Invincible from the start

Chapter 180 Truth Listening Actually Cried...

Chapter 180 Truth Listening Actually Cried... (Subscribe)
The time goes back to how much time the author doesn't know...

After Dongfang Nian got the jade card given by Su Heng in the underworld, he went to Tushan and got a 13 from the head of the house. When he flicked the jade card, the momentum was like a rainbow. With one blow, Dongfang Nian felt that he had reached The pinnacle of life, even though he was later captured by that master Tu Shan...

The cycle of heaven seems to prove that the world of Kyushu is round. The blow Dongfang Nian used circled around the world of nothingness. I don’t know how many worlds he traveled through. After a circle, he finally came back and smashed several peaks of Tushan by the way. , once again took the place of Dongfang Nian to pull the hatred...

That black and white light, which contained [-]% of Su Heng's strength, traveled around the world of nothingness, visited all kinds of worlds, created various miracles, and left a deep impression on the local residents.

Within the three thousand void realms, the worlds from all sides reacted differently.

There was a young man who sat on the edge of the cliff all year round, with his legs crossed, drinking wine, with a dissolute expression on his face, until he saw the black and white light passing by from the sky, he threw away the jug, and was shocked in his heart. This terrifying black and white light Who released the light?Is there anyone in this world who is stronger than me?


There was a swordsman with a sword on his back. He had no opponent in this world, and it was hard to win. He felt that he could no longer find the joy of living. Even if a man came to accompany him to practice sword exercises, it would be no fun. One day, he pulled out his beloved saber. He held the sword with one hand and put the blade around his neck. He wanted to end himself and bid farewell to this boring world. Seeing a black and white light passing by, at this moment, he realized that there are more powerful existences under the sky, he fell down unwillingly, stretched his hands towards the sky, and shouted in his heart, I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die anymore. give me a chance……


There is an old man, he is called a fortune teller, he can calculate all the world's affairs, no one can escape his insight, he is called the person closest to God, for so many years, he has been studying the power of wishes, according to ancient books, Wish power is the medium that connects the gods and demons. He has always wanted to find the real gods and demons, but he has been unable to find anything. He is about to give up and can't hold on until the black and white light passes by, and he jumps up excitedly , It turns out that there are really gods in this world. Sure enough, his hard work for so many years was not in vain. He jumped excitedly, forgetting that he was standing on the observatory, which was hundreds of meters high, and jumped down, suddenly... …


For the Yinglong clan, the old patriarch turned into an adult, with a white beard, sitting on the main seat, and two rows of clansmen stood below.

The old patriarch's face was dark, he was very unhappy, because last time when the clan was preparing for the ceremony of worshiping heaven, everything was prepared, but a black and white light came out from nowhere, directly destroying the venue for offering sacrifices to heaven.

As the patriarch of the Yinglong clan, he attaches great importance to the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. There is a saying in the Yinglong clan that if something goes wrong on the day of the ceremony, it means that God is very dissatisfied with the patriarch of this generation, and the clansmen should replace it. patriarch.

The old patriarch has been in power for so many years, and he has long been accustomed to the pleasure of the peak of power. Because the power is in his hands, he can do whatever he wants. Whether it is a male dragon or a female dragon in the clan, he chooses at will...

In the previous years, he sent his cronies to hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, and he was careful not to have any accidents, but this time the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens still had an accident.

He was thinking, this black and white light is extremely powerful, it cannot be released by ordinary people, it must not be man-made, maybe some ancient artifact was used, so who exactly used the ancient artifact at this time?
The old patriarch thought for a while, and felt that the clan elders in the clan were the most likely. I am afraid that many people down there began to feel restless. Thinking of this, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Old Ancestor, we used the Lingzhu gifted by Lord Donghuang back then to track down the whereabouts of this black and white light. It came from the Kyushu Realm." A member of the tribe below stood up and said with a serious expression.

Kyushu world?It's a good place there, not only the Yinglong clan, but also other clans, even the noble Donghuang lord are salivating. I heard that the seal outside the Kyushu boundary has shown signs of loosening recently. They have already rushed to Kyushu, and their Yinglong clan belongs to one of the top existences of the mountain and sea monster clan, so they naturally wanted to go and have a look, but Lord Donghuang sent them an order to wait, so they dragged on until now.

However, the old man and the Kyushu Realm have not been in touch for many years. Even tens of thousands of years ago, no one was offended too much. Everyone is fighting for race, which is inevitable. Then why did the people in the Kyushu Realm destroy My own sacrifice to heaven?

The old patriarch continued to squint his eyes, and he confirmed his conjecture even more. He was afraid that some of the clan elders secretly contacted the Kyushu Realm, used some kind of ancient artifact, destroyed his great ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, and caused chaos among the clan , let the clansmen suspect that it is a punishment from the gods, and thus affect their own status. These people have ulterior motives...


The mountain and sea monsters belong to a collection of various monsters. There are at least tens of thousands of different races. Among them, they worship the same big monster, that is, their high-ranking demon emperor, Donghuang Taiyi .

Donghuang Taiyi was currently practicing in seclusion. He frowned. Ever since he heard that the barrier in the Kyushu Realm had loosened, he had thought about returning to Kyushu and fulfilling his unfulfilled dream. When the idea of ​​going to Kyushu just came up in his mind, he suddenly panicked, as if God was warning something. Regarding this feeling, Donghuang Taiyi did not dare to be careless. For this reason, he even deliberately talked with his wife's mother clan, The Yinglong family said hello, don't go to Kyushu for the time being, and wait for his order.

However, there are too many secrets in the world of Kyushu, and many things have not been discovered yet. He has always wanted to unify Kyushu, and he has never given up on this idea for so many years. The warning was lowered, and he was entangled, should he go or not?

In the underworld, Su Heng came back. When he came back, he didn't see Qijie. He was probably still waiting with a group of people in Tianmen...

Followed by Dong Yong and Gao Siqing, Gao Siqing stalked and fought hard, with tears in his eyes, expressing his willingness to contribute everything, only begging the emperor to take him in, Su Heng was moved by his sincerity, and kept him, saying that there are some spirit beasts in the underworld Needs to be taken care of, needs a shit-shoveling officer, there are many types of spirit beasts, including rabbits, turtles, big birds, and a licking dog...

After receiving the news of the emperor's return, Di Ting immediately ran to the bank of Wangchuan River, scooped up the river water and splashed it on the eyeballs, because it is a spirit beast, which is a bit special, as long as ordinary water touches its skin, it will melt, while Wangchuan The water in Chuanhe is different. It is a kind of miraculous water with a strong corrosive effect, but it is not afraid of corrosion, as long as there are some drops of water left on your eyes.

"Great Emperor, I've been thinking about it day and night, and I've finally brought you back. During the days when you were away, I felt like something was missing from my whole body. I suddenly found that I could listen to the Three Realms again. After asking, I found out that the Great Emperor has returned. If you don’t come back, my ears may be useless. Because of your return, I was able to keep them. , You are my reborn parents." Di Ting looked serious, and when he spoke, he enunciated every word clearly, without thinking, as if it came from the bottom of his heart.

Su Heng was shocked. Looking at the lines of tears on Di Ting's face, he was really moved. He knew that Di Ting was a heaven and earth spirit beast and would not shed tears, but this time, Di Ting actually cried.

Su Heng immediately turned his head and said to Gao Siqing: "From now on, clean Di Ting more every day, especially the lower part, two or three times more than ordinary spirit beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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