Eastern mythology system

Chapter 135 Encountering the enemy

Chapter 135 Encountering the enemy
"Identity?" Tang Feng was taken aback.

"We..." Anthony stretched out his left hand and made a false move.From Princess Yalina, Caton, to Paul and Tang Feng in front of me, they were all surrounded inside, "Everyone here, in name, is the eldest princess of the empire and the special envoy of His Majesty the king. Falling into this army, Regardless of whether we admit it or not, in essence, it is to supervise the army!"

Tang Feng remained silent.

He is also a man who knows how to fight, and when he heard it, he immediately realized what Anthony meant.
In the power structure of the Brilliant Empire, the relationship between the king and the grand dukes of the major provinces is nominally the monarch and the ministers, but the superior and inferior.But in essence, it is more like an alliance.

For example, the father of Princess Yalena, the current His Majesty the King.The reason why he was able to secure the throne was that he was one of the top nobles in the empire and possessed extremely powerful military power.More importantly, it has strong support from the three major provinces of Edinburgh, Burgundy, and Aberdeen.

To put it more appropriately, His Majesty the King is the representative jointly elected by the four major powers, including the three major provinces plus Warsaw County, the largest county in the empire where the capital of God is located.With the most powerful power of the empire, he was able to take off the brilliant crown of the glorious empire and sit firmly on the throne.

Over the years, when there were rebellions in the empire, most of them were sent by the grand duke of the province to suppress the rebellion, and His Majesty the King did not bother.If there is a large-scale and far-reaching event, the imperial capital will at most send an envoy to the Grand Duke's mansion to urge it.Even if they go out with the army, they keep their mouths locked, and they don't express any opinions on the marching and operation of the army easily.

It's just because this is someone else's own housework.What's the matter with outsiders pointing fingers?

In the rebellion of the Grand Duke of a province, the Grand Duke Edwards sent troops according to the order, which was based on the common interests of the alliance, and it was also the obligation of the allies.The so-called receiving the imperial decree is a nice thing to say. If Edwards doesn't take it seriously, it's just a piece of waste paper.Just find an excuse to delay, His Majesty the King can only stare blankly.

This counter-insurgency army has a complete range of arms, sufficient armaments, and quite strong strength.It may not be enough to pull Edinburgh on the Eastern Front to fight the Riga Empire, but it is an extremely powerful army against the relatively weak Taranto.

The only thing lacking is the combat power at the highest level.

Even the grand duke, the king of a province, and the gold-ranked martial arts expert of the fourth realm, can't be recruited at will.After experiencing a kidnapping incident, the Grand Duke Edwards wanted to keep the most powerful warrior by his side to ensure the safety of himself and his family.

Therefore, in this army, there is not any top powerhouse in charge.

The powerful combat power of the top powerhouse can sometimes be compared with an elite army.If used properly, it can reverse a war of disparity in strength under certain circumstances.

General John knew the power of it, and he was very enthusiastic about the "supervisor" and his party who had "Azure Sword Master" Caton and the mysterious and unpredictable genius boy Anthony.Not only made an exception, but also arranged a luxurious carriage for the princess and others to travel.What's more, a thousand-man army was allocated and handed over to them to command personally-even if this is a recruit team composed entirely of non-professionals, it is already commendable.

It can be said that this is the most harmonious cooperation between the local army and the "Supervisor Army" of the imperial capital since the founding of the Brilliant Empire.

But no matter how harmonious, when it comes to army command and combat strategy, it is General John's restricted area.If Carton or Anthony came in person, he might explain it patiently.As for Tang Feng, a little black iron fighter, heh heh, not being expelled from the military meeting is considered to be giving face to the two strong men
Tang Feng and Paul are two rookies, no matter their qualifications or strength, they are not ranked at all.It stands to reason that it would never be their turn to lead the army and take up the positions of chief executive and deputy general manager.However, it was impossible for Caton and Anthony to personally lead the army. As the princess' bodyguards, the Silver Warriors had the duty of guarding them. In addition, they didn't think much of this team of recruits, and they lacked interest.

So Tang Feng and Paul took the leadership of this team of new recruits in such a very unexpected and very reasonable way—at least, compared to Lin Zhifeng and Xu Feng, whose personal combat power is no different from ordinary people, the Black Iron Fighter and his strength and temperament are different. An ordinary boy from the Li family is more suitable.

