Eastern mythology system

Chapter 130 Bottleneck

Chapter 130 Bottleneck
Anthony was drowsy, half asleep, half awake.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a familiar female voice.

"Why hasn't Anthony woke up yet? The doctor at the Grand Duke's Mansion is no longer there. He said that the coma was caused by excessive mental energy consumption. Will he recover after a short rest?"

"Okay, Sister Yalena. It's only been less than two hours, and it's more than this time to sleep."

In a spacious and bright room in the Grand Duke's mansion, Anthony lay on his back on a brocade couch.In front of the bed, two pretty girls sat and stood, looking at Anthony with his eyes closed.

The girl sitting at the round table in the room stood up and walked to the side of the bed.

I saw that she was quite tall, with a curvy figure, very attractive.Although she was not very old, her face already had the charm of a mature woman.

This girl is none other than Kelly, the daughter of the Grand Duke rescued by Anthony at the expense of the top-grade magic weapon "Flying Knife Killing Immortals", and Princess Yalena's best friend.

"Seeing how nervous you are, what is the relationship between this young man and you? Hurry up and tell the truth!"

Yalena gave her friend a blank look: "What does it matter, you just like to make wild guesses."

Kelly turned her head to look at her, and sighed softly: "Back then, sister, you were forced to marry by that useless prince of Riga. We were all angry and angry, but there was nothing we could do. We could only watch you suffer tremendous pressure in silence. , slowly became depressed and silent. Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful figures in the Glorious Empire, and the big problems that even the most powerful masters can't solve are finally waved by this powerless little boy , and it was untied. Now seeing the smile on your face again, you don’t even know how happy my parents and I are. "

Yalena took Kelly's hand, full of gratitude in her heart: "Thank you, Kelly. I made you worry."

Kelly's expression changed, and a sly smile appeared on her face: "This Anthony became so angry that he became a beauty. He did not hesitate to offend the powerful Riga Empire and kill the Riga prince who forced him to marry him. Now Anthony is not injured or sick, just exhausted mentally. You just fell into a coma, but you are in such a hurry. How dare you say it's okay?"

Yalena blushed, she didn't expect her friend to come back to this topic after going around for a while, her gratitude couldn't match the raging fire of gossip, so she couldn't help being angry and funny.

"Where am I in a hurry? Isn't it normal to care about friends and companions? But you, the grand princess, are not related to Anthony, so you are here waiting for him to wake up."

"Why is it wrong? Anthony fell into a coma because he saved me."

Kelly looked at Anthony's sharp-edged face, showing a look of obsession: "Are we the hero in the play to save the beauty? Not to mention, this Anthony is getting more and more handsome, and even Miss Ben is a little bit moved. .Is he really not the one you like, Sister Yalena? If so, then Miss Ben will come after him."

Yalena's heart trembled, and the expression on her face became a little stiff.

She knew very well that her best friend had a bright personality and a bold style, and she might not be able to do things like chasing after a beautiful boy.Coupled with her youthful, charming and beautiful face, and her seductive plump figure, don't all men like this...

Ah bah bah bah, what am I thinking!

Yalena secretly blamed herself in her heart, but she refused to admit defeat.

"You are not shy. You can even say things like backtracking. Let Uncle Edwards hear and see how he can deal with you. What's so good about Anthony, just take it if you like it. I don't care at all."

As if to strengthen the persuasiveness of the words, she added the word "hum" heavily at the end.

But listening to her tone of voice and looking at the expression on her face, anyone with a little bit of experience in relationships between men and women can easily tell that she actually cares a lot.

Kelly burst out laughing, and the nympho disappeared instantly: "I said it's okay, the smell of vinegar almost filled the entire Duke's mansion. What 'take it away', it sounded like Anthony It's already yours."

Yalena was ashamed when she heard the words, and then realized that she was being teased by her friend.The little flaws in his own words exposed all the deepest hidden thoughts.

"It seems that those bards are right. Love really makes people stupid. Even the 'magic genius girl' who has always been quick-witted will make such a low-level mistake."

Kelly pretended to be an old pedant, shaking her head and feeling wantonly.

I don't know whether Yalena is not very good at this kind of bickering, or she has really become stupid like the bard said.Realizing that she couldn't talk to Kelly at all, Yalena gave full play to the characteristic of "a woman who moves her hands but doesn't speak her mouth", and tickled her best friend as soon as she reached out her hand.

The two pretty girls were having fun, when Anthony on the bed suddenly let out a light cough.

The two girls both exclaimed, and then they realized that they were only playing around, and almost forgot that there was a man in the topic next to them.

Kelly tidied her clothes a little, and before Yalena could react, she opened the door and walked out.

"Sister Yalena, you are here to take care of Viscount Anthony, I will inform my parents."

Yalena also tidied up her messy clothes and hair accessories, and then checked carefully in the mirror to make sure that there was nothing missing or inappropriate.Only then did he quickly walk to the bed, and softly called:

"Anthony, are you awake?"

Anthony on the bed slowly opened his eyes, and his scattered eyes slowly focused on Yalina's pretty and anxious face.


With a bang, the door was pushed open from the outside, and the Grand Duke Edwards, Duchess, Kelly, Caton, Lin Zhifeng and others all rushed in.

"Viscount Anthony, you have woken up."

When the Grand Duke Edwards saw Anthony, he immediately shouted happily.

The Duchess also said gratefully, "Thank you for saving Kelly and me, Viscount Anthony. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't dare to imagine what the consequences would be."

Anthony was fully awake, stretched out his hands to support the edge of the bed, and slowly sat up.

The doctor at the Grand Duke's mansion was right. Anthony was not physically injured, and the reason why he fell into a coma was only caused by the excessive consumption of real energy.Or, it's just that his soul is too "tired" and needs to rest.

Fortunately, before this battle, Anthony already had a corresponding guess.That's why at this very urgent moment, I wasted an afternoon and adjusted my breath with luck to adjust my state to the best.

Even so, the continuous casting of the magic spell and the launch of the peerless killer weapon Zhanxian Flying Knife far exceeded the limit that Anthony could bear at this time.

But the world is fair, and the pay and the gain are often directly proportional.Helping the Grand Duke Edwards solve the big problem is also tantamount to removing the biggest obstacle for borrowing troops.

What's even more gratifying is that this time, the overloaded imperial envoy Zhanxian Feidao killed the enemy and won, which made Anthony feel that his bottleneck in the mid-stage of refining and transforming gas became vaguely looser.He even had a very mysterious feeling, as if the bottleneck had become a piece of paper on the window, just waiting for him to carry the true essence to break through again next time, he would surely be able to break through the level and jump to the next step of cultivation.

The cultivation system in another world is much more difficult to level up than the fighter and magician systems.But once the breakthrough is successful, the increase in strength is equally astonishing.Because a higher state not only represents a more powerful attack ability, but also can use more abundant magic weapons, spells and means.

Thinking of that tempting prospect, even with Anthony's heart, he couldn't help but feel excited.

 Thank you Wu Xiang for your support and rewards!
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(End of this chapter)

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