Chapter 153 A Backroad

The stars are slowly wandering in the lonely cosmic space, and the light emitted by the stars has drifted hundreds of millions of light-years away. This new universe is slowly maturing under the control of the source, and civilization will also be here bred out.

Sweet baby face, blond short hair, smart eyes, flawless wings waving gently, the silver wing armor exudes a faint luster, the heart stays in the starry sky, the eye of insight is collecting data quickly, and it takes a long time to slow down. He raised his head slowly and asked in surprise, "Is this really the world you created?"

"Create the universe, Wuxin, you're trying to make the sky, no, you're creating the sky." Xin Zhao looked around in disbelief, starlight gathered into countless star clusters.

Mo Wuxin smiled faintly, the illusory figure was looming, raised his right hand lightly, and swiped casually in the starry sky, the original starry sky scene disappeared, replaced by data light clusters, condensed together very huge, in the dark world Running slowly, the various light groups are constantly communicating.

"Holy language!" Zhi Xin took a step forward in amazement, her delicate face was a little excited.

Yan waved his hand and called a bunch of data over, and said softly: "This is the control room of the universe. By modifying these data, the rules of the universe can be changed. The existing rules are not perfect, and you need to modify them slowly. Heart, I authorize you to find the God who can perfect the rules."

"I understand, can Ge Xiaolun?"

Mo Wuxin thought for a while, and said: "The current Xiao Lun is not yet competent, and needs time to temper."


The phantom gradually faded away, leaving Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao blankly looking around in the silent starry sky in this universe. Up to now, I still can't believe that the universe was created in this way, and they are my most familiar comrades-in-arms.

"Let's go out first." Zhi Xin nodded towards Xin Zhao, and then returned through the wormhole passage.

In the room, Zhi Xin was holding the World Orb in her hand, unable to calm down for a long time, which was beyond the cognition of the angels. They used to be the most powerful civilization in the universe, but now there is such a kind of god who can use supernatural power to create The universe, and changing the universe at will, made her feel a deep crisis.

"What should we do now." Xin Zhao stepped forward and asked:
Zhi Xin shook her head for a while, and said, "I don't know either."

"Then shall we tell Xiao Lun, Reina and the others?"

"Let me think about it, Wu Xin and Sister Yan must have left such a valuable thing behind, it must have a very important use."

"What's the use of that? It's a good idea to put everyone in it."

In the end, Zhi Xin discussed with Xin Zhao for a long time, and still announced the matter of the World Orb, but reserved the matter of modifying the rules of the universe. Now that the angels and demons are actually standing on the same front, this made Zhi Xin more and more unable to understand the world. She is only five hundred years old, she is a very young angel, and she has a lot of time to get to know the world, so don't be too anxious to choose the things of God.

The meeting room is full of discussions, mainly because the Sunstar was destroyed in this war, and only a small part of the people in the planet were transferred out, and the rest died.In this war, the Fierce Sun stars collectively destroyed most of the stars in the nebula ravaged by the Zerg. Although the record is amazing, the survival of future civilizations is indeed in great trouble.

Compared with the war in the universe, Pan Zhen is more concerned about the interests of Lieyang people. Now that there are many wars and troubles in front of him, let alone the catastrophe in the future.As the guardian of the gods, Pan Zhen urgently needs to find a place where Lie Yang can live.In comparison, Karl, the god of death, is much calmer. There are only two gods around him, the tomb guard and the hammer spirit. Styx was completely abandoned when the void zerg invaded, and even the Death Song Academy was destroyed. .

But now, the main battlefield of the Alliance of Civilizations and the Void Zerg is in the Styx Nebula, and countless planets are turned into dust and scattered in the starry sky every moment.The City of Angels was also destroyed in the war. Due to the preparations in advance, not many angels were lost at that time.And now, except for Kaisha who has a group of guardian angels, most of the rest are on Fryer Star, guarding the future king of angels, Ani Cid.

Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao walked into the conference room one after another, and the small conference room was packed with people.

"Xin Zhao, Zhi Xin, why are you all here to join in the fun?" Qi Lin stood aside, listening to the quarrels of these big shots here, and was annoyed by them even before going to the battlefield.

The arrival of Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao instantly weakened the frozen atmosphere, and everyone turned to the door.

Kaisha's pretty face was frosty, and the crystal eyelashes relaxed slightly after seeing Zhi Xin, and waved: "Zhi Xin, come here."

Zhi Xin immediately ran over with small steps and said, "Queen."

"You came here specially, do you have something to say?"

"Well, Wuxin and Sister Yan left one thing before they left, which should be able to solve our current problem."

Keisha leaned back and said softly, "What's left behind."

"A universe."

After Zhi Xin finished speaking, there was still a small conversation just now, but it suddenly stopped. Everyone stared at Zhi Xin with wide eyes, and the picture began to freeze.

"Show me."

Zhi Xin summoned the World Bead, and the round jade beads floated in the middle of the conference room, spinning continuously.

Kaisha took a deep breath, and the frosty look on her pretty face just now disappeared, and a shallow smile appeared on her snow-white face. With a light wave, the World Orb fell into her hands.

"World Bead, I didn't expect him to create this, it's beyond my expectation."

World beads, the huge three thousand universes, only Nuwa knows how to make them. As early as when Tianji Mountain, Kaisha saw Nuwa making world beads, but that one was used to cultivate sword embryos.

"Has Zhi Xin activated the program, take us in and have a look."


Zhi Xin invoked the start-up program, and the meeting room was vacated as soon as the light flashed, and he came to the vast starry sky.

Everyone in the Xiongbing Company was in a hurry, and Qiangwei urgently mobilized the mechas in the micro-wormhole to equip Lianfeng and Yuqin.Qilin, Ge Xiner... These members who have not yet become gods have opened their mechas one after another. All kinds of combat mechas make them stand firm in the starry sky.

"A nascent universe less than 1 million years old, which should meet our needs."

Keisha's golden hair swayed gently and fell from her shoulders. Qingling's eyes began to look at the universe, and soon a bright nebula appeared in front of her, and said softly: "Very nice nebula, here is the angel After Ani succeeds to the throne, the city of angels will be built in the center of the nebula."

Ge Xiaolun was also in a daze, pointing at the swirling nebula millions of light years away, he shouted: "Mr. Lianfeng, it looks like the Milky Way."

Lianfeng nodded and said: "There is the new galaxy, the birthplace of the galaxy civilization."

Karl, the god of death, pointed at a dim nebula somewhere and said, "That must be the place of the god of death."

Pan Zhen didn't choose, but asked Leina to choose Lieyang's new world in Xinghe, and finally she chose a planet in Xingyun far away from all forces.In comparison, the whole planet is much better than half the planet.

In the end, Cheng Yaowen also chose a planet, swearing that the Deno galaxy will be rebuilt.

(End of this chapter)

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