Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 367, 3 Shengjun

Chapter 367, Lord Sansheng
Chapter 2, Mr. Sansheng

In the morning, the mountains are filled with fog.From time to time, crisp birdsong could be heard in the forest, and a four-year-old child in a short shirt fell unconscious in the forest.

"Clap clap~"

In the distance, a white dove flapped its wings like a passer-by, leaving a sound in the jungle and gradually flying away.

"Brother Sansheng, wake up~"

A little girl about four years old, wearing a white kimono, squatted at Shi Sansheng's feet, scratching Shi Sansheng's nostrils with dogtail grass.

Shi Sansheng is still in a haze, and the picture of space collapse still remains in his mind.In the picture, he rises higher and higher in the state of soul, and slowly begins to deviate from the hometown where he was born and raised.

As time passed, he gradually saw a continent.Then there is a country with a totem of fire.Before he had time to be happy, he suddenly felt a powerful force of repulsion.

The howling wind turned into a pair of biting wind knives.As if to erase him from time and space, just when he was about to collapse, a soft white fluff floated over.

The weak him gradually merged with the ball of white catkins, forming another picture.

In the picture, Nine Tails appeared in the east of Muye Village. He fled with his father all the way. After that, his father died under the energy of Nine Tails.

At a critical moment, a bearded ninja rescued the two-year-old him.Since then, he has been an orphan.

What followed was one overlapping picture after another. In the picture, Muye Village began to rebuild.There is a statue of a person on the lonely back mountain.

The statue smiled and looked into the distance with deep eyes.He is like a giant, looking at Muye Village with compassion, even if it is a statue, it still has unimaginable power.That powerful force is called Faith by the people of Konoha Village, and the Will of Fire by the Three Hokages.

Until the last scene, the little boy was walking on the street with three other little friends.Playing hide and seek tirelessly on the street.

A little boy with short fiery red hair and pirate glasses ran over.He recognized the little boy at the first sight, because he understood the loneliness in the little boy's eyes, and he was also lonely after his father died.

"Go away, who wants to play with you, monster."

The companions kept yelling at the little boy, and even he had a deep hatred for the little boy.However, he was thinking about what he would do if he were a little boy.

"Tonight, let's go to the cemetery. Whoever is brave enough will be the leader. How about it?"


That night, he also went to the cemetery.But suddenly a little boy with a mask appeared in the cemetery. He wanted to laugh, but he always felt that the little boy's seemingly happy laughter was bitter and lonely from the depths of his soul.

His companions were scared away, he ran slower, and a vortex appeared in the forest.He passed out, and then he had a strange dream, dreaming that he became the man in the whirlpool.And that man seemed to be having the same dream, dreaming that he became himself.

"Mr. Sansheng? Ono?"

Shi Sansheng woke up from the coma, staring blankly at the world in front of him.There was confusion in his eyes, and a little bit of melancholy, he fused with the white catkins and became the master of this young body.

Interestingly, the name of this body is also Shi Sansheng.And the father of this body, Shi Tuo, also died in the battle of the Nine-Tails invasion.The little girl in front of her is Ono who has always liked Shi Sansheng.

Ono is also an orphan and grew up in an orphanage.In Shi Sansheng's memory, there are too many pictures related to Ono.

"Ono, why am I unconscious here?"

The little girl smiled sweetly, revealing a pair of charming dimples, "Brother Sansheng, yesterday you and Cunichiro went to play in the cemetery, I heard about it."

Shi San was startled violently, he didn't remember his mission until now.If his arrival did not cause time and space confusion, then the current Konoha should just be rebuilt.Naruto is still a child and has not yet joined Konoha Academy.

"It shouldn't be, how could it be like this, three hours, the sealed book." Shi Sansheng murmured.

"Brother Sansheng, what's the matter with you?" The little girl opened her eyes wide, curiously looking at Shi Sansheng who seemed a little different.

Shi Sansheng turned his head, wrinkled his bitter face, stood up and looked at the small body, and then closed his eyes.

A huge picture appeared in my mind, and in the picture, Muye Village was peaceful.From time to time, there are ninjas walking on the street, and more ordinary people wear kimonos and get on clogs, busily busy.

Shi Sansheng dimmed, his perception remained unchanged, and he had a panoramic view of the entire Muye Village.Strange world, strange pedestrians, all these are full of unknown and confused.

He seems to have heard a call from afar, under the blue sea and blue sky, the sound of reading in a valley, "The thread in the hands of the loving mother, and the clothes on the wanderer's body. Before leaving, I am afraid that I will return later..."

"Brother Sansheng, why are you crying?" The little girl's eyes were red. In her memory, Brother Sansheng had always been strong, and he would not frown even if he was beaten.

I was not in the right place at the right time.All of this no longer exists, he can't feel the future, he can't feel the call of his hometown, he has failed.

There were bursts of dizziness in his mind, and he suddenly felt dizzy, and then passed out.

This day is the day when Shi Sansheng bids farewell to his homeland and is reborn in the world of Naruto.The sun on this day was exceptionally bright, and the pale golden sunlight penetrated through the dense jungle, casting shadows on the screen.

A little girl is crying and pulling a little boy, marching firmly towards the future...

(End of this chapter)

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