Chapter 117
"Greetings to the suzerain!" His majesty, millions of immortals and gods gathered together, stretching ten miles long, neatly divided into dozens of rows, nine elders led the team, and bowed together.

The magnificent scene in the prosperous age is shocking, Mo Wuxin slowly sat down on the suzerain throne, staring down with his eyes with a very calm expression, he said after a long time: "You are willing to respect me as suzerain, and I will live up to your expectations and the name of Jianzong. "

"Sovereign Holy Word!" After the elder led his disciples to worship again, his body stood up straight, and his snow-white brows showed excitement, as if he had reinjected vitality.

Afterwards, according to the regulations, Mo Wuxin had to make a detour from the grand ceremony to thank those guests who came to watch the ceremony.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, Jianzong does not need the existence of the suzerain. Since the fall of Jianchen, the entire Jianzong has become more and more powerful under the leadership of the elders. Although there is no such top-level combat power as the founding master, there are many disciples under the sect. The strength is tyrannical , enough to cope with various difficulties.

But as time went by, the elders discovered a very important thing, faith is gradually disappearing.Gods are different from people. For many ordinary people, just meeting basic material needs can allow them to live well.

But gods are different. Their dependence on matter is very low, and their near-eternal life requires only a very weak energy to survive.They are very dependent on the spiritual aspect. Every god needs the pillar of faith. If the faith is lacking, even the most advanced god will fall into darkness and be annihilated in the universe.

Laojun has been working hard for Xianyuan to enter a higher social form all his life, and it has not changed for hundreds of millions of years.Nuwa is the guardian of the fairyland, ensuring that civilization will not perish, and she can give everything for this.Zhenyuan fought hard in the fairy world, but it was only for Xianyuan not to repeat the same mistakes.
There are too many fairy gods, and they are all fighting for their beliefs, just like Kaisha before, who promoted justice and order, and Morgana, who later created a fallen paradise.

This is true for a god, and it is also true for a force. Jianzong needs the pillar of faith, which is the belief of the suzerain. The main god is not necessarily the strongest, nor is it necessarily the wisest, as long as he can bring the gods enough to fight to the end. Eternal belief, then he is the main god, and no one will change the fact.

So does Mo Wuxin have faith? Of course he does. Faith is never something you say all day long. It is buried deep in your heart, subtly changing your world.

The succession ceremony ended soon, and the gods left one after another. Many disciples of the sect rushed back from the distant nebula. There are still three medium civilizations under the Jianzong who need to be protected. Among the million disciples of the gods, there are more than one hundred thousand Hundreds of millions of light years away, rush back through the wormhole to participate in the ceremony.

After the succession ceremony, you still need to go to Jianzhong Mountain to pay homage to the ancestors who founded the sect.

When communicating with the Cyanwood Immortal Sword again, Mo Wuxin visited Jianzhong Mountain, a dark and narrow space, and couldn't see the whole picture.

Jianzhong Mountain is the core of Jianzong. It is a mysterious place that existed when the first generation of Jianxian suzerain founded the sect. Later, when Jianchen opened up the nine veins, he told all the elders about it. Others have visited Jianzhong Mountain in person.

The wormhole of Jianzhong Mountain is at the boundary marker, a huge boundary marker nearly a hundred feet high, engraved with three striking characters of Jianzhong Mountain.

"Start the wormhole, please enter the password."


"The wormhole has been activated and permissions are being reviewed."

"Permission passed, wormhole opened."

Just like that, Mo Wuxin stepped into the wormhole under the watchful eyes of the elders of Qingluan.

After the darkness, the vast snow-capped mountains greeted the eyes, half a foot behind the snow on the mountain, and Mo Wuxin was at the foot of the mountain, looking at the majestic peaks, I felt a headache, I don’t know why these strange and handsome peaks always It will become the first choice for all sects to hide their secrets.

"The system scans all object data within a radius of one thousand kilometers."


The red light constructed a three-dimensional map in front of Mo Wuxin's eyes. The steep mountain was covered with all kinds of swords. The sword god was inserted into the mountain, and only the hilt of the sword was covered with snow.

"These swords are all flame level."

Mo Wuxin casually poked into the snowdrift, pulled out the sword buried under it, and his eyes shot red light at the sword.

"Shadow Peak, a flame-level weapon, can drive dark energy to release antimatter waves."

The sword whistled suddenly, Yingfeng was put back in place, and another sword was pulled casually.

"Firelight, a flame-level weapon, can drive star energy and launch a flare explosion."

"Eclipse, a flame-level weapon, can drive natural energy and activate absolute zero."

"Yaoshang, a flame-level weapon, can drive space energy and launch dimensional waves."

One after another, Mo Wuxin just scanned it like this, but after a while, he finished watching all the hundreds of swords around him. There are all kinds of swords here.

Even the flame sword in the angel's hand, Mo Wuxin has seen two similar weapons, and the command sword in Atuo's hand, which can transmit genetic viruses on a large scale, and there are also here.

Looking up at the dark sky, Mo Wuxin wanted to fly up but couldn't do it anyway. Bailing's Yujian flight, which he usually tried a lot, didn't work at this moment.

"What's the situation? There is a no-fly procedure here." Mo Wuxin was puzzled, since he couldn't fly, he walked up.

Every foot stepped into the half-foot-deep snow nest. Fortunately, he is a god now, otherwise he would be exhausted to death, and a lot of energy was used to keep out the cold, just climbing the mountain like this.

Jianzhong Mountain is located on a distant planet, and the rotation of the sun in the sky is about the same as that of the earth. After several rounds of sunrise and sunset, we finally arrived halfway up the mountain. The sword here is already at the bottom of the mountain.

"Zi Xiao, a void-level weapon, can rewrite the laws of the world of the main creature."

"Lingyun, a void-level weapon, can rewrite the laws of the main creature's world."

After seeing more than a dozen of them in a row, Mo Wuxin lost interest and continued to climb to higher places. He didn't know that in the past few days and nights, Mo Wuxin came to the bottom of the peak panting, and the ground was covered with icy slag.

Mo Wuxin smashed the ice slag and pulled out the sword inside.

"Jinglei, an anti-void weapon, has the ability to rewrite the void."

Returning to the original position, Mo Wuxin continued to climb. He had already seen a sword as thin as a cicada's wing was checked above the peak. For some reason, it was not fully inserted, and part of the sword was left outside.

"It's such a familiar feeling, and it's this kind of power again."

Mo Wuxin stood at the top of the peak, with a complicated look in his eyes, this sword should be prepared for him, and that's why Nu Wa asked him to come to the sword mound first.The mysterious power felt from the World Orb actually exists in this sword.

The slender hand clenched the hilt of the sword, pulled it out forcefully, and it came out without any hindrance. The long sword pointed to the sky, emitting bursts of light.

Humming, the ground trembled constantly, and the snow quickly rolled out of the big snowball and went down the mountain.

The avalanche erupted right here at Jianzhong Mountain, and in the next moment countless swords flew out of the snowdrift, forming a huge formation of swords and flying in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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