i loved you so much

Chapter 18 Scars are the Legacy of Love

Chapter 18 Scars are the Legacy of Love (1)
When Chu Kui came in, she saw An Xiaoduo sitting by the window with a pale face. She walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder: "Have you been here for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived for a while." An Xiaoduo called the waiter, "We want to order food."

The waiter came over with the menu card, An Xiaoduo opened it to look at it, and said casually: "The steak here is good, do you want to try it?"

"Okay, I'll just order a steak."

"Two steaks, medium rare, mine will add black pepper." An Xiaoduo returned the menu card to the waiter.

"Are you a regular here?"

"I don't come here very often. I checked it on the Internet. If I can eat bowls of noodles at random roadside stalls, I know you are particular, so I will choose here."

"Street stall? That's unhygienic! By the way, what have you been up to lately? Isn't He Bixi's movie almost finished?"

"It's almost done, just add a few more shots and it will be finished."

"Then are you still going on?"

"Of course I want to keep doing it, but it depends on what Miss He wants."

Chu Kui picked up the lemonade on the table and took a sip: "Actually, when you told me that you wanted to be an assistant to a celebrity or a French teacher, I really didn't think much of it. I thought you would stick to it for a few days at most."

An Xiaoduo twitched her lips: "People change, I can't go on being willful forever, besides, Ms. He really treated me very well and took good care of me."

"That's good. Oh, Yu Zhangwen went to Li Xiaoan's law firm, did you know that?" Chu Kui said.

It was only then that An Xiaoduo remembered that Yu Zhangwen was majoring in law. She shook her head: "I don't know."

"I only found out yesterday. He kept the secret from me before. You know that the conditions like his are not so easy to find a satisfactory job in China."

"Why is he hiding it from you?"

"The big man's mentality is causing trouble. He is afraid that I will know that he can't find a job and lose face, so he simply doesn't tell me anything, and he will let me know when the deal is done."

An Xiaoduo laughed: "Maybe he doesn't want you to worry."

Chu Kui shook her head again and again: "I understand him."

The waiter brought up the steak and interrupted the conversation between the two. Chu Kui suddenly remembered something: "A few days ago, you asked me if I knew anyone in the hospital. What's going on?"

An Xiaoduo hesitated for a moment, and said, "My dad committed suicide in prison two weeks ago. Fortunately, he was discovered in time and rescued."

Chu Kui was drinking lemon black tea, and suddenly choked, coughing and asking her, "What? Why?"

"He is helping others to take the blame, but he doesn't want me to find out the truth."

Chu Kui was taken aback: "Help who?"

"I don't know, he won't tell, I just know it's a woman."

"I remember you said that your father was a warehouse keeper in a foreign trade company before the accident. Have you asked his colleagues?"

"I asked. They said that my father was withdrawn and taciturn during work hours. After work, he didn't deal with his colleagues at all. They didn't even know where he lived, let alone who he was in contact with."

"It's really tricky to look at it this way." Chu Kui didn't know what to think, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Have you asked your mother?"

An Xiaoduo smiled dimly: "My mother's attitude is no better than Xiao'an's. She hates my father and doesn't allow me to mention him in front of her."

"There is something I have never dared to ask you. Why did your parents divorce back then? Was there a third party involved?"

An Xiaoduo shook her head: "I don't know the details, but my father must be at fault first, otherwise my mother wouldn't hate him so much. Although my mother has a temper, she is a reasonable person."

She picked up a knife and fork and cut the steak into small pieces: "My mother was afraid that my father would come to see me, so she sold the house after the divorce and took me to seek refuge with her friends in neighboring provinces."

"Your mother is also very good at doing things."

"My dad later told me that he was sorry for my mother, but he kept silent about the specific reason, as if it was a taboo."

Having said that, An Xiaoduo sighed.

"In the past few days, I have been to several hospitals in Wucheng, but I couldn't find my father's whereabouts. Later, I went to the prison to ask and found out that he was transferred back to the prison on the third day after he was rescued."

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" Chu Kui couldn't help complaining to her old friend, "You keep everything in your heart. It's fine if I'm not in China before, but now you still see me outside? Although I may not be able to." What can I do to help, but at least I can go to the hospital with you to look for it."

"It's not that I saw someone... Chu Kui, I'm very confused and don't know what to do."

"Did you tell Li Xiaoan about your father helping others to take the blame?"

An Xiaoduo nodded slightly, but she still couldn't help it. Thinking of his response that day, her heart was more than half cold.It's no wonder he didn't believe it. The timing of what she said was wrong, and she wouldn't believe it. Unless she had real evidence, he would only think that she was justifying her father.

