Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 120 Send a big gift...

Chapter 120 Give a big gift.
"Do you understand the void?"

Nu Wa asked Mo Wuxin and shook her head. In his database, the records about the Void are very vague. I only know that it is a very magical space, and time is still in the Void.

Mo Wuxin shook his head for a while.

"Void is the time and space outside the universe, and it is in a highly compressed state. There is no passage of time in it, and all objects exist forever. The four basic forces are distributed unevenly in micro-quantum, and singularities are formed through collision, friction, and aggregation. According to the Big Bang theory, the formation of the universe originated from a singularity with infinitely small volume and infinite density.

After Xianyuan stepped into the void, millions of years of research could not find any trace of the existence of the singularity.This made the gods of heaven very puzzled, and the mystery was not solved until I went to the void. "Nuwa was telling this history very seriously, with a light wave of her jade hand, the World Orb lying in her palm flew back into the tripod, and the flame was still burning.

"Is that when the teacher merged the four basic forces?"

"Well, the specific situation is not clear until now. When I crossed the wormhole and stepped into the void, the micro-quantum suddenly violently rioted, and the space was extremely distorted. The micro-quantum quickly fused together. In fact, I could no longer Stay in the void for a long time, otherwise it will trigger a micro-quantum riot. Since then, I have never stepped into the void."

"Why is this happening? Has this happened to other gods?" Mo Wuxin frowned and asked:
In Wa's palace, the tripods were evenly arranged around the three-legged tripod, and the firelight illuminated the surrounding walls. Qingluan stood behind Nuwa with a serious and serious expression.

With a wave of Nuwa's hand, the flames in the three-legged tripod became more vigorous, and the World Bead emitted a ray of light, spinning continuously in the flames, and the flames melted into the World Bead.

"No, I am the only one who has experienced such a situation in the known universe."

"Then what does this singularity have to do with it?"

"Of course, the World Orb in your hand is the singularity I captured when I stepped into the void."

Mo Wuxin raised the World Orb in his hand, and said in surprise: "This is the singularity? Doesn't it mean that the density is infinitely large and the volume is infinitely small?"

"That was in the void, and now it is in the main biological universe. The power of the founding law keeps it in balance."

Nu Wa walked over with light steps, picked up the World Orb in Mo Wuxin's hand, and placed it beside Xuefeng. In an instant, it shone brightly, and a little bit of starlight melted into the body of the sword.

Crystal light spread all over the surface of Xuefeng, and two silver gemstones protruded from the hilt of the sword, revealing a semicircular shape.

"This is.?"

"Forging a sword, a sword with new powers, different from the four basic powers."

Nu Wa waited for the World Pearl to fully merge into Xuefeng, and after a long time, she returned the sword to Mo Wuxin. She waved her white arm lightly, and the two of them came thousands of miles away from Wa Palace in a flash of light.

"Try its power."

Mo Wuxin held Xuefeng tightly, felt the warmth coming from the hilt of the sword, looked solemn and slightly nervous, waved his hand lightly, and observed the surrounding situation with wide eyes.

Half a quarter of an hour passed, nothing happened, the sky was still so blue, and the forest was still dark green.

On the contrary, Nuwa looked down with great interest, with a slight curvature of the corner of her mouth.

The dark green forest suddenly withered. The towering ancient trees that were originally lush and lush, withered their leaves in an instant, and their trunks rotted into soil. The empty soil within a radius of ten miles, everything that was originally disappeared.

Mo Wuxin's eyes almost popped out. He closed his eyes and recalled what happened just now. He still didn't understand how he did it. Using the genetic system in his body to scan the land, the ancient trees had turned into dust and were buried under the soil. .

Nuwa's fingers trembled slightly, a beam of light shot out onto the snow peak, and the sword flew up to the sky and slashed down.

In an instant, the green shoots opened layers of soil and grew rapidly at an incredible speed. Countless branches and leaves protruded from the trunk. It took only half a minute to complete the transformation from the buds to the towering ancient trees. This world changed again. Back to the way it was just now.

"The original power is really interesting."

Facing such power, Nuwa only used the word "interesting" to describe it. Here, the two returned to Wa's palace again, facing the burning tripod, and the shining world bead was still spinning in the sky.

Mo Wuxin gently stroked Xuefeng, feeling the kindness from the sword, the sword seemed to be alive, or in other words it had its own wisdom.

"Sword Spirit, let's call it this way. Don't be surprised. You can't use its full power now. Stay in Tianji Mountain and get familiar with it."

"The disciple understands."

Mo Wuxin saw that there was still a World Orb on the tripod, and asked in a low voice, "Teacher, why is there still a World Orb?"

"Don't you still have a confidante? This is reserved for her. Although the pure power of order is not as good as the original power, it is enough for her to protect herself in the void."

Nu Wa smiled, tilted her head and said:
"Thank you teacher."

Mo scratched his scalp inadvertently, a little embarrassed.

super god universe, earth

It has been two months since the vampires invaded on a large scale. During this period, Yin led the ancestor vampires to attack the Black Great Wall Base in a surprise attack, causing Lianfeng to be seriously injured, the command system to fail, the East China Sea defense battle failed, and the Xiongbing Company was broken up again.Facing the ancestor vampire's wizard's eye Xiongbinglian, everyone has nothing to do, and there is no possibility of dealing with it.

During this period, Sun Wukong didn't know what to awaken. After returning to the Great Wall Base to kill all the invaders, he disappeared in the land of China.

In the Shenzhou base, Ge Xiaolun was ordered to be the acting commander-in-chief at a critical moment, with Qiangwei, Zhixin, Zhao Xin, and Ge Xiner beside him.

"What is this beating called? After three days and three nights of beating, I didn't even catch the enemy's shadow. What a beating." Xin Zhao shook his head while sitting in the command room.

Zhi Xin frowned, and said: "I think the enemy should be equipped with equipment that can perceive our battles. It can't be a coincidence every time."

"The wizard's eye, the gene of a higher civilization, is said to be able to predict the time trajectory of the surrounding area for nearly a hundred years." Qiangwei narrated the news she got from Shivani.

Ge Xiaolun was extremely depressed, and said, "What's going on in Tianshan Mountain?"

"Shivani has stabilized the situation there. The vampires are now entrenched in the Raya Mountains. There are not too many casualties in the troops."

Xin Zhao looked around, and shouted with some headaches: "Our group is not as good as her alone."

"She has a thousand-foot-long dragon. The ancestor vampires are afraid of her when they see her. If anyone is okay, if they are bitten, they will be crippled if they don't die." Ge Xiaolun spread his hands, expressing that he can't help it.

"Xiao Lun, you are not the power of the galaxy, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Damn it, Lord, you're thinking too much."

Just as Qiangwei was about to speak, a message suddenly came into her genetic system, and she said in a low voice:
"How did you contact me~~"

Morgana's panting voice sounded through the communication: "Why can't I contact you~~"

"You're not dead."

"Damn, you just think about my mother's death."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly."

"A big gift for you."

(End of this chapter)

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