Chapter 90 Aoba World
Angel, the most perfect creature in the known universe.

The most beautiful face and body, kind heart, ageless face, endless life.They never follow others, chasing fame and wealth, they are willing to fight for love.

Many or even all angels have such a beautiful wish, to find a true love and guard it wholeheartedly.

The moment Zhixin swears to the universe, she is no longer a pure angel warrior.

Perhaps soon, or in the next moment, the holy wings behind her will disappear.

The biting cold wind whizzed past in the sky, Mo Wuxin stood in the sky and made the Qingmu Xianjian fly in the sky, the emerald green grassland was boundless, and there was no end at all.

"Xin Zhao, where are you?"

Xin Zhao jumped up, looked at the sky with extremely energetic eyes, and said in surprise, "Wuxin, you're awake."

"Well, what's the situation now."

"I'm with Zhi Xin now, the demon kingdom has been broken up, A Tuo and Hei Feng are gone."

"You were seriously injured."

"I just fought against a guy named Di You. I can't beat him, but he can't do anything to me either."

"I'll treat you, don't resist." Mo Wuxin immediately opened the light screen in front of him, and put one hand on the light screen.

"Telemedicine system launched."

"Transmitting energy.."

Standing aside, Zhi Xin could clearly feel the energy in Xin Zhao's body increasing, and said in amazement, "Ultra-telemedicine function."

"Well, Yuqin added this function to my genetic system, but I didn't expect that I would be seriously injured in the first place."

Zhao Tao: "Xiao Lun is here, isn't he with you?"

"He still has something to do, it's a step late."

Half a day later, Ge Xiaolun appeared, waving his wings vigorously, and fell from midair.

"What should we do now, we seem to be unable to defeat the big boss on the west coast." Ge Xiaolun spread his hands, a little embarrassed:
Mo Wuxin took a deep look at him and said, "If you can advance to the highest form, we can still fight, but the gap is too great now."

"Xiao Lun." Xin Zhao looked at him in surprise.

Ge Xiaolun hurriedly took two steps back, waved his hands and said: "You are too ridiculous, you can't beat it, how can I beat it."

Mo Wuxin looked at him helplessly, and explained: "You haven't realized as a god yet, believe me. You will step into the void sooner or later, and you will definitely be one of the ones standing in the highest position."

"How come the more I listen to it, the more I feel like you are Ajie." Ge Xiaolun muttered in a low voice:
"Forget it, let's get out of here first." Mo Wuxin shook his head, turned around and jumped on his fairy sword, flying into the air.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"Outer space, go see a Buddha."

"Buddha, brother monkey is here too."

"do not know."

The four of them flew all the way to outer space, Mo Wuxin stopped and stood in the starry sky.

"Open subspace."

"Requesting permission to enter.."

"Nine Meridians Sword Immortal."

"The verification is successful, the subspace is opening the wormhole..."

A square black wormhole appeared in front of Mo Wuxin, and he jumped off the sword and stepped directly into it.

It was pitch black inside, I couldn't see my fingers, I couldn't see anything at all.

After walking for a while, suddenly there was a light in front of them, and the four people saw the existence of the people around them.

Zhi Xin walked out of the wormhole, looked around and asked, "This is a world."

The tall and straight evergreen trees grow on the top of the mountain, and the waterfall and clear spring fall from the mountain, and the sound is deafening.

Mo Wuxin appeared at the foot of the mountain, and the moss-covered stone road seemed a little slippery, and if he didn't pay attention, he would step on the ground.Both sides of the stone road are full of green bamboos as thick as arms, emerald green leaves and immature bamboo shoots.

"What is this place?" Ge Xiaolun looked around very curiously, and the wings on his back couldn't open here.

Mo Wuxin called the three of them to follow him up the mountain, and explained as he walked: "This is the world of Qingye. Of course, this is what the Buddha said. And we call it scientifically, it is the subspace. It exists on the basis of the civilization of the main creature. It can It is one of the highest technologies of advanced civilizations that the creators themselves formulate the laws of the universe."

"Is it really possible to formulate the laws of the universe by oneself?" Zhi Xin was undoubtedly the most surprised one, what a shocking news it is to create the universe.

Mo Wuxin shrugged and said: "Who knows, I don't know how to do it."

The mountain is very high, and the stone road is very rough. During the period, we passed through the clear spring valley left by the waterfall, and there was also a bamboo forest surrounded by clouds and mist.

Along the way, the four of them had the mentality of watching while walking, and they didn't feel tired anyway. The scenery of this Green Leaf World is really beautiful, comparable to that of the City of Angels.

Tranquility, ease, comfort

Walking past the end of the stone road, there was an old man with a kind face. He had long beard and white hair, was holding a dust whisk, and was wearing a Taoist robe with five elements and eight trigrams printed on it. It would be difficult for anyone not to know.

"Old gentleman, why are you here?" Mo Wuxin was taken aback, and hurried forward to salute.

The fairy ceremony is very simple, that is, put your hands together and bow slightly to show friendship.

"Hey, who is this old man?"

"do not know."

"What the hell?"

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin were discussing in low voices behind, but Mo Wuxin who was standing in front really had black lines on his face.

"Hehe, it's okay. I didn't expect you to look like this in the past 20 years." Laojun stroked his white beard and nodded in satisfaction.

"Twenty years ago, the fourth battle between immortals and demons ended. Demon Lord Bai brought all the demons to this universe through the turbulent space. Nuwa feared that they would destroy the peace here, so she chose you to come and eliminate demons. Now it seems , You did a good job, so the old man is relieved."

Mo Wuxin shook his head, and said: "But now the demon has not been eliminated, the gate of the void has been opened, and this place will soon be overwhelmed by endless zerg."

"Don't be too harsh. There are some things that you can't do alone. Someone has already done the matter of the gate of the void."


"Don't say it, don't say it."

The old man hurriedly shook his head, looking mysterious.

"Cut!" Mo Wuxin raised his hand, and then walked forward behind Laojun, followed by Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Zhi Xin.There is such a sentence in his database: Laojun, the chief founder and master of Xianyuan, is unrivaled in the field of science and technology, and is also one of the seven founders of the Alliance of Civilizations, but this person likes to go around bend. "

"Isn't this Qingye world the Buddha's place? Why are you here? You won't be captured here."

"Ahem."; Laojun walked in front, coughed suddenly when he heard it, turned around and raised his whisk and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I just stopped by to see you."

Mo Wuxin looked at the other party with a look of contempt, it is so obvious that even such a big person is lying, not to mention how busy Laojun is in the world of Xianyuan, even if he sees him, he has to make an appointment more than 100 years in advance, so he came here to see that he is not at all Reality.

Laojun was a little embarrassed by Mo Wuxin's look, took out a jade porcelain bottle from his arms, and went up to him and said: "This is the elixir I just refined, and this is over."

After the jade porcelain vase was put away by Mo Wuxin, he followed behind him solemnly, beckoning to the three behind, "Hurry up."

"Oh" Ge Xiaolun responded, trotting for a while with the big sword on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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