Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 320 Xia's Space Ninjutsu

Chapter 320 Qianxia's Space Ninjutsu

"You came so fast, kid, you're a bit annoying. You must be gentle with seniors, otherwise, you will suffer a lot." Uchiha Madara's tone was full of helplessness, such a young man seemed to be really troublesome.Mastered space ninjutsu at such a young age.

"Senior? Old age is a thief. If it weren't for the coincidence today, I really can't believe that you are Uchiha Madara. I really don't understand why a genius of the Uchiha family has fallen to this point."

Qian Xia shrugged indifferently, since they matched up, they shouldn't take chances.The last contact was just for Qianxia to destroy Uchiha Madara's clone.Regarding Uchiha Madara's ninjutsu, Chinatown has no idea.

On the contrary, his ninjutsu was exposed.It seems that he still lacks experience. Right now, facing the real person Uchiha Madara, it is not clear whether he can save Shui Yi.However, we can only try to delay for some time to see if there will be new changes.

"Your space ninjutsu is immature, especially in terms of speed. So, you are not my opponent." After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, his body jumped up suddenly, and the black kunai in his hand exuded a faint cold light.

"Clang, clang..."

Another series of attacks, even though Uchiha Madara held Suiyi in his other hand, he still didn't lose the wind at all.In the face of this stormy attack, he made moves like lightning.Qianxia was left with passive defense, and there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it, doesn't this guy even have the ability to resist at all? The current speed is too fast, and there is no time to connect the seal." Qian Xia, who was passively defending, kept thinking about how to defeat the enemy in her mind.

However, Sui Yi, who was hugged by Uchiha Madara, was like a living dead, with no signs of life at all.It's just that the appearance is like this, but what about the depths of the soul?

In that dark as night soul space.Shui Yi gradually settled down, and Tai Chi was approaching perfection.Under the guidance of Shui Yi's instinctive movements, the dark red chakra and the milky white chakra gradually became distinct.

Shui Yi's body was constantly changing on the roulette wheel formed by a huge yin-yang female fish.The taijiquan moves seemed to be completely still at the beginning, but if you look carefully, you can see that Shui Yi's palms are waving, drawing a lot of power from the wheel, round after round. Repairing Shui Yi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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