To Anthony's surprise, Tang Feng was actually very keen on leading the army and fighting, and he didn't seem like a rookie who knew nothing about military affairs.According to Lin Zhifeng, it turned out that he was still a fan of military affairs, longing for the iron-blooded pride of "a good man will get fame immediately".

Well, it was a little surprise.

As for Paul, it's just a dozen soy sauce, purely make up.Tang Feng was arguing about the army, his face was red and his ears were red, "Jinkou" opened frequently.But he watched heartlessly from the sidelines, well, he probably didn't know what the argument was about.


The march of a large army is different from the gallop of a single horse, and the speed is much slower.

The army marched for nearly ten days before slowly approaching the border between the two provinces.

Her Royal Highness Princess Yalena is naturally very anxious, but she also knows that there is no way to do it.

And with the same enthusiasm, there is also the commander of the counter-insurgency army, General John.

General John has been in the army since he was a child, starting from the bottom of the army, and slowly emerging, accumulating military merits and gradually advancing.When he was 30 years old, he was appreciated by the Grand Duke Edwards, promoted him exceptionally, and led the army for the Grand Duke for more than ten years.

During this period, although there was also help from the family.But more, it still depends on General John's own ability and hard work.

In his early forties, he was in charge of the military power of a province and became the most powerful person in the glorious empire. General John can be proud.

However, he has always hidden a knot in his heart.

The Riga Empire on the opposite side got a "Six Famous Generals of Riga", whose fame spread throughout the Oscontinent as the empire went to war everywhere.

The Brilliant Empire lived in a corner, honest and peaceful, and only passively defended when being bullied by the Riga Empire, and never even had a decent counterattack.

There are few battles, and it is difficult for a capable military genius to emerge.In the entire Glorious Empire, there is only one Grand Duke Mattesias who can be remembered by other countries on the mainland.

It is also famous because the shell is hard enough and resistant to beatings.

If all the generals in charge of the army were ranked in the Glorious Empire, at least 99 out of [-] people would choose the Grand Duke Mattesias.It is almost impossible for the remaining one to vote for General John.

A subordinate of the Grand Duke Edwards of Aberdeen Province, General John?

Who is that?

General John is not reconciled, very unwilling!

He has been in the army for nearly 30 years. From a small soldier to a general who commands thousands of troops, he has extremely rich experience in commanding the army.He loved military affairs since he was a child, was familiar with military books, and had great experience in marching and deploying formations.If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for the Grand Duke Edwards to value him and make an exception.

A genius like me should have galloped across the Oscontinent, destroyed the city, and become famous all over the world!

It's a pity that due to the constraints of the current situation, although General John has led the army dozens of times, it is only limited to the province of Aberdeen.And the largest "battle" was to flatten a bandit village with less than 2000 people, including the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled.

How can such a weak opponent demonstrate the might of the general? !

General John is like a fierce tiger, longing for an equally fierce beast as an opponent.For little guys such as rabbits, pheasants, and mice who fled in the wilderness, they completely dismissed them.

I don't know if it's because God also felt that he shouldn't just bury his talents like this, and casually moved some chess pieces in the overall situation of the world.

So, the opportunity he had been longing for for a long time finally came!

In the eyes of General John, Taranto's army is still a bit insufficient.Therefore, he knew that his battle plan was not perfect, and could even be said to be a bit rudimentary, but he persisted.

He just wanted to let his subordinates, colleagues, the Grand Duke and even His Majesty the King see that with his own command ability, even if he only relied on immediate response to the enemy, he could take down the rebellious army of Taranto.

He wants to use Taranto as a stepping stone to show his edge.

After Taranto, it was the Riga Army on the Eastern Front of Edinburgh.Then the mainland of the Riga Empire, and then the entire Oscontinent...

General John's sharp and deep eyes flew very high and far beyond Taranto, which was far away.

"Report!" A burst of urgent reports interrupted General John's imagination.

"Encountered enemy interception in front, the forward troops have opened up their formation and took the initiative to fight. Now the enemy and us are fighting!"

"Good time!" General John yelled violently, his voice high-pitched and resonant, full of energy.

"Let this battle become the starting point for me to conquer the mainland!"

 Well, another chapter has been written.

  Suddenly found that my book has become a "weekly".


(End of this chapter)

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