Chapter 175
The army of Taranto walked slowly south.

This place is quite far away from the battlefield where the two armies fought. Aberdeen was exhausted from fighting for a long time, and it was absolutely impossible for him to have the strength to catch up.

Although the new Burgundian reinforcements had fooled Taranto's surveillance, they arrived more than a day earlier than scheduled, and the horsepower consumption was definitely not small.Moreover, the terrain here is not suitable for cavalry to display, even if they catch up, it will be difficult to do much, so there is no need to worry too much.

Even so, Franky still dispatched all the scouts to closely monitor the surrounding situation.

In the battle that just ended, Taranto only implemented a strategic shift, and it was not considered a defeat.But in the minds of all senior generals, including Frankie and the Duke of Keqishi, failing to win a big victory is a failure.

Frankie's expression was normal.

He has rich combat experience, and this result, which is far from being a defeat, can't deal any blow to him.It's just that the mood is definitely not happy.

Relatively speaking, Duke Keqishi was much lost.

It would be fine if he never had any hope, but Franky gave him an extremely attractive blueprint, which was even infinitely close to reality.Just when he opened his arms excitedly and excitedly, ready to embrace the victory, the victory was shattered in an instant like a dream, without even a bit of transitional buffer time.

What's even more hateful is that it was precisely his own officers who kicked away this shocking victory.

Of course, that was a former officer.His Excellency the Duke didn't even bother to ask what happened to that person now, since it would definitely not be easy anyway.

"What do we do now?"

Duke Keqishi asked weakly and lacked interest.

"Let's go back to Austerlitz first. This war should come to an end for the time being. Your Excellency should rest assured and stabilize the foundation first, lay a good foundation, and train the army well, and then talk about other things."

Regarding the military training of the Taranto army, Franky can't even get angry now.

The good situation is all lost at once, it would be a lie to say that it can be dealt with indifferently.But the soldiers in Taranto did not slow down their work, nor did they not work hard, but they were so capable, so what could Franky say?
It is not once or twice that the chain is dropped at a critical time.Usually those miscellaneous small problems are so numerous that they cannot be counted.

Both the enemy and the enemy are greatly impressed by his ability to organize and command.But who knows how hard and depressed he has been in the past few months.

The Taranto army must be well drilled and pruned!

Otherwise, fighting with such soldiers is like strapping a time bomb to your body, which may explode with a bang at any moment.No matter how good Frankie is, if he lets his subordinates be so tricked, he will be tricked to death by them sooner or later.

Duke Cokis had no objection to this.

The failure of this battle was due to the failure of his soldiers, and Franky's proposal was exactly what he wanted.But he was surprised by another meaning in General Riga's words.

"According to the general, Aberdeen and Burgundy will stop attacking us now?"

In order to successfully collect the entire Aberdeen army, Frankie gradually took back the detachments sent to Aberdeen Province to harass and fight before the decisive battle.The fire in the backyard was automatically extinguished, and the counter-insurgency army naturally had no reason to return.

On the other hand, although General John's men suffered a lot in the war, Taranto was not unscathed.The arrival of the Burgundian cavalry greatly increased the strength of the counter-insurgency side.The current balance of power between the two sides may be even greater than before.

In the Duke of Keqishi's mind, as long as the soldiers of Aberdeen and Burgundy have rested, they will definitely attack again.Why do you listen to what Franky means, but you are so sure that the other party will not make a comeback?

But Franky is so sure: "Your Excellency, you can rest assured that they will not come."


Setting up camps, burying pots for cooking, treating the wounded, collecting the remains of the dead in battle, post-war statistics...

After a great war, there are countless complicated and complicated matters that need to be dealt with aftermath.Anthony, who was in full command of military affairs for the first time, was in a hurry for a while, and then he slowly got used to it.

The responsibilities of the commander-in-chief of the first army are of course not limited to arranging troops and commanding operations.All aspects of affairs, including logistics management, also require his cooperation and decision-making.

For a person who has never been in contact with military affairs, in a short period of time, he has gone from getting started to gradually adapting to coping with ease. This kind of learning ability is simply against the sky.All the Aberdeen generals were shocked and speechless.

Reminiscent of the boy's wonderful performance in turning the tide on the battlefield, the generals can only sigh inwardly, the world of geniuses is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

General John had come to his senses, and formally handed over the command of the army to Anthony in front of all the senior generals.

Of course, he wasn't completely idle either.Anthony sits in the central army and handles military affairs, large and small.General John was outside to condolences to the army and visit the wounded.

Needless to say, General John is more suitable than Anthony for this kind of face-saving matter, and the effect is also better.

After a flurry of fuss, things were finally roughly arranged.Anthony stretched his waist and felt quite tired.

The door curtain was lifted suddenly, and a general dressed all over bent down to enter the big tent.Before the people arrived, hearty laughter had already rolled in.

"Brother Anthony, brother, I'm back!"

A person following him also bowed his hands to Anthony and said hello: "Boss!"

It was Lin Zhifeng who had disappeared for a while.

The general was tall and burly, with the steps of a dragon and a tiger, and walked vigorously, as if he was a born soldier.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, quite heroic, and his appearance is seven or eight points similar to the Grand Duke Mateus of Burgundy.

This mighty son of Wuhan is the second son of the Grand Duke Mateus, the head of the Tiger Cavalry Regiment, and the commander of the reinforcements, General Muller.

As Franky expected, after receiving Anthony's request for help, General Muller rushed all the way.Especially in the last part of the journey, in order to get rid of the spies in Taranto, the boss spent even more energy.When they rushed to the battlefield, General Muller and his Tiger Cavalry Regiment were also exhausted.

