Chapter 7
Li Guangsheng stood where he was, watching her.In the long and narrow corridor, the girl's frail and hesitant back suddenly made him a little unbearable, and hurriedly took the car keys to catch up: "I'll see you off, it's not easy to take a taxi during a typhoon."

An Xiaoduo lowered her head and whispered, "No need, my house is not far from here."

By the light of the corridor, Li Guangsheng caught a glimpse of two lines of tears hanging on An Xiaoduo's face, and he was stunned for a moment.

In such a daze, An Xiaoduo ran away as if fleeing.

After being stunned for a while, Li Guangsheng sighed, turned back to the office, and secretly felt guilty as he walked. He reminded him that it was obviously for the benefit of the two, but why did he feel as if he was bullying An Xiaoduo when he saw An Xiaoduo's tears? Man is himself.

An Xiaoduo didn't bring an umbrella. When she got home, she was drenched. She hurriedly washed her hair, took a shower and changed into her pajamas. She sat cross-legged on the sofa and opened her notebook.

A few days ago, Du Mei gave her a foreign manuscript, the deadline was very tight, and it was due next month.She was obviously in a hurry to hand it in, but she was in a bad state tonight. She stared at the dense foreign language and didn't finish a paragraph for a long time. She kept thinking about what happened just now, and her chest was uncomfortable as if there was a stone embedded in it.

Sighing, she got up and went to the kitchen to make coffee and check on the puppy.Two days ago, she passed the trash can downstairs and saw a cardboard box next to it, which contained five newborn puppies. Because there was a heavy rain that morning, the cardboard box was soaked by the rain. Where are the little dogs? Withstood the invasion of wind and rain.Unwilling to give up, she checked carefully and found that one of the largest ones was still breathing. She rushed to the pet hospital for treatment, but the doctor did not do any treatment measures, only saying that it was too small, and it was raining again, so it couldn't be saved. up.

She had no choice but to take her home. Despite the doctor's assertion, she still had a little luck in her heart and hoped that the puppy would survive.

Squatting in front of the simple kennel, she stretched out her hand to touch it, but the touch of her fingers was not as soft as she had imagined. Her heart was chilled, and she was slowly filled with a sense of powerlessness—she even hugged it before going out at night, using a small It was fed with milk from a medicine bottle, and its body was still warm at that time.

Touching the puppy's stiff body, she remembered that once before, she also picked up a sick puppy and brought it back for nearly half a month. She went home on business, but when she came back, she found the puppy in the kennel It wasn't the one she picked up, so she asked Li Xiaoan, Li Xiaoan casually said that she had lost it, she immediately believed it, and was so anxious that she burst into tears, no matter how coaxed he was, it was useless.Later, Aunt Cen told her quietly that the puppy died of illness, and Li Xiaoan was afraid that she would be sad, so she went to many stray dog ​​shelters to find such a similar one, but she still recognized it.

After sitting on the ground for a while, she picked up her mobile phone and called Li Xiaoan.After connecting, a woman's brisk voice came from the microphone: "Hello, hello."

She froze fiercely, her mouth seemed to be stuck with glue, and she couldn't open her mouth no matter what.The voice was a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it for a while.

Under the repeated urging of the other party, she said dryly: "I'll call Lawyer Li and ask him to answer the phone."

"He's taking a shower. Who are you? What's the matter? I can pass it on to you."

She was silent for a moment and said, "No need."

She cut the cord before the other party could react, and she suddenly felt that she was ridiculous, he had already gone far away, and she was still waiting there foolishly.What are you waiting for?Do you still expect him to come back to you?An Xiaoduo, don't be stupid!

I went to the balcony to find a cardboard box and put the puppy in, tears streaming down my face, I don't know if I was sad for the puppy or my love that died two years ago.

During the long night, she couldn't sleep and couldn't read the manuscript. Her mind was in a mess and her heart was so empty that she suddenly remembered that there was a bottle of red wine in the cabinet. It was Qiao Ke who forced it to her when she heard that she couldn't sleep well at night. Drink a small cup every day before going to bed.

She took out the wine, pulled out the cork with a corkscrew, and directly pointed at the mouth of the bottle and poured it vigorously. A burning heat spread from her throat to her stomach. After a while, her scalp became swollen and numb, and her vision became a little blurred. , the floor seemed to twist up.

She grabbed the phone and called Li Xiaoan again, this time he answered.

"Li Xiaoan..."

"Is something wrong?"

She hummed, her tone drawn out, as if she was being coquettish, but full of grievances.What's the matter?She thought hard for a long time before holding back a sentence: "Who is that woman?"

"Which woman?"

"You..." She couldn't help hiccuping, the smell of alcohol rushed to her nose, she frowned uncomfortably, "Aren't you dating Miss He? That person is not Miss He."

