Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 310 Mutation

Chapter 310 Mutation ([-])

But it is said that Shui Yi learned from Taijiquan that Yin and Yang are compatible in heaven and earth, and that all things are born and restrained by each other.It is the best time to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth and space ninjutsu.Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara's sudden appearance sealed the space around Shuiyi, and finally made Shuiyi fall short, and severely injured Shuiyi, taking the injured Shuiyi away.

At this moment, Qianxia and Bofeng Xiaoyu just reacted, but it was too late, Qianxia looked at the Whirlpool Yehui who passed out after suffering a pain in the ass, and shook her head helplessly.

"Xiao Yu, I will leave this useless guy to you."

Bofeng Xiaoyu showed a worried look on his face, and nodded, "Be careful, if that guy is really Uchiha Madara's transformation, I'm afraid he won't be able to match him."

Qian Xia nodded, he didn't know this truth, and he didn't think he was the kind of kind-hearted guy, so he shouldn't meddle in other people's business.

"Don't worry, I won't act recklessly, Shui Yi's situation is not good, after you deal with Ye Hui, go back to Fengyue Realm, wait for Li Luo to leave the family's forbidden area, and then tell her everything. "

Bofeng Xiaoyu nodded, and this is the only way at present. Looking up, there is no shadow of Qianxia, ​​and she couldn't help but smile, "Is this guy talking to me with his clone?"

It was indeed a clone, from the moment Sui Yi was taken away by Uchiha Madara, Chinatown had already made up her mind not to let Sui Yi die like this, and decisively used the space ninjutsu "Double Pole" to chase after him.

'Bipolar' is precisely a new kind of ninjutsu, which Qianxia discovered in an accidental epiphany in the Black Demon Realm. This is the case in the ninja world. There are actually quite a few shadow-level ninjas, but in the end they have their own. There are very few people who practice space ninjutsu, and Qianxia only realized this kind of space ninjutsu after experiencing the structure of the 'bipolar wormhole' in the black demon domain.

The so-called bipolar wormhole refers to a very small worm in the black demon domain. According to the theory of yin and yang in nature, this worm can hold yang to find yin, and find another place corresponding to the current position at the current position, so as to realize space shuttle.

In the misty waters, Sanwei let out a monstrous roar from time to time, the seal in the hands of Naruto and the others had reached the most critical moment, and on the other side, Zabuzhan and Shiro, Guren and the others fought fiercely with several people in the Orochimaru base.At this moment, Didara leisurely appeared above the sky, the robot eye on his left eye rotated slightly, and a look of excitement appeared on his cheek.

"That should be that kid from Kyuubi. Luckily, Kakashi is also down there. I'll give you a gift first."

Didara sat on a white pigeon made of detonating clay, with a long tongue sticking out from his left hand. Naruto, Kakashi and others below frowned at the same time. At this time, a giant detonating clay The bomb has fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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