resound throughout Kyushu again.

Tathagata took a step forward, sat down and turned the golden lotus into the size of a palm, and twirled it in the palm of his hand. The golden lotus is the treasure of Leiyin Temple. It has been baptized by many Buddha Zen sounds in Lingshan. It contains various Buddhist true meanings and is the nemesis of all evils in the world.

Tathagata lightly relaxed his hand, and the golden lotus floated above the handleless knife and began to rotate. Every time it turned around, various golden symbols would fall down, eroding the handleless knife little by little.

The handleless knife didn't resist, and let the talisman fall down. After a long time, a voice came from the handleless knife: "You Jinlian is nothing more than that."

As the words fell, a strange red light flew out from the handleless knife and slashed towards the golden lotus.

Tathagata's complexion changed, and he quickly wanted to take back the golden lotus, but it was too late, the strange knife light had already cut the golden lotus in half, and the people around saw that the golden lotus under Tathagata's seat, the treasure of Buddhism, was unexpectedly captured by this weird handleless knife It was cut in half with a knife, and in an instant, they were silent...

There was a trace of flesh pain on Tathagata's face, but he quickly returned to normal, still with a calm expression. He is a big brother of Buddhism. Isn't she just a little golden lotus, if it's gone, it's gone...

I feel so distressed...

Now that the golden lotus is ruined, it is not easy to restore it. It seems that Liu Er must be found as soon as possible to get the psychic lotus lamp. Tathagata retreated to the side and fell silent. The monkey tricked him into using Wuzhishan to suppress the monster monkey, and he didn't know where he went. Later, the monster escaped from Wuzhishan. Now it's all right, but he didn't get the lotus lamp, so he offended the monkey to death...

Then from time to time, the great emperor of Fengdu would come to Lingshan to beat the autumn wind...

Thinking of these trivial matters now, Tathagata has a headache. Thinking of Emperor Fengdu, Tathagata subconsciously looked up, why hasn't this man moved yet.

Su Heng has already moved at this time. He feels that the mentality of this group of people has almost been destroyed by this handleless knife, and it is time for him to stand up.

As soon as Su Heng made a move, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. They all looked at him with serious expressions. Of course they knew about this. They had always behaved violently, and they didn't know if they could deal with this weird handleless knife.

Speaking of the handleless knife, they were actually quite entangled in their hearts. First, they hoped that this man could subdue the handleless knife and give them Kyushu monks a face. Second, they didn't want him to surrender the handleless knife, because it would appear to be They are so useless...

The handleless knife also noticed Su Heng. It has spiritual consciousness, and naturally felt the changes in the eyes and atmosphere of these people around it. It also knew that this person should not be simple, but it was not afraid, and opened its mouth: "You..."


The onlookers only saw that the great emperor raised his slap and then slapped it down, and then the handleless knife, which was so awesome before, was broken into two pieces...

The atmosphere became a little weird for a while, very quiet...

"Amitabha." Qijie clasped his hands together, took out a chicken leg and began to gnaw on it, and at the same time took out some chicken legs from his bosom and handed them to the people around him.

Everyone glanced at Qijie and knew that Qijie came from the underworld and was on the same team as Emperor Fengdu, so they were too embarrassed to refuse, so all the big shots took chicken legs and gnawed together...

Su Heng silently took out the list of gods, and he turned the stele into the size of a palm, and instantly put the two broken blades into it. Anyway, no matter what it is now, as long as it can provide strong spiritual energy, he will put away all the list of gods As for the current scene in the Conferred Gods List, he didn't bother to care about it.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was standing not far away, was holding a chicken leg in his hand, and before he could speak, his eyes froze when he saw the list of gods in Su Heng's hand.

Why did this list of gods appear in the hands of this great emperor?And he has sharp eyes, and just spotted the twelve names engraved on the stone tablet, which are the twelve golden immortals under his Yuxu sect.

Could it be that this great emperor shot and killed the Twelve Golden Immortals?Impossible, I have no grievances or enmities with him, why did he attack my subordinates?Could it be that someone is telling lies from it?That's why the emperor let the emperor kill my twelve apprentices?So who is telling the truth behind the scenes?Is there an insider in my Yuxu Sect who also participated in this matter?

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, took a bite of the chicken leg, and after he finished eating the chicken leg, his eyes were a little confused, what was I thinking just now?
(End of this chapter)

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