Chapter 122

In the Shenzhou Base, Xin Zhao looked at Ge Xiaolun who was rolling inside with a worried expression on his face, shaking his head with his hands, and muttering: "What should I do, what should I do, I won't just die like this."

Ge Xiner's tense forehead was sweating, she tightly grasped Zhi Xin's arm, her white face was covered with a nervous expression, she kept asking: "Sister Zhi Xin, my brother will be fine Bar."

"I don't know, the power of the galaxy has an invincible body, and it should be able to survive the radiation of the fusion of laws." Zhi Xin hesitated a little, and replied in an uncertain tone:
Among the crowd was only Qiangwei, leaning against the corridor outside the door of the laboratory, and through the gaps in the figures, she could see Ge Xiaolun, who was clutching his stomach and rolling over inside, with a proud expression that showed no emotion at all, and his palms had already been crushed. Sweaty pinch.

With a light wave of her jade hand, she stepped into the space gate and came directly to the Tianshan base. Shivani was standing in front of the big screen in the command room, monitoring the vampires hiding in Zaraya Mountains through the galaxy system.

"Hey, Qiangwei, what's wrong with you?"

Qiangwei was silent for a while, shaking her head, and walked forward with a forced smile.

Shivani waved her hand and said with a faint smile, "Come out for a walk with me."

"it is good"

Cross the space gate and come to a shallow peak, surrounded by countless mountains, one after another, there is no end in sight.

The gravel is covered with shallow peaks, and the nearby peaks are covered with ice and snow, and the cold air blows in, making people tremble uncontrollably.

Shivani stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked slowly over this shallow peak. The rugged mountain road was extremely difficult to walk, and the bottom of the crystal shoe just stepped on every flat point.Beside her was Qiangwei, with a sullen expression, looking around at the mountains and mountains, exhaling a breath of hot air to soothe her inner breath.

"What happened to make you so nervous."

"Nervous, am I?"

"You deceive yourself, but you can't deceive your guardian. If you understand you, there should be no one in this world better than me."

Qiangwei couldn't bear this feeling, she moved away a few centimeters to the side, and said, "Why do I feel that your tone of voice is a little weird?"

"I'm leaving soon." Shivani stopped here, gazing at the beautiful scenery with her eyes, and the fresh air made people feel refreshed.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. Both of them were not good at speaking, but they had already condensed a deep relationship after being together for a long time. It was tempered in the battlefield of blood and fire, and then finely sculpted after being accompanied day and night.At the beginning, Qilin simply regarded her as her younger sister. In the following two years of war life, Shivani changed from a follower who followed Qiangwei all day to a commander who came forward to control the Tianshan base and commanded large-scale troops to fight.

Qiangwei is like a big sister. Seeing her little sister grow step by step, her heart is filled with joy, and she has already regarded her as her own little sister in her heart, closer than her own sister.In her childhood, she did not feel the existence of family affection. Ducao was born in the army, and did not give Qiangwei a happy life at all. Only a veteran accompanied her to grow up.

Fighting, drinking, and hanging out like a little girl, this absurd life didn't come to an end until after joining the Super Seminary.From birth to now, she has never felt the family affection in the ordinary population.One month after Ducao's death in battle, she wondered countless times why she didn't feel much sadness, but the answer was that she didn't understand the so-called family affection.

Qiangwei rested her head, her heart was inexplicably dull, as if she had been wiped by a big rock, she stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, feeling a little moist, and murmured: "Am I crying? So I would cry too."

"Qiangwei, haven't you noticed that you have changed?"


The horns on Shivani's forehead were shining, she tilted her head and asked: "There is no point in cheating. The dragon's horns are shining. It can sense the truthfulness of your words, and it will shine when you lie."

"Do you really want to leave?" Qiangwei raised her head, staring at Shivani in a daze.

"The reason why I have to leave again is that Zulong has already summoned our half-dragon clan. Although civilization has been destroyed, as a dragon girl, I have the responsibility to take the dead clansman back for burial."

"Burial, even my lowly civilization sounds very old. Your civilization from the big universe still believes in this."

"Yes, the foundation of belief in civilization inheritance."

"still coming back?"

"Yes, but it will take a long time."

"I don't know if I'll live to that day."

Shivani smiled lightly, flipped the palm of her hand and seven sparkling dragon balls appeared on it, and said: "Yes, you will also become a god, an eternal existence."

After all, the seven dragon balls were directly integrated into Qiangwei's body, and the golden light shone instantly, and the energy in Qiangwei's body continued to rise.

"What are you doing?" Qiangwei cried out as she looked down at the changes in her body.

A keyboard composed of light screens appeared in front of Shivani, and the green fingers tapped quickly, forming a series of codes and passing them into Qiangwei's body, gradually stabilizing the energy in her body.

"Unintentionally add a sub-biological engine to your genetic system. Now I use the dragon ball energy to nourish your body. It only takes a few years to transform into a god body. I reset the dragon ball program. Don't resist or your previous efforts will be wasted."

Qiangwei nodded heavily, and closed her eyes to feel the changes in her body. In the dark plane, seven fiery red suns were suspended above, and the light shone on her body.

"Ge Xiaolun is the power of the galaxy, has an immortal lifespan, and can roam freely in the universe. And you are the rose of time and space, the last generation of god-making projects on the promise planet, and there is an activation program for the war terminal in the genetic system, so don't activate it lightly. "

"What is the end of war?"

"War Machine, you will no longer have human emotions when you activate it. But now it seems that it has been modified by someone. I'm not sure if it's your father. It's best not to activate it."

"I see"

After sunset and sunrise, Shivani only set up the dragon ball program in the early morning of the next day. There is no precedent for using dragon ball warming to increase body function.

Shivani also succeeded by accident. After waking up, she studied the Dragon Ball program many times, trying to find the secret of Wenyang. It took a lot of effort to succeed. This method is not easy to use. In three to five years, the battle will be troublesome.

To activate Shenlong, a huge energy supply is required. Only Dragon Ball has this kind of energy storage. Lena can also use energy, but it is too violent to use.

There will be heavy fog in the mountain peaks in the early morning, making people unable to see the distance clearly.

Shivani and Qiangwei walked down the shallow peak side by side, crossed the space gate and disappeared into the vast mist, just like fairies in fairy tales.

Qiangwei returned to Shenzhou Base, Ge Xiaolun had returned to normal, standing in front of the laboratory gate, staring at his hands in a daze, said: "I feel the same as before."

"That's because you didn't invoke the divine command. I'll pass you a simple command. You can try it out." Zhi Xin immediately transmitted the simplest program.

"Hello World!"

(End of this chapter)

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