Chapter 111
After seeing off the two Lord Earls, Anthony closed the door and turned around.

Princess Yalina and Caton have already walked out of the room.

"Anthony, for the past month or so, everything you have done in the underground world is for, for..."

Yalena didn't have the nerve to say what the reason behind it was.

But looking at her red cheeks, both excited and a little shy, both Anthony and Caton understood what she wanted to express.

Obviously, all of Anthony's efforts are related to the state affairs between the Brilliant Empire and the Riga Empire.But born in the emperor's family, state affairs and family affairs are basically one.Although Anthony didn't say it clearly, Yalena was still willing to believe that the boy's trip was just to save herself.

Both Yalena and Caton are strong professionals, so of course they heard Anthony's conversation clearly.

Princess Yalena is known as a genius girl, ice and snow smart.Anthony used the Mountain Shaker League to collude with the Riga Empire as an excuse to coerce and induce the two imperial counts to succumb to his plan.Combined with his series of actions in the underground world, it is obvious that they are all in the same line and have been premeditated.

If Anthony's plan is successfully completed, its final result will completely solve the big problem that has plagued Yalena for more than two years.

Thinking that not long ago today, the princess was still mourning herself, not knowing where the brave knight who could save her was.

Unexpectedly, this young man whom she had met by chance while relaxing in Hengling City, this partner who had only had a fighting friendship for a few days, had already quietly come to her side.

There was no great momentum, no grand pomp, he just came quietly like this.Just like his smile, plain, but warm and heart-warming.

He planned and fought silently and unknown.Utilize all available resources, gather all available forces, and lighten up the puzzle of the layout step by step.

When all the puzzles are lit up, Yalena believes that the big problem that makes her and everyone who cares about her helpless will be solved easily.

How can this make her not excited, not excited!
Anthony smiled and waved his hands, and said as a matter of course: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country! As a citizen of the glorious empire, these things are what I should do."

Both Yalena and Caton were taken aback, wondering if the boy was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

The girl gave him a blank look, and said with a blessing: "The princess will represent His Majesty the King of the Brilliant Empire and thousands of people. Thank you, Master Anthony."

"Hehe, you're really serious."

"Master Anthony has worked so hard for my glorious empire, how can this princess be treated as a trifling matter."

Although Yalena said words of gratitude, she kept a straight face.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Anthony smiled helplessly and raised his hands in surrender.

It is said that a woman's heart and a needle in the sea will never be understood by men, and Anthony has learned it.There was still a look of excitement and gratitude just now, but in a blink of an eye it turned from sunny to cloudy.Isn't it just a little joke, as for being so serious.

It can only be said that Anthony is still too young, and his experience in relationships between men and women is almost blank.No matter how smart and wise he is, even if he has the vast amount of knowledge and experience of countless sages in different worlds in his mind, he still cannot change his embarrassing status as a rookie in love.

Fortunately, there was also a man who had gone through many vicissitudes.

"I just listened to the conversation between the three of you. If everything goes well, it will indeed help the princess solve the big trouble. But between my glorious empire and the Riga empire, I am afraid that a war will inevitably happen."

The princess was just playing with her temper a little to punish the boy for his incomprehensible flair, and of course she wouldn't be really angry at him.After listening to Uncle Carton's words, he also looked at Anthony with a worried face.

Anthony chuckled, with indescribable sarcasm and disdain: "I never knew when the Riga Empire became a friendly neighbor of the Glorious Empire. The massacre in the small town of Red River on the border of our country five years ago made me fully understand Recognized the unique 'friendliness' of this neighbor."

Upon hearing the name "Red River Town", both Yalena and Caton looked solemn, with sadness and hatred on their faces.

"There is bound to be a battle between the two empires, and it will be an endless life-and-death battle. This is a major national event that even a three-year-old child can clearly see. It's just that some people pretend not to know because of their own calculations. "

Carton let out a long sigh.

As Anthony said, even a three-year-old child can see the situation clearly, so he and the princess don't know it.However, these people who are pretending to be stupid have different identities and backgrounds, and even His Majesty the King is afraid of them.Her Royal Highness is sensitive in this matter, and she can't say anything more.

Princess Yalena said bitterly: "Let's not talk about those who pretend to be stupid. I hate those traitors who betrayed the country and turned to the enemy. The two earl families just now are the backers of the Shaking Mountain League. I don't believe it. They will be completely unaware of this.”

"Yeah! You kid gave them all the intelligence materials, what do you think?" Caton also echoed beside him.

Although he called Anthony a kid, there was only intimacy in his tone, and there was no thought of contempt or disgust at all.Just because of Anthony's performance just now, he has been convinced.

Among the veteran nobles in the imperial capital, which one is not a successful old fox.It is by no means an easy task to overwhelm them at the negotiating table.Regardless of his title or background, Anthony is far from being able to compare with the two earls, which makes this negotiation extremely difficult.

But the boy's performance surprised Caton.

Not to mention Anthony's martial arts practice and talent potential, just his wise mind, seasoned skills, and courage to dare to think and act despite difficulties, are eligible to win the admiration and recognition of the princess guard.

Anthony categorically admitted: "There is no need to guess. I have enough evidence to prove that the two earls are absolutely aware of the Shaker League's collusion with the Riga Empire. Even if they are not the main messengers, at least they are acquiescing and secretly conniving. It is easy to guess what their ideas are. : If the Riga Empire gains power, the two earls will have one more way out than others through Shaking the Mountain Alliance; Push six two five."

"Then why..." Carton was even more confused.

"Because the current situation is too unfavorable to my glorious empire. We must use and unite all the forces that can be drawn, and tie them firmly to the imperial chariot, so that it is possible to fight against the mighty Riga Empire. The two earls It’s despicable to have small thoughts, but as long as they are operated properly, they can still become our allies. It’s better than driving them into a corner, completely falling to the Riga Empire, or becoming a force to resist and shake the rule of the royal family.”

"Okay." Carton shook his head, expressing whether he understood, "These troublesome things should be left to you people with good brains to deal with. As long as it can help Her Royal Highness, it can help the brilliant Empire, you can do whatever you say."

"Thank you Mr. Carton for your trust!"

Anthony touched his chest with his right hand and bowed to Caton to salute.Then he turned to Princess Karina, her eyes sparkling.

"The princess's troublesome matter involves the relationship between countries. The root cause of the solution, in the final analysis, lies with His Majesty the King. I wonder if Her Majesty the Princess can make arrangements so that I can see His Majesty's beauty. If you are lucky enough to convince His Majesty with a good tongue, all problems will usher in a big turning point."

(End of this chapter)

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