Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 107 The Origin of the Demon Venerable.....

Chapter 107 The Origin of the Demon Lord.
The evil dissipated and left only the blue sky, and the gentle light sprinkled on the earth, illuminating the land that had just experienced bloody battles.

Time passed little by little, and all the gods of the dead had been beheaded.Only Di was still fighting, facing Karl who is also the king of God, he did not lose the slightest bit.

The Necromancer is also a civilization with a history of millions of years of evolution. It is attached to the demon civilization and promotes the technological development of this civilization in an orderly manner.Di is the earliest and most perfect batch of gods in the Necromancer God-making Project, leading social civilization to a higher form.However, in the process of civilization development, the war between immortals and demons broke out quietly. As the side of the evil spirits, the necromantic civilization once used a large number of corps to kill several middle thousand universes affiliated to Xianyuan and robbed them of a large number of resources.

Among them, he provoked the lineage of Jianzong, slaughtered a small thousand universe civilization under Jianzong, completely angered the controller of Jianzong, and became the Jiumai Sword Immortal.

For this reason, the previous sword fairy called Jianzhong, and Yu Jian went to the necromantic galaxy alone, and single-handedly destroyed a galaxy.

And now the only surviving necromantic lineage was also strangled by Kesha and Karl. It can be said that there will be no necromancer civilization in the multiverse from now on.

The angels have begun to sweep the field, and the battle with the demons has caused many sisters to fall.

Yanqiang endured the serious injury and stood up, looked at the many sisters who died in battle, closed her eyes, 7000 years of fighting on the battlefield, and the precarious life has already made her heart extremely strong, even if the pain is extremely painful, her eyes will not flash Shed a tear.

Mo Wuxin stood beside Yan, and didn't know what to say in this situation, so he put his arms around her shoulders and kept silent with her.

"The power Kesha inherited from Nuwa is very extraordinary." Mo Wuxin frowned and said:
Yan turned his head and glanced suspiciously, and said, "Why, you know Queen Keisha's current situation."

Mo Wuxin nodded and swiped casually in front of them. The light screen appeared in front of the two of them. The figures of Kaisha and Mozun could be clearly seen in the picture. The gestures of the two of them carried great power, and there was nothingness around them. There are no planets.

"The queen's power is so strong." Yan was immediately attracted by the picture, and said in surprise:

Mo Wuxin explained: "This is the power of order. It is simply not something Frazer can bear to destroy a planet."

In the picture, a pure white feather appeared in Kesha's hand, and she flicked the feather and turned it into a sharp blade and rushed towards the Demon Lord. In the middle of its flight path, there was still some kind of terrifying power looming.

The Demon Lord stared at him, a terrifying light shot at the feather, and the sound of piercing the air resounded throughout the area, but the feather still did not stop, and it still shot towards the Demon Lord without hesitation.

Forced to be helpless, the Demon Venerable stretched out his hand and pointed slightly, forming a starlight shield in front of his face, intercepting the holy feathers, and the two sides were engaged in a competition of energy.

Fighting in the void, the replenishment of energy is extremely slow.Mozun can clearly feel the sharp drop in the energy in his body, reaching the level of the Supreme God, the pure star energy source can no longer meet his needs, and once the energy is exhausted, the result will be a dead end.

The Mozun's eyes became sharper, and he clenched his fist with the other hand and slammed it fiercely on the light shield in front of him. Suddenly, the holy feathers were knocked back and reflected back to Kaisha.

"Interesting?" Keisha only had this smile on her face, stretched out her jade hand and pinched it lightly, then grabbed the feather that flew back, flicked her wrist lightly, and the feather attacked the Demon Lord again with a faster and stronger posture, and then What came was not one feather, but three, three in succession.

The first feather was stopped by the starlight shield, making a crisp sound.

The second feather was stopped by the starlight shield, making a piercing sound.

When the third feather was caught by the starlight shield, the surface of the entire shield quickly cracked, covering the entire starlight shield, and then completely shattered.

Kaisha stood in the void with her hands behind her back, and with a wave of her hand, she scattered seven feathers again, aiming directly at the Demon Lord.

"Order, what kind of power is it?" Yanxiu clenched his fists tightly and asked:
Mo Wuxin waved his hand casually, and the green wood sword appeared in his hand, saying: "Order is one of the four original forces that lay the foundation of the universe, and it is also the main force of the law that builds the main biological plane of the universe. There are two planes in the universe. The plane and the subplane, each plane corresponds to two basic forces. Void and anti-void correspond to the subplane, and order and chaos correspond to the main plane."

The Qingmu sword lightly stroked the ground, and several flowers and grasses grew out of the dwarf weeds quickly. After a few seconds, the pink flower buds were ready to bloom, and then the original branches and leaves unfolded, and the brightly colored peanuts bloomed.In a few seconds, the flowers wither and move away, and the fruits grow rapidly, bending the branches, and finally fall, withered to death.

"Just like this flower, it germinates, grows, blooms, bears fruit, and withers. The cycle goes on and on, and there is no reverse. This is order. Just like your judgment, for the god who controls this power, Every trial is a reasonable cosmic rule, whether it is right or wrong."

Yan looked angry and retorted: "Angel's judgments are all just, and judgments are only for evil."

"I'll just give you an example." Mo Wuxin shrugged innocently and said:

After the episode, the form on the screen became more and more clear. Keisha's power completely crushed the Demon Lord. After the seven feathers hit the Demon Lord one after another, there was no suspense.

"This is a premeditated battle in itself. Nu Wa did not leave me with the power to defend myself, but left the power to face evil to this universe."

Mo Wuxin shook his head. He really couldn't guess Nuwa's thoughts. They usually don't show their mountains and dews. In fact, they are the gods who really support the multiverse world.

"What's going on." Yan Jingying's eyelashes trembled for a while, looking at the demon king who disappeared from the screen, he asked doubtfully:

Mo Wuxin supported his chin with one hand, and said: "Blood shield, I didn't expect that the origin of the demon king is related to the witch. It seems that I am going to visit the ancestor witch."

Zu Wu, the Void God of the Wu civilization, controls the huge Wu civilization, and lives a life of indifference to the world. They have never participated in the doomsday war or the war between immortals and demons.

In the picture, the demon's body suddenly exploded and disappeared into the vast void, and Kesha, who had never seen this magical ability, was also in doubt, unable to determine whether the demon was dead or not.

The blood shield is to use the energy of the whole body to connect to the space nodes and carry out ultra-long-distance transmission. After the transmission is completed, the whole person will fall into an extremely weak state, which is not even as good as a second-generation super soldier. If you want to fully recover, it will take thousands of years. Time is simply not possible.The blood shield is a secret legend of the shaman, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about it. Moreover, with the eyes of the shaman, even if the ancestral shaman fled to the void, there is a way to find it out.

(End of this chapter)

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