Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 124 Reversing all things, returning to nature

Chapter 124 Reversing all things, returning to nature

In Wa Palace, a three-legged tripod stands in the center of the hall, and 99 square tripods are guarded, forming a nine-ring circle.There are hundreds of patterns of different shapes carved on the body of the tripod, such as big birds spreading their wings, small insects struggling to dig, tender grass growing with perseverance, and carps jumping out of the sea.
Mo Wuxin sat cross-legged in the main hall, closed his eyes and meditated to cultivate his energy, concentrating on mastering the fifth power.

Regarding the original power, Nu Wa did not explain too much, but only mentioned one very crucial point.The source is different from void and anti-void, and also different from order and chaos. It is a higher-level force, a new force that transcends the existing civilization level.

The universe was born in the void, and the void was born from where.

This question is so profound that no one has been able to answer it so far.Mo Wuxin is just a god who has just come into contact with the concept of advanced civilization. Nu Wa threw such a profound question to him, and the huge calculation almost made his brain capacity explode.

Qingluan walked in a long lotus flower dress, black silk three thousand to the waist, a face like a melon seed, cherry red lips, bare feet showing little feet.

"Why, didn't you go to practice swords today?"

As soon as the words fell, Xuefeng flew out and hovered in the sky, making a buzzing sound.

"Hehe, the little guy is complaining to me that you practice sword every day and don't give it a little time to play." Qingluan covered her little mouth and giggled.

Mo Wuxin leaned his head against his head, and smiled helplessly. Ever since Xuefeng gained wisdom, he has become mischievous like a child, going on strike when he has nothing to do, disappearing from time to time, and running out to play alone.

"What kind of sword practice, just serve this little guy."

"What did the teacher say?"

"Let me experience it myself, so that I can realize something."

"So you use Baizunding to help you calculate the behavior of the little guy."

"The little guy can stimulate the original power and obtain the data of his behavior trajectory, the amount of calculation is too huge."

Baizun Ding is the formation formed by the three-legged tripod and 99 square tripods in the temple. Of course, that is what Xianyuan called it on the bright side. In essence, each tripod is a star-level computer, which can evolve the universe from birth to birth. Destroy the entire process, and all data can be saved.And the integrated computer formed by Bai Zun Ding has made the computing power leap forward, and can evolve the micro quantum distribution in the void to a certain extent.

After Qingluan finished listening, she shook her head helplessly, pointed at the hundred tripods and said, "Do you know who researched this tripod?"

"I don't know" Mo Wuxin only knows that these hundred tripods gathered together have the ability to change the entire three thousand universes.

"In ancient times, there was a god who was contemporary with the teacher named Shennong. He once traveled through the three thousand universes. When he returned, he could not stay behind for a million years. He created these hundred tripods with great wisdom. But when the void invaded , the nebula under his command was devoured by the Zerg together with him, and only these hundred tripods survived, kept in the Wa Palace, as the treasure of Xianyuan."

"It's void again, how strong are they?" Mo Wuxin wondered:
"Very strong. The Doomsday War has been going on for billions of years, and the Zerg hidden in the depths of the void still scares the gods."

"Could you tell me the details, I think I'll be going there soon."

Qingluan put away the smile on his face, his expression was very serious, and he said: "Junior brother, if you step into the void one day, you only need to remember one thing and you will basically be safe."


"Don't set foot in the depths of the void, don't go there."


"Dead and lifeless, countless immortals and gods throughout the ages wanted to explore the secrets deep in the void, but they all fell without a life. In the theoretical system of Heavenly Court, there is a theory about the depths of the void, but no one has been there for thousands of years. confirmed."

"What theory?" Mo Wuxin became interested and urged Qingluan to continue talking.

"The universe was born in the void. Time is always eternal and irreversible in the universe, but in the void time is in a state of stillness. Heavenly Court searches for the law of the passage of time in the three thousand universes, and draws an amazing theory. In the depths of the void , there exists a program that controls the passage of time."

"A time-lapse program?"

Qingluan turned around and came to the cauldron of hundreds of statues. With a light wave of his arm, a huge light curtain opened above the tripod. It was a lavender space. After magnifying it countless times, he could see transparent beads floating quietly in the air. in a barren space.Suddenly, there was a flash of light inside the bead, and then magnified countless times, it was the scene of the Big Bang. Dust was flying around, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the first element hydrogen was born.
"This is the universe model evolved by Bai Zunding. No matter how you calculate it, you can't escape the end of destruction."

The aging universe has expanded to infinity, but it is still the size of a round bead in the void. The next moment the ball bursts, the infinite space of the universe is instantly compressed into black particles, reduced to matter floating in the void.

"The teacher has been trying to design a perfect algorithm to allow the universe model to escape the doom of destruction, but it has never been successful."

Mo Wu seemed to understand, and said: "That means that as long as the secrets deep in the void are unlocked, the universe can escape the doom of destruction."

"Not sure, but I'm not suggesting you do that."

"I understand that only by fully mastering the original power can we set foot in the depths of the void."

Qingluan didn't refute, but just nodded slightly, and said: "The origin is a very magical power. If you want to exert its power to a great extent, you must have a strong enough humanity."

"Human nature, shouldn't it be considered divine?"

"I don't know, divinity will weaken the power of the source. Therefore, the candidates who inherit the power of the source are all from the ancestral land, which was the case for Jian Chen back then. It's just that he has lived in Xianyuan for too long and has condensed the divinity, so he always Unable to exert the full power of the source."

Mo Wuxin was shocked when he heard the words, stood up hastily, and said: "I can't condense my divinity, why didn't anyone tell me."

"Didn't I tell you that you are only 21 years old, no matter how hard you try, you can't change your nature under the disguise. Jian Chen came to Wahuang Star after he had cultivated his divinity for thousands of years. The teacher once persuaded him, But he persisted, it's a pity." Qingluan shook her head regretfully, sighed, and left on her own.

Mo Wuxin lowered his head and thought for a while, then whispered: "Humanity."

"Xuefeng, let's go. Go with me to experience human nature."

Xuefeng immediately flew out of Wa Palace with Mo Wuxin in excitement, deep in the sky, staring at the biting cold wind, flying thousands of miles with his sword.

One person and one sword slowly landed on a towering ancient tree. The green branches and leaves fluttered in the wind, and the thick branches covered the sky and the sun, making the soil below very humid.

Mo Wuxin looked around for hundreds of miles, grasped Xuefeng tightly and waved his hand, and said silently: "Gold."

Brush brush! ! !
The towering ancient trees with a radius of hundreds of miles solidified in an instant, and the originally lush forest instantly turned into gleaming gold.

The sword swung again, only to hear a voice: "Back!"

With a brush, the golden towering ancient tree changed back to its original appearance again, the branches and leaves swayed by the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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