Invincible from the start

Chapter 182 The Heavenless Buddha

Chapter 182 The Heavenless Buddha (for Subscription)

Mo Tuo didn't dare to think about the next thing anymore, without saying a word, his body merged into the black lotus, he turned around and ran away, Qijie stood by the cave entrance, and didn't stop him, watching Mo Tuo slip away, shaking with a smile Shaking his head: "I'm just afraid that you will die and come over to take a look, why be so flustered."

Mo Tuo turned into a black lotus, and rushed across the vast mountain. Under the rapid impact, countless branches and leaves of trees were lifted up and fell to the ground one after another.

Until a Taoist appeared in front of him, his clothes were messy, he looked sloppy, and he had a beard.

The Taoist looked very weak, his body was full of inadequacy, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"I didn't expect that you and I still have this fate in the dark. Maybe this is fate." The Taoist looked at Mo Tuo who had turned into a black lotus, and sighed, not talking nonsense, the whole body turned into a black lotus. The thin smoke floated towards Mo Tuo.

When Mo Tuo saw this, he was shocked again. He was very familiar with this method. He was attached to Tathagata's body in the same way at the beginning. The origin of this Taoist is unknown. Could it be that he wants to take my black lotus away?

Mo Tuo wanted to escape from this place, but this Taoist was too powerful, and the thin smoke stuck tightly to him, unable to disperse.

Motuo could only watch helplessly as the smoke melted into his black lotus.

The black lotus stagnated in the air for a long time, and with a tremor, the black lotus emitted a dazzling purple light in the air, and a monk in black appeared on top of the black lotus, sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, wearing a black robe Surrounded by the purple light, it looked very beautiful, and many black hairs gradually grew out of the shiny scalp, hanging down the shoulders.

The black-robed monk sat there, motionless. Many memories flashed through his mind, some of which belonged to him, and some seemed not to belong to him, but they blended together without any barriers, as if hit Destined to be the same, but they were temporarily separated before, and now they are back together again.

In his mind, pictures flashed quickly, like clouds and smoke in the past, but still fresh in his memory.

He sees a lot...

In that small town in the south of the Yangtze River with small bridges and flowing water, he stood on the edge of the boat and handed an umbrella to a girl.

An old monk touched his head and said that he had the root of wisdom, and he worshiped in Changsheng Temple.

He was ordained as a monk, saw through the world of mortals, cut off six roots, and buried another self in the deepest part of his heart.

Under the eight-armed Buddha statue in the temple, the girl touched his heart, and he questioned his obsession for so many years.

His inner demon entered his body and turned into two selves, and he couldn't tell whether he was himself or not, which one was the butterfly and which was me.

He saw Kyushu a long time ago, saw himself standing on a high place, looking down, many people were shouting, many people were fighting, there were wars everywhere, and disputes everywhere.

He and his senior brothers founded the Western Sect. They wanted to restore peace to Kyushu, but they changed later, and their original ideals had long been forgotten. All they thought about was how to strengthen their own Buddhism.

He began to have desires and evil thoughts in his heart, and he abandoned his good thoughts. He saw his good thoughts, separated from his body, and looked at himself from afar.

He became the group of people who stood on the high ground and looked down. Like that group of people, he began to shout and fight, and there were wars and disputes everywhere.

He had disputes with his senior brother and had different ideas, and their relationship became weaker and weaker.

He subdued a peacock, and was injured by the peacock later. He lost two souls and six souls, and only one soul and one soul remained, wandering aimlessly between the heaven and the earth. There are so many reincarnations, and in the annual rings of these reincarnations, he has seen many people, there are people, there are monsters, there are good people, there are evil people, there are good monsters, there are evil monsters, he understands a lot, and understands a lot.

He suddenly felt that this world was redundant and a new order needed to be re-established.

Above the black lotus, there was a faint purple light, and the black-robed monk with long black hair opened his eyes lightly, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and he said lightly: "My name is Wutian."


In the underworld, old man Qin came to find Su Heng. He was very efficient. He said that the three-life stone had almost been repaired, but there was a mistake in the middle, because there was a meditation stone in the underworld, which he used as a material to restore the three-life stone. Using a special secret method, the Sansheng Stone was directly fixed at the original position of the Meditation Stone, and now it cannot be removed...