"It doesn't matter who you are."

With tears streaming down her face, she said angrily, "It doesn't matter why, you clearly know...I still like you, why do you hate me so much? I didn't kidnap Yuan Yuan, that person was my father, what can I do?" Do you know how painful it is for me to be caught between you?"

With the smell of alcohol on her mind, she babbled incoherently, the other end of the line was very quiet, Li Xiaoan did not respond to her.

"I can't live without you, let's forget about the past and start over, okay?" At the end, she almost begged.

Li Xiaoan said coldly: "Yes."

An Xiaoduo was overjoyed, but was about to speak when he continued, "Unless you return Yuan Yuan to me."

Like a basin of ice water being poured from the top of her head, she burst into tears: "Yuan Yuan is dead..."

"You also know that he is dead. If it wasn't for you, how would An Zhengran have the opportunity to get close to my son?" Li Xiaoan's voice was cold and violent, "An Xiaoduo, don't dream, unless Yuan Yuan comes back to life , otherwise I will never forgive you in this life."

An Xiaoduo cried loudly: "My father is staying in the prison until he dies and can't get out. Isn't this punishment enough?"

"not enough."

An Xiaoduo's head got hot for a while, and she blurted out: "Then is it enough for me to pay for Yuan Yuan's life? I jumped down at the beginning, why did you save me? Believe it or not, I will jump again..."

"An Xiaoduo!"

Startled by his roar, An Xiaoduo fell silent immediately.

She knew she shouldn't bring it up, but if she hadn't taken advantage of the energy after drinking, she wouldn't have the courage to dig out the past events—those wounds that seemed to have been scarred for many years but hadn't really healed. It will keep pouring out.

What happened that night, in fact, she can't remember the specific details clearly. She only vaguely remembers that she was waiting for him at first, and wanted to have a good talk with him, but in the end, she waited all night.She drank a bottle of wine from his wine cabinet, and when it was almost dawn, he finally came back and went straight to the study. She chased after him, but she didn't know what the sentence ignited the fuse, and saw him sneering and pushing open the glass window, Pointing out the window, he said, "Do you want me to forgive you? Okay, if you jump off, I will forgive you."

She stared at him blankly, as if she couldn't understand what he said.

He showed a sneering smile on his frosty face: "What? Don't dare now? Who said just now that you can do anything, as long as I forgive her? An Xiaoduo, put away your hypocrisy , I won't eat your set."

Her vision became hazy again, and she murmured in a low voice: "Do you want me to die? Will you be happy if I die?"

"Yes, do you know? The most regretful thing I have done is to know you and bring you into my home. In fact, I was the one who made the most mistakes. I gave you a chance to hurt Yuanyuan."

These words were like the last straw that broke An Xiaoduo, her face turned pale, and there was no blood left.

Li Xiaoan seemed tired of confronting her, he strode out of the study, unwilling to look at her again.

She walked slowly to the window sill, sat on it with both hands, and jumped down without any hesitation, and then she didn't know anything. When she opened her eyes, she was already in the hospital.

The height of two floors, it is not easy to fall to death, but it is easy to fall into a disability, she was lucky that time.But she didn't have the joy of the rest of her life after the catastrophe. She lay on the hospital bed for more than a month. Only Aunt Cen went to see her every day, and Li Xiaoan never showed up even once.

"Have you been drinking?"

The phone was still connected, Li Xiaoan finally noticed something was wrong: "An Xiaoduo? Answer me!"

No matter how much she yelled at her, she couldn't get any response, only a faint sobbing sound, a feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart, and the scene of that night appeared in his mind - An Xiaoduo fell silently in a pool of blood.

He never wanted to experience that kind of frightening fear in his life for the second time.Thinking of this, he took the car keys and got up, walked out of the study, and met Qin Zheng who was holding a cup of hot milk in the aisle.

Qin Zheng raised her eyebrows in surprise: "You still go out so late?"

Li Xiaoan nodded, but did not stop.

A look of coldness flashed across Qin Zheng's eyes, and she hurried to catch up: "I paid a job and came here to accompany you, where are you going now without me?"

Li Xiaoan stood at the stairs and looked at her: "I didn't ask you to come here."

Qin Zheng was angry, that's right, she was the one who sent it to her door.

"It's very windy outside now, do you want me to go back by myself?"

"You can stay in the guest room tonight, tell Aunt Cen what you need."

"Are you going to see that An Xiaoduo?"

Li Xiaoan had already gone downstairs, but at this moment he stopped and stared back at her: "Qin Zheng, this is not something you should ask."

Qin Zheng's face turned pale: "You should know what I mean."

"Sorry, I can't accept your intentions." Li Xiaoan walked out the door without looking back.

