Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 357 Establishment of Ghost Ninja Village

Chapter 357 Establishment of Oni Ninja Village ([-])

The reason why Zai Bu Zhan selects people with great strength is because they are very suitable for practicing the internal boxing system.Even if there is no chakra in the body, it doesn't matter, because practicing Neijiaquan can directly absorb chakra from the outside world.The premise is that the meridians in the body are strong enough.

As a time traveler, Shui Yi knew that there was no shortage of inner geniuses in China once today. The so-called internal training, external training, and geniuses who have truly reached the realm of inner masters will definitely not be inferior to any elite jounin.

Why do you say that, Neijiaquan pays more attention to the right way with strength, and when you reach the realm of a master, you can easily feel the constraints of space, and an ordinary master can even tear the space with both hands.In the past, Shui Yi couldn't believe it, but since he felt the constraints of space, he believed in this miracle.Tear the sky, anyway, it is impossible for the current Shui Yi to reach that state.

Moreover, this world is very suitable for practicing Neijiaquan.As long as the meridians of the whole body are opened up, it can absorb the ordinary chakra from the outside without fear, and use it to moisturize the meridians in the body, reaching the state of invulnerability.

Speed, explosive power, and physical strength are all fatal when they reach a certain level.Therefore, Konoha's Kai never uses ninjutsu, not because he doesn't know how to do ninjutsu, but because he doesn't like it.He has his own pride, and he also has a unique understanding of internal boxing.

More than sixty teenagers lined up neatly on the square, with foreheads of yin and yang female fish on their heads.Their eyes were full of anticipation, knowing that Shui Yi would soon be the leader of the New Ninja Village, and it was their greatest honor to be Shui Yi's disciple.

There are also people who pay attention to Naruto, but more people only regard Naruto as Shuiyi's younger brother, maybe his strength is mediocre, and he is not even as powerful as the Great Guardian Zabuzhan in the Dream Organization.

Shui Yi smiled wryly and shook his head. On the one hand, he was happy for the sense of belonging of these orphans, but on the other hand, he didn't want Naruto to be misunderstood by everyone.

"I'm very happy to see everyone gathered together. Naruto and I will train everyone to become talented in the shortest possible time. Maybe, after three months, you will be able to become the sole ninja. However, during this time, you must I have the consciousness that life is better than death, because if you want to become my disciple, you must have good grades.

Also, Naruto is my good brother.He is also an elite ninja whose strength is absolutely no less than mine. He will be a good teacher. I can tell you clearly that it was Naruto who saved me from the Akatsuki organization.Also, if it is as strong as the Great Guardian, it will not be Naruto's opponent.Therefore, everyone must perform well, maybe you can become a direct disciple of Naruto-kun.

Of course, Naruto and I will personally select three of you as personal disciples.The rest will be trained by our avatars. I hope that after three months, you will be able to stand out from our assessment. "

(End of this chapter)

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