After hearing this, Su Heng glanced at Dong Yong who was standing aside, and then looked at old man Qin with a serious face: "Then find a way to get it out of its fixed position, even if it is destroyed, get it down, and find it later." Repaired with new materials, the Sansheng Stone belongs to Dong Yong, you are fixed there now, what will the world think of us in the future? Do you think we are plundering? They may even think that we did it on purpose."

The old man Qin immediately lowered his face when he heard this, and said: "Great Emperor, you don't know, the old man discovered that this meditation stone is an indispensable material for repairing the Three Life Stone, but you also know this meditation stone. Back then, there was only one in Changsheng Temple. Finding the second meditation stone is even more difficult than climbing to the sky. If we forcibly remove the Sansheng stone from its fixed position this time, I don’t know how long it will take to repair it.”

"Don't take it down, that's it, it's okay." Dong Yong on the side couldn't wait to speak out after listening to Master Qin's words. If the three life stones are broken, how can he find Xiao Qi?

The old man Qin squinted at Dong Yong, then nodded: "Okay. Since Mr. Dong said so, the old man will continue to repair it. It is estimated that the repair will be completed in a few days."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look with you." Dong Yong was very eager, and didn't feel anything wrong. He took the old man Qin's hand and walked towards the Sansheng Stone.

The old man Qin looked down at Dong Yong's thin and tender arm, narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed.

"Great Emperor, it's not good for you to bully Dong Yong like this." Su Xiaoxiao appeared from behind. She had just witnessed all this. Looking at Dong Yong, it was as if she had seen the fortune-telling at the beginning. , I don’t know if I was cheated.

Su Heng frowned: "Although I'm really interested in these three life stones, I really didn't instruct Master Qin to act like this. He did everything by himself."

"But this is also related to me after all. It is impossible for Dong Yong to find his wife with his meager magic power. With that little spiritual power, he can't even control the Sansheng Stone. Don't even try to find it in his life. I will help her in the future." He, with my spiritual power, he will be able to find the person he wants to see sooner or later, so it is better than searching without hope in the Taohuayuan."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't speak after hearing this, she just turned her head and looked at Zhaocai in the distance, she was very happy playing with Xiaopangdun and the others, now the little girl is amazing, a turtle, a rabbit, a bird, changing every day Playing tricks and having a good time, she didn't know where she threw the lantern for a long time. From this point of view, maybe the emperor's way of bringing her back to the underworld was not wrong, maybe Dong Yong was the next one to attract money, Although she doesn't look cute enough to attract money, nor does she look pleasing to attract money...

"By the way, the Great Emperor, there is a message from the messengers. In a small city called Jiangzhou, a ghost king appeared. His magic power is so strong that he is extremely powerful. The messengers have nothing to do with it. In the end, Zhong Kui personally took action Solve it." Su Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly became serious, and she began to report the business.

Su Heng nodded after listening. Now that everything has been resolved, there is nothing else to say.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't speak, and continued: "The strange thing is that every once in a while, a new ghost king will appear in that small town called Jiangzhou, and every time the new ghost king appears, its strength is much higher than that of the previous one. One, every time the ghost king appeared before, Zhong Kui was still able to deal with it, but now, he is getting more and more difficult, and I suspect that there will be more powerful ghost kings in the future."

Su Heng understood the meaning of Su Xiaoxiao's words, that is, this small town called Jiangzhou is very strange, or she is curious, wondering why each ghost king that appears is more powerful than the other, and she really wants to understand the real truth behind this. meaning.

Generally speaking, Chief Su is staying in the underworld every day, and his chest hurts a little, maybe this is the reason for his flat chest...

However, Su Xiaoxiao's words also aroused Su Heng's curiosity, what is so special about this small town called Jiangzhou, or there are some secrets hidden behind it that ordinary people cannot discover.

"It's okay, there is nothing more suitable for dealing with ghosts than ghosts. I will take the Nether Ghost King to have a look in person later." Su Heng suddenly thought of the Nether Ghost King, the old ghost who lay on the beam all day. Tian Tian and Old Man Yan hid in the room and didn't know what to do, and they could hear the screams of ghosts and wolves all day long...

(End of this chapter)

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