The moment the door closed, the weakness in Qin Zheng's eyes disappeared, and then filled with resentment and unwillingness.

An Xiaoduo was tired from crying, and gradually stopped. She found the remote control on the sofa, and she turned on the TV and turned the volume to the maximum.The bottle was empty unconsciously, she let go of her hand, and with a bang, the bottle hit the floor and rolled to the side.

After watching TV for a while, she felt hot and dry all over her body, so she ran to the balcony to enjoy the wind, and the rain outside began to increase again. She leaned on the guardrail, stretched out her hand to catch the rainwater, and retracted her hand every time it was full, but the water disappeared in a blink of an eye. Light leaked.

She couldn't help being annoyed, how could this Yu be as virtuous as Li Xiaoan, the more she tried to catch it, the more she couldn't catch it.Anger rose from her heart, and evil grew to her guts. She climbed over the guardrail, grabbed the iron railing behind her, stepped on the stone steps about ten centimeters wide outside the guardrail, and stretched out her hand for a long time, letting the rainwater accumulate on her palm. Fill, overflow, fill up again.

She doesn't have acrophobia, and she doesn't feel scared even under the stimulation of alcohol at this time, and even faintly excited.The wind moved her skirt, and the rain fell on her body, making her heart feel cool. She closed her eyes but was inexplicably intoxicated. A strange thought suddenly came to her chaotic and illogical brain: Is the feeling of flying down like this similar to that of a bird? Like flying in the air?
She opened her eyes and looked around, considering the feasibility.It was already late at night, there were no passers-by, no fear of hitting people, there were puddles on the ground, although it was raining, but the wind was strong, which was good for flying, umm, great!
She tried to let go of one hand, her body swayed suddenly, then she slowly let go of the other hand little by little, and leaned forward, a little further...

Fly down with open arms, like a bird.

Her thoughts drifted away, and at the last moment before she swooped, she felt as if she had already vacated, but was controlled by a powerful force behind her.

She screamed anxiously: "Let go! Let go! Don't catch me, I'm going to fly!"

As if being rubbed into an embrace, the hands around her waist were shaking violently.She lowered her head in doubt, turned her body slightly, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Li Xiaoan, you are here!"

Li Xiaoan's face turned pale: "Xiaoduo, come in quickly."

She shook her head and said seriously, "I want to fly down."

Li Xiaoan frowned: "This place is not high enough to fly, you come down first, I will take you to another place to fly."

"Really?" She smiled and put her face closer, "then you can carry me in."

Li Xiaoan dragged her in from outside the guardrail, possibly slipping on the ground, he staggered a bit, and brought her to fall on the stone bricks.

"Are you okay?" He asked nervously, holding her to his chest.

She smiled and grabbed his hand: "I'm fine, you have something to do! Well, your hands are so cold."

Li Xiaoan breathed a sigh of relief, holding her arm up.

Like a wind-up motor, she kept pushing into his arms: "You said you were going to take me to fly, let's go."

Without saying a word, Li Xiaoan grabbed her and went to the bathroom, pressed her against the wall, turned on the shower and watered her head.While she was screaming, she struggled to run out, and he put one arm around her, imprisoning her in front of him.

She finally found that she couldn't escape, drooped her head, and cried loudly.

Li Xiaoan turned off the shower: "Are you sober?"

She nodded and pawed at him, like a puppy soaked in rain.

Li Xiaoan's face turned livid: "An Xiaoduo, listen carefully, if you dare to drink a drop of wine in the future, I won't peel your skin."

"En." She responded in a low voice, her mind became more and more confused, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally she couldn't hold it anymore, and gradually closed them together...

But it seemed that she had just squinted for a while before her chin was pinched, and the man poured something into her mouth, it was hot.She twisted her body uncomfortably, opened her eyes, and grabbed his sleeve: "Li Xiaoan, do you still love me?"

Li Xiaoan ordered her: "Close your eyes and sleep."

"Do you love me or not?" Her drunkenness came up again, and she rolled off the bed. If it wasn't for his sharp eyes and hands to stop her, she would have almost rolled to the floor.

Li Xiaoan pulled the quilt to cover her, she kicked her legs to protest: "It's so hot, you want to suffocate me—"

"Stop making trouble and go to sleep!" After all this tossing, he was exhausted.

"Are you with me?" She held on to the corner of his clothes, "Don't leave me, I will obey you."

Li Xiaoan ignored her, she tried her best to get close to his face, but he immediately turned his head away.In a hurry, she simply bit him.After staring blankly at him for a while, she pursed her lips, arched her head into his arms, and slowly lost consciousness.

Open your eyes, the sky is already bright.

