Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 147 Strange Light Group

Chapter 147 Strange Light Group

The hazy void, the vast smoke-like purple light group, the void quality of different shapes, the strange sense of time, and the strange insects, outline such a beautiful picture.

The battle is unfolding. Inside a huge purple light curtain somewhere, the Zerg and the fairyland hunting team are fighting together. Two commander-level giant worms walk in this strange space with a huge body and thick hind legs. Two rows of sharp claws grow on the The predecessor, could grab the enemy tightly with his hand, and open his bloody mouth to swallow them.

The most powerful man in the hunting team is the strong man who wields the sky-shattering hammer. When he swung the heavy dark silver giant hammer, he swung the purple air beside him from time to time, and the commander-level giant worm he smashed couldn't dare to step forward. .On the other side, Sun Wukong was waving the golden cudgel, and every time he swung it, it would glow with gray light, tightly entangled with another commander-level giant insect and could not escape.

Yan waved his wings and shuttled freely in the void, the light of the glazed crystal sword shone brightly for several meters around, and the sharp blade pierced the body of the low-level insect soldier with the light of a green spirit, and it turned into a black void in the blink of an eye. next to.

The hunting team in the Immortal Realm was also fighting. After seeing the suzerain, the disciples of the Sword Sect took the lead bravely. For a while, the sword energy flew wildly in the void, beheading many low-level insect soldiers, but also damaged many disciples.

Mo Wuxin kept flying towards the sky until he passed two giant worms before he could barely stop, holding Xuefeng tightly and pointing at the purple light curtain around him, saying: "Ning"

For a moment, the purple light curtain instantly turned into a glass-like existence, and the insect soldiers that had been pouring in stopped abruptly, and many were frozen on the glass, struggling and screaming non-stop.

After stopping the enemy's reinforcements, Mo Wuxin's figure flashed past and rushed towards the giant worm, pouring his strength into it crazily, and slashing at it fiercely.

After bumping twice, Mo Wuxin's figure retreated violently. The body hardness of the commander-level creature exceeded his expectations, and ordinary attacks had no effect at all.And after Mo Wuxin retreated, the strong man went up to him and smashed it hard, making it unable to retreat.


Mo Wuxin urged the original power in his body to merge with Xuefeng, and nine lightsabers of different colors emerged beside him, flying towards the giant insect quickly, dodging the opponent's attack and attacking its claw joints.

Continuously attacking the same point with the lightsaber, the strong impact instantly broke it, and the black sharp claws quickly distorted into a void-like existence after falling.This kind of damage made the giant worm go crazy, and opened its mouth wide to swallow Mo Wuxin.

Fortunately, Mo Wuxin hid fast enough, and retreated and retreated to use the same trick again to cut off one of his sharp claws.

The continuous damage made the giant worm a little crazy, chasing Mo Wuxin and running around, ignoring the original strong man at all, which made the strong man breathe a sigh of relief, but when he was about to relax, he found something was wrong, and quickly reminded: "Jin Lei be careful! "

While chasing Mo Wuxin, the giant worm quietly bypassed the blocking range of the strong man, and suddenly ran towards the battlefield below, grabbed a Sword Sect disciple with its sharp claws, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed it.

Devouring Zerg is the most difficult type of Void Zerg to deal with, just because the person or material it devours can be instantly transformed into the void quality that builds itself.

Soon, the sharp claw that was cut off by Mo Wuxin recovered as before, and it seemed that it would continue to run down. The battle there was extremely chaotic, and many sword sect disciples fought with the insect soldiers. Going down is definitely a wolf entering the sheepfold.

Mo Wuxin saw that the giant worm was about to pounce downwards, and immediately turned around to intercept it. He grasped Xuefeng with both hands and fell directly from above, and even inserted into the back of the giant worm, which made him a little dazed.

Before the giant worm swung its sharp claws to attack, Mo Wuxin pulled back quickly, but Xuefeng was still on its back, only the hilt of the sword was still floating on it, and the rest were submerged into its hard back. It was found that traces of black air were melting into the snow peak.


When Mo Wuxin retreated, he found that energy was pouring into his body continuously, and the source of it was the original channel established with Xuefeng.

Fighting in the void, the most important thing is not the level of strength, but energy acquisition.Although this energy is everywhere here, it is extremely difficult to be utilized.The void quality contains an equivalent amount of energy, which is in a highly compressed state and cannot be utilized.

The energy contained in the purple air is very scarce, not enough to support high-intensity battles, so hunters will use elixir or dragon balls made by the dragon civilization to replenish energy.

Mo Wuxin, who knew that he didn't need to worry about energy, was a little more relaxed in the next battle, condensing the lightsabers, and thousands of lightsabers of different colors surrounded the giant worm.

Mo Wuxin only needed to control the attack trajectory of the lightsaber, and saw countless lightsabers flying around, instantly cutting off all the sharp claws of the giant insect, leaving only the huge body and wriggling mouth.

The battle didn't end, the lightsaber flew towards the giant worm that was fighting Sun Wukong. Although the giant worm tried its best to block it, it was still cut into a ball, and it could only wander in the void with its wriggling mouth.

If Mo Wuxin hadn't materialized the surrounding purple light curtains, the Zerg could also swallow purple air to restore their own energy, but now they could only be slowly swallowed by Xuefeng.

Just when Mo Wuxin commanded many lightsabers to kill the insect soldiers, Xuefeng had completely devoured the energy contained in the giant insect, stepped forward and pulled it out gently, and even brought out a light ball, Monkey King and the strong man felt Curious, stepped forward to observe.

"It's .genetic data."

The three of them were stunned at once. There were tens of thousands of villain-like phantoms in the football-sized ball of light inside. Mastering these genetic data can easily revive them. This would be terrible news.

"The God of Warhammer pays his respects to the Sect Master of Sword Sect."

After the strong man was shocked, he humbly bowed down to Mo Wuxin. Although the Warhammer God is at the level of the Supreme God, he is still not as good as the Sword Sect Master in terms of status.

"Well, let's deal with the insect soldiers below and talk about it in detail."

Mo Wuxin nodded slightly, seeing that Yan was still fighting hard below, he rushed down with many lightsabers to kill the insect soldiers with a cry.

Soon the entire army of Zerg was wiped out, Mo Wuxin and others followed the hunted pair back to the Immortal Realm, and before leaving, they also extracted all the energy of another giant insect, and naturally the genetic data in it was indispensable.

The Warhammer God took out the wooden sign and shook it twice in the void, and a huge ark flew out from a certain purple light group, carrying the people out of this area and heading to the fairyland.

Just like a battleship shuttles through the universe, the ark can shuttle through the void, and with it, hunting team members will not waste too much energy.In the doomsday war, millions of immortals and gods will fly in the void on hundreds of thousands of arks.

And the purple light cluster is the most bizarre thing in the void. Strands of purple light gathered together can act as wormholes, allowing the ark to shuttle between the two clusters of light.

There is no space node in the void, how the purple light group made the ark travel such a long distance in the blink of an eye, the court has not yet figured it out.

(End of this chapter)

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