"I don't ask for anything else now, I just hope that my dad will stop doing stupid things. He doesn't want me to know and I just pretend that I don't know. Even if he can't leave the prison, there is always a glimmer of hope in life." An Xiaoduo's snow-white face showed With a pensive look, he rubbed his fingers lightly at the cup, "My dad used to learn painting, he could have become an excellent painter. When I was five years old, I climbed up a tree to play naughty, and accidentally fell down. My dad I reached out under the tree to catch me. I was fine, but he hurt his tether and could no longer hold a paintbrush. He is a very talented person. If it wasn't for me to prevent him from painting, he wouldn't be a warehouse keeper. , Carrying boxes and moving goods every day is tiring and sick."

Knowing that she and An Zhengran had a good relationship, Chu Kui said, "I don't blame you, you were still young then."

"My father has been depressed for so many years. He was handsome when he was young. I saw him in prison the other day. I couldn't believe that the old man in front of me was my father. He is only in his 50s this year. , the hair is all white, and there are wrinkles on the face, but it's nothing, what makes me feel strange is his eyes, lifeless, as if the only thing alive is the skin, his soul perished two years ago gone."

Chu Kui held her hand and said in a low voice, "I remembered, Ben seems to have a cousin who works in the municipality, and his position is quite high, why don't you ask him for help."

"Don't do it!" An Xiaoduo hurriedly stopped her, "The person Qiao Ke helped me put in the prison before has been transferred away, and I don't want to hurt anyone else."

Chu Kui wanted to say something more, but An Xiaoduo looked at her seriously, and said, "Chu Kui, you promise me that you will help me keep my father's scapegoat a secret. Yes, don't think about doing anything for me, you can't help me, especially now that Yu Zhangwen is working in his law firm, you have to think about him."

"What are your plans?"

An Xiaoduo was silent for a long time, and finally just shook her head.She is at a loss now, at a crossroads, she doesn't know which fork is the right way to go.

After dinner, An Xiaoduo returned to the studio. He Bixi flew to Hong Kong yesterday to attend an awards ceremony, and she will not be back until tonight. Tracy and Xiaomi followed, leaving her alone in the studio.She turned on the computer and was about to surf the Internet. A text message came in from her mobile phone. She looked at it, and it was a reminder text message from the Bank of Communications. The final payment from Du Mei's publishing house had arrived.

Qiao Ke called at this time and said that he had something to tell her face to face, so she asked him to come to the studio.She didn't know where he came from, so she tidied up the office when the doorbell rang.

She opened the door to let him in, and Qiao Ke handed her the paper bag in his hand: "Wang Jian got it when he went back to go through the formalities a few days ago. He said that he took your money, but he didn't help much. Even if this is the last thing he tried The heart, this kid will only dare to give it to me when he reports to the new unit."

An Xiaoduo took it suspiciously, and poured out the contents on the coffee table—it was a dilapidated notebook, and it could be seen from the cover that it was something many years ago.She turned it over, and on the first page was An Zhengran's name written on the blank.

She trembled her long eyelashes and looked at Qiao Ke: "Is it my father's?"

Qiao Ke nodded: "Hiding it under your dad's mattress, Wang Jian took it out secretly. He was very careful, and said that he saw your dad reading this book several times."

An Xiaoduo couldn't wait to look at it, and the few lines of words that caught her eyes instantly blurred her eyes, and tears welled up in her eyes——

"The nurse took Duoduo out of the delivery room. It was a small ball, not much bigger than the one-month-old kitten next door. It was very soft. I didn't dare to hug her for fear of hurting her."

"I wash the diapers for Duoduo every day and hang them in the yard to blow in the wind. I feel very happy."

"Duoduo will start laughing in two weeks. The old man said that the sooner the baby smiles, the smarter it will be. The eyes are like the mother's, big, round and shiny, and it smiles like a crescent moon."

"Duoduo is easy to take care of, she doesn't like to cry very much, she can be hugged by anyone, she is not afraid of life."

"Duoduo will be able to call her mother on the 149th day, but her father still can't, it's because I didn't accompany her enough."

"On the 160th day, Duo Duo will call Dad, I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep all night."

"Duoduo has started to grow baby teeth."

"Duoduo likes to pinch father's ears the most before going to bed, and she falls asleep after pinching for a while."


"Duoduo is 11 months old and can walk. Although she is not stable, she wobbles like a chubby little penguin."

"My little candy is one year old today."

"Duoduo's mother and I decided to send Duoduo to the nursery. In the morning, I told Doduo to take her to play with the children. She was very happy and chased after her mother to make a fuss about wearing a beautiful dress. We sent her to the nursery. Dodo and I Mom was about to leave, and Duo Duo was hugged by the nursery teacher and cried so hard that she couldn't breathe, and on the way back, Duo Duo's mother's eyes were also red, and I had the urge to go back and take Duo Duo away."

