Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 344 Base

Chapter 344 Back to Base ([-])
"Okay, to make a long story short, Shino, I want to trouble you with something. Naruto and I will go to the country of ghosts first, and you will bring back a sentence to Jiraiya-senpai, saying that Sanwei has been accepted by my subordinates. Of course, I won't use it to create disputes, it's just for self-protection. Also, help me bring this scroll to Master Jiraiya, and of course, say hello to the third generation and Jiraiya for me .”

"You guys beat that guy?" Zhi Nao looked at Naruto in disbelief, even if it was Shui Yi who knocked down the masked man, Naruto must have exerted a lot of strength, plus Naruto's nine-tailed form just now , Could it be that Naruto has been able to control Nine Tails?

"Hehe, Zhi Nai, long time no see, you still like to wear sunglasses." Shui Yi looked at Zhi Nao, then at the familiar people, smiled and greeted everyone, it was regarded as meeting.

"No, brother Shuiyi hurt that guy, and he escaped in the end." Naruto said with some regret, but he didn't expect how much shock these words would bring to Zhi Nai and the others.

A guy who can break the seal with one move, a guy who can knock Shui Yi down.In the end, Shui Yi was injured and fled.This made everyone who grew up in Konoha feel inferior. They were all raised by their mothers and fathers. Why is there such a big gap.Of course, it is an indisputable fact that Naruto and Shuiyi have stood out since the day they graduated.These years they are also working hard to narrow the gap, but they haven't seen each other for more than a year, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"Hehe, it's just luck, Zhi Nai, senior Jiraiya asked you to come here to seal Sanwei this time?" Shui Yi frowned and asked, after all, Sanwei was supposed to appear a year later in the original book, Qualifying ahead of schedule made Jiraiya the Fifth Hokage. Although there was a situation where Konoha sealed Hokage, he hadn't seen Didara until now.

"Well, it was ordered by the Fifth Hokage Jiraiya-sama. But, Sui Yi, you are really good, and the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger."

Shui Yi smiled wryly and shook his head, before he knew it, he had become the object that everyone wanted to surpass. "Actually, you are also very good, I really just happened to be."

In fact, it is Naruto who really understands deeply. In Naruto's image, the entire Konoha Village can restrain Kyuubi, except for Captain Yamato, only Shui Yi is left, and Shui Yi was very young. I was able to bravely negotiate terms with Kyuubi. I didn't understand it before, but now I know how dangerous it is.Courage, wit, ability, and Shui Yi are all there, this is called real strength.

(End of this chapter)

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