Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 353 Being a Teacher

Chapter 353 Being a Teacher ([-])
It is true that someone will be called over, and because of the information Shui Yi brought to Jiraiya, Konoha's senior management was immediately alarmed.In a closed office, Jiraiya, Konoha's two advisers, Kakashi, and a three-generation old man who is in the retirement stage with a kind face.

Where there are three generations, there will be a smell of smoke and dust, and not everyone can get used to it, especially the two advisors of Konoha, who frowned slightly, "Sarutobi, you have to pay attention to the impact."

The third generation coughed twice, "I'm old, and I don't think much about it anymore. I just live by smoking and meetings. You killed half of me."

The so-called like father like son, Asma has a deep understanding of it. Quitting smoking is really difficult.Moreover, having grown up in smoke and dust, Asma usually adopts the default state for the old man's habits.

"Okay, this Hokage is the one, everyone has read this Sui report, and about the existence of Uchiha Madara, please share your opinion." Looking thoughtfully at Danzo with a gloomy face, he thought in his heart, come on, I will give you Hokage, really, Hokage is so good in front of him, I want to be Hokage in the magic barrier.

I didn't just say what I wanted to say, Kakashi just came out of the hospital, and his mental state was very bad.However, as the person involved, Kakashi is the one with the most power to speak.

So, everyone looked at Kakashi.Kakashi was also a little helpless, "Although I don't want to admit it, the mystery of the Akatsuki organization has been revealed for the time being, and the man with the mask in the information is very likely to be Uchiha Madara. A member of the Akatsuki organization has fought and is very strong. Moreover, what we have seen is probably only the tip of the iceberg of the Akatsuki organization. As for what Shui Yi said, there is no doubt that the Akatsuki organization is dedicated to collecting tailed beasts."

"Shui Yi, the one who led Sasuke to judge Konoha's traitorous ninja, what right does he have to say such a thing. He is the one who brings shame to Konoha, Kakashi, you should be more careful with your words." Mentioning Shuiyi, Danzo was simmering with anger.If it weren't for this guy, the third generation would have died.The third generation is dead, will he be in power just like that?
Jiraiya also glanced at Danzo, he was really ambitious, because he came to power, he was more powerful in penetrating the roots, but he couldn't control it at all, and it was even difficult to monitor.In addition, three generations of old men have always advocated harmony and unity, which made me feel a little bit tied.

(End of this chapter)

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