Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 134 The Angel of the Arcane Alliance...

Chapter 134 The Angel of the Arcane Alliance.
The destruction of the dark nebula quickly set off a storm in the super god universe. The arcane alliance and the ancient war alliance that were about to move immediately settled down, and the battle on the defense line quickly subsided.

During this period of time, the Yuangu War League was the most tense, and there were not many gods who came with the invading legion. Most of them were technological forces. The huge battle star group was parked outside the defense line, and various space fortresses ran rampant in the starry sky, occupying Many planets with rare resources are being mined.It would be a disaster if Keisha suddenly came to the front line and used the power of chaos to destroy the nebula they were in.

Coupled with the instigation of the dark nebula to betray the council of the gods, and the dispatch of the light civilization to ambush the angel army, all these actions are enough to give Kaisa a reason to do it.

How powerful is the power of order and chaos? As a higher civilization, how can you not know that there are many gods who control the power of secondary creatures in the vast universe, but there are only a few gods who control the power of main creatures.The universe is a huge mass of data, which is divided into secondary biological plane data and primary biological plane data. The biggest difference between the two lies in the difference in self-awareness.

The data on the main biological plane has self-awareness, and can write and modify data by itself. If you want to control this power, you must be recognized by it. Fortunately, Kaisha has been recognized by the main biological plane from the beginning, and it is very easy. He inherited order and chaos from Nüwa.

The Arcane Alliance was very calm, and even sent an envoy to meet Kaisha in the City of Angels.

Unlike the Ancient War League, the Arcane League is a world ruled purely by the gods, the use of technology is very rare, and their rules are very similar to those of angels, a country where theocracy prevails.

For half a month, Mo Wuxin and Heyan have been staying in the City of Angels. It happened that the envoy of the Arcane Alliance came to visit and will attend this meeting as the representative of Jianzong. Add a chair to the side of the palace, a seat carved in silver gray stone, with a snow-white wing on each side, lifelike.

This meeting seemed very solemn, and both Angel and Sword Sect attached great importance to this meeting. After all, they were both theocratic factions, so there would not be too many conflicts of belief when communicating.Keisha specially changed her battle robe, and dragged her white dress to the ground. The crystal shoes were buckled on her white and tender feet, her skirt belt was buckled on her shoulders, and her smooth hair fell vertically.

The six guardian angels are arranged on both sides, and the two-winged guards are arranged at both ends. Angel Yue has just been promoted to the right-winged guard, and is called the double-winged guard with Luo.

A rose-red carpet was laid all the way from the corridor to the palace, and the envoys of the Arcane Alliance came slowly. There was a woman and two men among them, but judging from where they entered, the middlemost woman had a higher status. The accompanying male was two positions behind.

"Dear Angel of Judgment, I send my greetings to you on behalf of the Arcane Gods."

The female envoy walked among the angels and bowed slightly to show politeness. As an envoy, politeness and humility have always been compulsory courses, and acts of destruction are not allowed at any time, otherwise it would be a blasphemy against God.

"Hello, envoy from the Arcane Alliance."

Kaisha nodded slightly, her body straightened, and a familiar force came from below.

"It's her" Elder Aoki was slightly taken aback, and murmured.

Although the voice was small, it was enough to be heard by everyone in the silent palace. The envoy turned around and saw Aoki standing behind Mo Wuxin. His eyes lit up and he greeted with a smile: "Mel has seen Elder Aoki."

This remark made everyone feel strange. They had been exhilarated before, but now they are being called so kindly. Seeing Mel's respectful attitude makes people even more curious.

The two escorts behind them also bent over and said, "I've seen Elder Qingmu."

Aoki looked a little embarrassed, and said softly: "Long time no see, I didn't expect you to be so old in a blink of an eye."

"What's the situation, you know each other." Mo Wuxin asked, and Yan who was sitting next to him was also curious.

Aoki stepped forward and explained: "The suzerain doesn't know, I have traveled to many universes before becoming an elder, and I have stayed in the elf court for a while, helping them solve some small troubles, in order to thank me for canonizing me as the elder of the court .”

"That's not a small matter. The entire court of God remembers that you saved our mother tree." Mel was a little lively, her petite face was slightly rosy. If the occasion was not too formal, she would have run over and pulled Aoki The elder yelled to follow her to the Elven Court.

It turns out that there is such a thing. Traveling in the universe is a thing that God often does. Sometimes it takes tens of thousands or even millions of years to appreciate the civilizations of different universes. Perhaps by accident, it will Long ago a new civilization was born.

Although Mel was very excited, he remembered to get down to business first, turned his gaze to Keisha sitting on the cross, and said, "Dear Angel of Judgment, your power has been recognized by the Arcane Alliance. On behalf of the Arcane Alliance, I would like to invite You join us."

Mo Wuxin was suddenly furious. This is a blatant contempt for his existence. The Super God Universe has already belonged to the Alliance of Civilizations.

Keisha shook her head for a while and said, "Sorry, I can't join the Arcane League."


"Because the angel already belongs to our Civilization Alliance, the elf princess from the Arcane Alliance, didn't anyone tell me about this before leaving?" Mo Wuxin's face was a little strange, just now Elder Aoki told him that Mel in front of him is the princess of the Elven God Court , let him wonder for a while, does the dignified princess even know this common sense question?

Mel said very frankly: "I know, but I always have to try it."

"I didn't expect you to be an elf princess. You didn't come here just to try it out at the risk." Kesha was a little curious, and the status of the envoy in front of her seemed to be quite high.

Mel replied: "Of course not, that's just my personal opinion. The Arcane Alliance doesn't want to go to war with the Alliance of Civilizations. On the contrary, it wants to cooperate in some aspects to fight against the catastrophe 90 years later..."

At the end of the speech, his voice was very low, and his eyes showed a rare solemnity.

After finishing speaking, Mo Wuxin's brows huddled together, and the catastrophe was indeed only 90 years away.Now that the Arcane Alliance has such omens, it seems that this catastrophe that can destroy the three thousand universes is not a fiction.

"He is?" Mel turned his gaze to Aoki and asked about Mo Wuxin's identity.

"Sect Master Jianzong." Elder Aoki introduced:

There was a strange light in Mel's eyes, and he said: "Mother guessed correctly, Jianzong hid for many years and refused to be born, this time he suddenly came to this universe, there must be a new suzerain. Look at the one next to you, it should be his Let’s be a confidante. Angel, it’s no wonder that your Sword Sect is working so hard.”

(End of this chapter)

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