Naruto Magic Showdown

Chapter 376 The Opening of Oni Ninja Academy

Chapter 376 The Opening of Oni Ninja Academy ([-])
Shui Yi's eyes lit up, and he looked at the little girl in surprise.Sure enough, he is very talented, he smiled and nodded like a treasure.

"Tell me, what is the general direction?"

Zhijing blushed, "It's just Zhijing's idea, but these documents can never be finished. Important and unimportant. Every day. But Master is the leader of a country, so he must have a comprehensive idea.

For example, what direction should the country of ghosts develop, talents, energy, ninjutsu, medical treatment, these things basically reflect this kind of problem.Fundamentally speaking, as long as you grasp these directions, you can quickly classify them.

In terms of talents, we can start from cultivating the next generation, and the research and development of ninjutsu needs to set up a special research room.Energy development requires full-time guards, and medical treatment requires powerful medical ninjas. "

Shui Yi nodded, he didn't expect to be so lucky.Then he looked at the little girl in surprise, she looked like a general.In the past, Zai Bu Zhan also seemed to have the ability to deal with major events. In fact, this kind of talent is the rarest.

"Well, what Zhijing said is very good. It helped a lot this time. In this way, you can stay here and help me sort out some simple things. You can make comments on it and give references. If you don't understand, you can ask Me, just leave some problems that can't be handled to me."

Suddenly, he thought of something again, shook his head, and looked at Zhijing with some confusion, "This time, I will make you suffer together with the master."

Happiness shone in Zhijing's eyes, she shook her head desperately, "No, Zhijing is already very happy to be with Master."

Shui Yi shook his head, "Zhijing, you have to be mentally prepared. Being my apprentice must be very hard. You have the talent to handle big things, which Bai Fan and Chuan Liuyun don't have. But, This is not happiness. You will live with many secrets, and maybe one day, your information will be obtained by the enemy. They will take you away at all costs, and in that case, you will be very dangerous."

Zhijing shook her head firmly, "Zhijing is not afraid, master will protect Zhijing?"

Shui Yi nodded with a smile, and scratched lightly on her nose, "Yes, master will protect Zhijing well, I promise."

Naruto who watched this scene also laughed, knowing what Brother Shui Yi planned, at this moment he felt that Brother Shui Yi did this thing a little rashly, but this is Brother Shui Yi.As long as he thinks he can trust people, he will trust them without reservation. Perhaps this is the difference between brother Shui Yi and others.Naruto thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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