As a result, I came here to see, well, it turns out that we are still the most energetic.

They had come to rescue them, but now that the enemy had run away and the whole army of Aberdeen was paralyzed on the ground, they had to undertake the task of guarding and defending.

So after Muller greeted Anthony, he hurriedly led the army away.Now that things have been arranged properly, it's time to rush back.

Anthony saw him coming in, and quickly got up to greet him.

"Fortunately, General Muller led the army to help in time, otherwise, we would have become prisoners of Taranto at this moment."

At the same time, he did not forget to nod to Lin Zhifeng and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Anthony's words were not in the slightest polite exaggeration.Although the Tiger Cavalry Regiment had never even seen the enemy, if it hadn't been for their threat, Frankie would never have led the troops to retreat with the advantage.

Muller shook his head and waved his hands again and again, not taking credit for it.

"What did my brother say? You can scare the rebels away. That's your skill, my brother. What does it have to do with me? He hastily took over the military power under a comprehensive disadvantage, and he can still entangle with Frankie both offensively and defensively." It’s been so long, I would never be able to do it differently. You don’t know it, the Aberdeen soldiers outside are all praising you. It’s really amazing, no wonder my old man admires you so much.”

Mueller speaks sincerely and speaks the truth.

He led the tiger cavalry regiment under his command to rush here, but the arrows were not wound and the sword was not sheathed. It is really difficult to take credit for this achievement.

The admiration and admiration for the young man is also sincere.

Unlike General John, Muller had seen the strength of Riga's army.The ability of the generals in charge of the army has been baptized and tested by real wars, and there is no room for fluff.Anyway, Muller could only admire and admire him after seeing it, and thought to himself that he couldn't compete with it.

Those are just ordinary generals with little reputation, and the famous general Frankie, who is famous far and wide, can only be stronger than them.

Of course, the famous Riga general commanded the rabble in Taranto, which was a few discounts compared to the wolf-like Riga army.But relatively speaking, Anthony's situation when he took over Aberdeen was only worse than him.

Even so, according to those Aberdeen officers, he beat Franky in a rather embarrassing way.If it weren't for the fact that the situation was too bad to be restored by manpower, General Najia might not even be able to suppress him.

Muller is a very pure soldier, without too many detours in his mind.He sincerely admires capable people and makes no secret of his love.Not to mention, the old man of his own family also has eyes for this young man. As soon as he received his call for help, he immediately dispatched himself to bring the tiger cavalry regiment over.

The two sat down while chatting.Lin Zhifeng naturally came behind Anthony and stood still with his hands down.

Speaking of it, he has made a lot of credit.

It was this middle-aged man who had gotten a little fatter who rushed all the way to the province of Burgundy for help, and brought the Tiger Cavalry regiment to the battlefield in time.

Anthony and Muller had never even met once before, so they had no friendship at all.In addition, having just experienced a significant battle, Muller is very interested in the details of the battle between Aberdeen and Taranto, and the topic naturally revolves around this.

From the time when the army swore to fight in Aberdeen Province, to the victorious battles at the beginning of the battle;

The whole process can be described as twists and turns, quite legendary.From Anthony's simple and plain narration, it seems that a magnificent picture scroll is slowly unfolding in front of Muller's eyes.

How Franky designed the layout and set up traps; how Aberdeen fell into the trap step by step until he was in danger; how the soldiers resisted bravely and finally got out of the crisis.

Muller was fascinated and excited to hear it, and he wished he could participate in it himself.

He was even more admiring and admiring for the young man in front of him who was more than a round younger than himself.

Although his description can be said to be uneventful, the part about himself is even briefly mentioned, saving as much as possible.But since the young man can speak so clearly and clearly, and he sent someone to Burgundy for help early on, it is obvious that he has seen through the entire plan of the famous Riga general and realized the crisis that the counter-insurgency army will face. There may be a series of initiatives like this.

Not only did Muller secretly think, if he were himself, would he be able to break through the fog like Anthony and see through Franky's huge layout?

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly shook his head sadly.

Franky's plan is simple to say, it is nothing more than gradually weakening Aberdeen's effective strength, destroying their morale, and finally launching a fatal blow to make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop.

But this is after the mystery is solved, and the result can be pushed forward after knowing the result.If he was in the situation at that time, it would be so easy to guess Franky's mind.

"Although I'm not as quick-witted as Brother Anthony, you're definitely no match for Frankie. But at least I won't be like the conceited John who doesn't push forward when it should be aggressive, and doesn't stay conservative when it's time to be conservative. You're left with a mess you can barely clean up."

Mueller yelled loudly, and his tone was quite contemptuous and dissatisfied with General John.

Anthony smiled helplessly, but didn't know what to say.

Strictly speaking, Mueller's words were not wrong, and Anthony could not shirk for General John.However, General John confessed his mistakes and handed over the command of the army very readily, which can be regarded as knowing his mistakes and correcting them.Anthony had just taken the handsome position, so he immediately talked about his predecessor's faults, and it seemed inappropriate to say anything.

Suddenly, a voice outside the door picked up the conversation.

"General Muller's criticism is right, and all of this is the general's fault. Fortunately, Mr. Anthony managed to turn the tide, and helped my Aberdeen soldiers to persevere, and finally waited for General Muller to lead the army to help. Otherwise, I, John He has become a sinner of Aberdeen through the ages, and even if he dies, he cannot make up for the great mistake he committed. Both of you are benefactors of Aberdeen, and I, John, benefactors, please pay respects to both of you!"

When the door curtain was lifted, a figure flashed in and bowed deeply to Anthony and Muller.

It was General John.

(End of this chapter)

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