The curtains were not closed, the light was strong, An Xiaoduo pulled up the quilt to cover her face, she had a splitting headache for a while, she wondered how much wine she drank last night.With a sudden jolt, she sat up abruptly.

last night……

Impossible, as real as it is, but impossible.She thought back bit by bit, it should be like this - she got drunk last night, then fell unconscious, and then dreamed of Li Xiaoan...

She smiled wryly, this man would never let her go even in his dreams.

Looking for the phone to check the time, it was almost noon, and there was a missed call from Tracy, she hurried back: "Tracy, I'm sorry, I overslept, I'll hurry over now..."

Hastily went to the bathroom to wash, change clothes, put on shoes, took out the keys, and then she was stunned - because she was afraid that she would forget the keys when she went out, she used to put a palm-sized basket on top of the shoe cabinet for the keys Wait for something small.Now in this basket, apart from her bunch of keys and the Lucky Cat coin purse, there is also a brand new key with a shiny metallic luster.

She picked it up to look, but couldn't remember where the key came from.She opened the wooden door in confusion, her eyes fell on the anti-theft door outside, she tried to insert the key into the hole, and turned—

With a click, the anti-theft door opened immediately.

She petrified in place, her face was full of surprise, when she figured out what was going on, she wailed, knelt down and covered her face.

Li Xiaoan actually called at this time, she clutched the phone and didn't answer it, the ringtone rang again and again, she was so flustered that she could only press the answer button.

He sneered: "Are you awake?"

"You pried the security door of my house last night?"

"You really have to thank the locksmith downstairs in your house. I paid him 1000 yuan before he was willing to break open the door for me. He also asked me to promise that I will bear all the consequences and have nothing to do with him."

An Xiaoduo blushed: "I... I didn't say anything nonsense last night, did I?"

Li Xiaoan was silent for a while: "I'm not interested in listening to what a drunk said."

An Xiaoduo thought for a while and said, "Thank you for coming here last night."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Xiaoan hung up the line.

At noon, the sluggish An Xiaoduo went to the dressing room on the set to ask He Bixi to plead guilty. On the way back from the hospital last night, she called He Bixi and said that the car was being repaired.

"Miss He, can the repair fee of the car be deducted from my salary? I can't afford that much money for a while."

He Bixi was looking down at the script: "No need, just spend a little time."


"Besides, I just want to buy a new car, and I can't find a reason." He Bixi smiled at her, "Okay, okay, small things, don't worry about it, this coffee is too bitter, you go help Let me have a cup of milk tea instead."

"Okay, I'll go right away." An Xiaoduo picked up her cup and walked out of the dressing room quickly.

Tracy said: "You are really generous. That car was Mr. Zhou's birthday present to you last year."

"The car repair fee is just a drop in the bucket for me, but it's a big expense for her, so why make things difficult for her?" He Bixi turned a page and laughed, "Besides, Xiaoan said he paid the bill, and he I will not be polite to him who earns me such a large sum of money every year."

"You are so kind to An Xiaoduo."

He Bixi snickered: "What? Are you jealous?"

"Where do I have it?" Tracy refused to admit.

"I treat her well because she is my right-hand man. Although she is beautiful, she is not a fancy vase. She is quite smart."

Once He Bixi and An Xiaoduo went back in the same car, He Bixi immersed herself in reading the script, An Xiaoduo said: "Miss He, watching things in the car is not good for your eyesight, you should not read it."

He Bixi didn't expect her to care about this, so she laughed and explained: "Tomorrow there will be a scene with a long line, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember it."

An Xiaoduo thought about it for a few seconds: "I've memorized it. If you're in a hurry, I'll recite it to you now, so you can get acquainted first."

He Bixi was surprised: "Have you memorized everything?"

An Xiaoduo nodded.

"Okay, you recite it to me."

An Xiaoduo cleared her voice, and started from the scene description of the scene. Her voice was clear and bright, her tone relaxed and full of emotion, just like a storyteller.

The more He Bixi heard it, the more surprised she became. The director and screenwriter made some changes to tomorrow's scenes on the spur of the moment this afternoon. After work was over, a new script was reprinted for her, but An Xiaoduo took a little time Just write it all down, not everyone has this ability.

An Xiaoduo was a little embarrassed at first, but when she got it right, she forgot to be nervous and concentrated on thinking about how to pronounce each line well.

"Xiaoduo, it's a loss to the film industry if you don't make movies." After she finished reading, He Bixi said sincerely.

An Xiaoduo blushed: "Miss He, you think too highly of me, I just have a good memory."

"You don't have to be modest, I'm serious, you can not only recite it, but also recite the lines very emotionally."

"Maybe it's because the script is so attractive to me."

Thinking of this little episode, He Bixi couldn't help smiling, picked up her mobile phone, and played a recitation recorded that night to Tracy.

(End of this chapter)

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