"The first song Dodo learned to sing was "Twinkle Twinkle Star". I went to pick her up. She sat obediently in front of the bicycle and sang it to me over and over again. This is the best song I have ever heard in my life. Listen to a song."

"Duoduo has a fever. I took her to the clinic for an injection. She cried until she became hoarse. My heart aches."

"Duoduo's second birthday is today. I bought her a doll. She likes it very much. She will not sleep until she hugs it at night."

"On weekends, during the day, I went out with Dodo's mother to do errands. Dodo asked the neighbors to take care of her. At night, I bathed Dodo and found bruises on her arms. After careful questioning, I found out that she was bullied by the neighbor's Xiaoji. Take her doll, she won't give it."

"I bought a doll for Xiaoji. I didn't expect Dodo to cry when she found out."

"Duoduo is in the small class, and Duoduo's mother puts her on a new dress, my beautiful little princess."

"The teacher in the kindergarten loves Duoduo very much. Every day, she puts a few big white rabbit milk candies in her pocket. She steals them when she goes to bed, but Duoduo's mother finds out and confiscates the rest. She also said that she will go to the teacher tomorrow. Saying that no more candies are allowed, Duoduo cried aggrievedly."

"In order to make up for Duoduo who has no candy to eat, I bought her a large balloon. She was holding the balloon and going to look in the mirror in front of the closet. She was so excited that she fell and burst the balloon."


"Duoduo is very popular in the class. The little friends like her very much, especially the boys in the big class. They like to take her to play. Such a young child has aesthetics."

"Duoduo likes to draw, although I can't understand what she is drawing."

"Take Dodo to ride the bumper car in the amusement park. She has played it so many times that she is reluctant to get off."

"As soon as I got my salary, I went to the mall and bought a small bicycle. Duo Duo could ride it after a night of playing. Duo Duo's mother said that her daughter has a strong learning ability, which seems to be true."


"Duoduo's mother was on a business trip. It was my first time to tie Dodo's hair, but I failed. I usually see Duoduo's mother doing it, it seems very simple."

"On Children's Day, Dodo performed on stage and sang "The Smurfs". The teacher who taught her singing kept praising her for her talent."

"Today, I went to pick up Dodo from school, and saw a little boy following her, helping her with the water bottle and schoolbag. This little girl can dominate boys at such a young age."


"Duoduo ran out with her small schoolbag while we were taking a nap. After searching all afternoon, Duo Duo's mother and I were going crazy. Finally, we found her in the primary school garden. She was lying on the small stone table under the magnolia tree. Sleeping soundly, I originally wanted to wake her up and criticize her harshly, but when I saw her little face, my heart softened, I couldn't bear it, so I quickly carried her home."

"I discussed it with Dodo's mother and decided to let Dodo go to the first grade. Although it is a little earlier, Dodo knows more characters than eight-year-old Xiaoji."

"I asked for leave from my unit during the day, and sneaked out of the classroom to see her. She was so small, and the desks and chairs were too high for her. There was a thick dictionary under her buttocks, but she was listening carefully, with her eyes open. It was big and round, staring at the teacher intently, I told Mom Dodo when I got home, and we couldn’t help laughing.”

"On weekends, I took Dodo to fly a kite in the suburbs. She couldn't run fast and the kite couldn't fly, so I let her sit on my shoulders and took her to run. She asked me: 'Dad, are you tired?' I said no Tired, really not tired, I will be happy to carry my daughter for the rest of my life."

"Duoduo got the first place in the class at the end of the final exam. My mother and I agreed to let her have a kitten. She likes small animals very much. A few days ago, Xiaoji's cat gave birth to a litter. She finished her homework every night. I ran to see the little milk cats and gave them my own milk."

"I have nothing to do today, so I drew a portrait of Duo Duo. The bigger Duo Duo is, the more she looks like her mother and me. Her eyebrows and eyes are like my mother's, and her nose and mouth are like me."

"A few days ago, Dodo followed Xiaoji to climb a tree to pick small mangoes. When I passed by, she was already hanging on the branch. I didn't dare to yell at her loudly. I was afraid that she would fall down in fear. In the end, she would come here for whatever she was afraid of. My foot slipped and fell off the branch, I quickly reached out to catch her, but luckily I was safe, I was really terrified by her.”

"I asked Dodo what she wanted to do in the future, and Dodo's mother guided her, listing a bunch of career options such as doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers, musicians, painters, etc. She didn't expect her to find another way, saying that she would be a tour guide when she grew up , can play around. What a silly kid.”


