Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 351 The Growth of Dream Organization

Chapter 351 Growth of the Dream Organization ([-])

Of course, there is a kind of blood successor boundary that is innate, such as the natural control method of water attribute chakra during the day, this kind of blood succession boundary cannot be learned by others.

It's not that all blood successor boundaries can't be learned. In fact, there is another kind of pseudo blood succession boundary.That kind of chakra is mostly due to the fusion of two chakra attributes in the body, resulting in a new chakra.

However, not all chakras can be integrated.According to the principle of mutual restraint of the five elements, it is not necessarily only water, and soil can produce wood attributes.For example, will fire and earth produce gold?However, so far, no one has ever heard of anyone producing metallic chakra, which simply does not exist in the ninja world.

"A master is a teacher, this is the truth of the saying. When your ninjutsu reaches a certain height, or you are born with the right to speak about certain things, you can reach the height of creation. Of course, creating ninjutsu may not As complicated as everyone imagined, it was just an idea at first, such as the spiral pill created by the Fourth Hokage. It was only because I saw the Tailed Beast Cannon that I thought that I could condense the form of Chakra through some kind of handprint, so that Ninjutsu belongs to advanced ninjutsu. However, it does not mean that advanced ninjutsu must be difficult to create, these things need everyone to imagine.

To put it bluntly, it is the control of Chakra.Use Chakra to achieve a certain effect, for example, to materialize Chakra, and the water attribute Chakra to form fog, which has reached the stage of creation.If you go one step further, you may be able to touch space ninjutsu.For example, creating a space enchantment, these things are not difficult.The main reason is that all countries are desperately guarding those resources, and not everyone knows space ninjutsu.In Fengyue world, the popularity of space ninjutsu is much better than in this world.

This again involves the issue of resource sharing, and working together behind closed doors cannot be powerful together. "

Shui Yi's words opened everyone's hut, as if opening a new door for everyone. There is a rich world in it, but they thought too deeply about creating ninjutsu in the past, so they thought it was What a saint should do.In fact, most of the ninjutsu so far is due to some accident, which caused some talented people to come up with a whim, and then formed in a coincidence.

Few people specialize in studying ninjutsu, and there are people who can reach the level of studying ninjutsu, such as Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru.The three of them have their own extraordinary achievements in this area. Jiraiya's Gamaguchi restraint technique and Orochimaru's ten thousand snake space are already half-mature space ninjutsu.The crystallization on Tsunade's forehead is also a creation of medical ninjutsu. People who have reached this level can have a lot of time to study it, and it is also very effective.

A ninjutsu will definitely not create ninjutsu, after all, they don't know much ninjutsu themselves.And even if you learn, you will stagnate because of the Chakra relationship in your body.

(End of this chapter)

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