"Duoduo skipped a grade this year. Friends around her say she is a genius. I really don't know whether it's joy or sorrow. In fact, I hope she spends time playing. Childhood is too short."

"Duoduo lost a tooth, I plan to collect her deciduous teeth and show her when she grows up."


"Duoduo has skipped a grade again. Since she entered school, her grades have always been No. 1 in her grade. The principal personally told us to let Dodo skip a grade. I actually don't want to do this. The child is still young and the schoolwork burden is too heavy, but Mom Doduo Persevere, I have no choice but to agree."

"The house is in a mess, Dodo was frightened by them, and now she dares not sleep until her mother hugs her... It's all my fault."

"It's been a long time since I took Dodo to the suburban park. She likes to go there to fly a kite. Yesterday I bought her a dragonfly kite. She kept asking me: 'Dad, shall we go kite tomorrow?'"Dad , will you really take me there tomorrow?" "Dad, what time do we get up tomorrow?" Silly boy, I will do what I promised you, and I really hope that I can fly kites with you for the rest of my life."


An Xiaoduo was crying uncontrollably at this moment, she never knew the existence of this book.Tears accidentally fell on the notebook, and the handwriting written in ink was smeared. She hurriedly used her cuffs to dry up the water stains, and tried her best to restrain her emotions.

Qiao Ke sighed, took out a few tissues and handed them to her: "I knew you would cry, don't hold back, cry as much as you want."

An Xiaoduo shook her head while holding the book, choked up and said, "Thank you Wang Jian for me, this book is very important to me."

"I will."

After seeing off Qiao Ke, An Xiaoduo sat on the sofa, read the book over and over again, and then carefully covered the cover and bottom of the book with transparent glue.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Xiaoan was sitting in the dining room having breakfast, while his younger sister was squatting on a chair beside her, staring intently at the enoki mushroom bacon roll on the table, seeing its greedy appearance, he couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

Aunt Cen went to the flower house, and came back in a hurry, saying: "Xiao An, Xiao Duo is outside, it seems that she came here very early."

Li Xiaoan paused, and looked outside thoughtfully. The sky was covered with dark clouds, which was a harbinger of the approaching rainstorm: "Let her wait."

Aunt Cen glanced at him, as if she didn't agree with his actions, but she didn't say anything in the end.

After Li Xiaoan finished his coffee, he went upstairs with his sister in his arms.

An Xiaoduo came here at dawn, the temperature dropped sharply today, and it was cloudy again, she had less clothes on her body, so she was shivering from the cold.Because she came early, she didn't dare to ring the doorbell. She thought about waiting here for him to come out, but she didn't expect to wait for three hours.

She didn't eat breakfast, and she was dizzy with hunger at this time, so she could only hold on.

Li Xiaoan stood by the curtain and looked at her. She sat quietly on the stone steps beside the rockery, with her head slightly lowered, her long hair in the shawl was a little messy by the wind.He suddenly remembered that year, he picked up her bag in the hotel and chased her out, and saw her sitting on the bench at the bus platform wiping tears, she also hung her head like this, showing her white neck, Helpless like an abandoned stray cat.

The younger sister whined twice in his arms, and he lowered his head and stroked its head.

There was a knock on the door, and Aunt Cen walked in: "Xiao An, it's raining outside."

He said lightly: "So what?"

"Let Xiaoduo come in, even if you don't want to see her."

Li Xiaoan looked up at her: "Aunt Cen, you are very kind to her."

Seeing the indifference on his face, Aunt Cen sighed silently: "It was her father who committed the crime, why should you be angry with her? You know what she is like best."

Of course Li Xiao'an knew it well, but he didn't think his request was too much, for her, he had already given in too much, and she knew what An Zhengran had done, but she still blindly defended that person, and went to Tang Junnian for help behind his back.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoan's unbearable feeling just now suddenly disappeared.

An Xiaoduo didn't know how long she stood there, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, she ran to the gazebo to hide from the rain, and after a while she saw the iron gate opened to both sides, and his car drove out slowly, she hurried out to stop him, she knew He saw her, but instead of stopping, the car accelerated.

She chased on the runway for a while, but she had no strength left to run, so she could only watch the car disappear from sight.She stood there in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, the rain seemed to have stopped. She raised her head in a daze, and saw Aunt Cen standing beside her with an umbrella.

"Xiaoduo, follow me into the house, let's go."

"Where did he go?"

"Don't care about him, you go in with me first."

After being dragged into the house by Aunt Cen, An Xiaoduo was soaked all over, and stood at the entrance, hesitating whether to enter or not.Aunt Cen had no choice but to push her to the bathroom, and handed her clean towels and bathrobes: "Hurry up and change your clothes, you will get sick like this."

(End of this chapter)

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