Eastern mythology system

Chapter 180 Father and Son

Chapter 180 Father and Son
Marquis Marco, who hurried home in a hurry, saw his father in the study—the actual controller of this mansion and even the entire province of Hanover, the Grand Duke of Smolwa.

"Father, you called me back in such a hurry, but what happened?"

Recently, the Glorious Empire has been full of catastrophes, and various situations, big and small, have emerged one after another.It wouldn't be a surprise if something happened again.

In this regard, His Majesty Beckenbauer, who is sitting on the throne, is of course having trouble sleeping and eating. Although the Hannover province in the far north of the empire is far away from the flames of war, don't think about it and stay out of it.

Even if the minor nobles below know the importance of seizing the opportunity, as the supreme ruler of the province, the Grand Duke Smolwa and his son can't make plans early.

Gatherings like today's have been held from time to time since the war between the two empires.Recently, banquets have been held more and more frequently.

Should he stand unswervingly on the side of the glorious empire and be a loyal vassal; or, like Taranto and Brussels, a person who knows the current affairs is a hero and decisively changes his family.This is a multiple-choice question before all Hannover nobles.

It is a matter of family's future, destiny and even life and death. It is not surprising that nobles make any choices.And even the high-ranking Grand Duke's Mansion can't make everyone follow him wholeheartedly.We must pay close attention to the dynamics of all parties, and carefully guard against and deal with various possible emergencies.

At this time, the banquet had just begun, and Marquis Marco was rushed home by his old father. No wonder he had the same guess as the third young master.

Grand Duke Smolwa waved his hand lightly, and asked without answering, "What do you gain from this banquet?"

Marco replied respectfully: "It's still the same. The helmsmen of each family are inquiring and testing each other. They are desperately trying to find out the true thoughts in others' hearts, and at the same time try their best to hide their intentions. As for the substantive actions, Haven't found it yet."

After a pause, Lord Marquis continued.

"On the contrary, the younger generations of each family are very anxious and urgent. Some words and actions are quite explicit. They communicate with each other, and even form an alliance. I think those old foxes can't sit still anymore. Let the younger generation try It’s best to get in touch with each other. If something happens, it can be said that young people act impulsively and don’t think carefully. Push it all away.”

Duke Small nodded, with a faint smile on his face, not at all surprised by what his son said.

"It is understandable that such a far-reaching major decision cannot be overly cautious. Without this attitude, their family would not be able to survive to this day."

The corner of Marquis Marco's mouth curled slightly, and he said contemptuously: "No matter how you say it, they are still under the rule of the Hanover Province and live on our territory. What's the use."

Duke Small glared at his son, with a stern tone in his tone.

"Marco, your idea is very dangerous, do you know it! Think about our King Beckenbauer, what is the reason why he is struggling to deal with it now? Aren't Taranto and Brussels the provinces under his rule? The two Dukes of Qishi and Finney are not saying they are against each other. If it is changed to Hanover, how much difference will there be in our relationship with the nobles below?"

"What my father taught is that I was negligent." Marquis Marco's face was serious, and he admitted his mistake.

Duke Smolwa nodded happily, quite satisfied with his attitude.

The Grand Duke is old, and has begun to devolve power consciously in the past two years.His son, Marquis Marco, is the heir of his chosen family.

And Marquis Marco did not disappoint his father.

He is sociable and tactful, and he has firmly tied all the nobles and nobles in the province of Hanover to the big tree of the Grand Duke's Mansion.At the same time, he is not merciful, he only knows how to compromise and give in.As long as necessary, he will not hesitate to slay the killer, killing the opponent's blood.

In the small circle of aristocrats outside, Marquis Marco's nickname "Smiling Yan Luo" was secretly circulated.In Duke Smolwa's view, this nickname is a compliment and recognition of his son's handling of affairs.

Of course, no gold is pure, and no one is perfect.If there is anything about Marquis Marco that dissatisfies the Grand Duke, it is that his overall view seems a little weaker.

If you draw a big frame and let Marquis Marco do things under this big frame, he can do things very well; but if you jump out of this frame, create and design a set of effective ones in a blank or chaotic place. With the management structure, Lord Marquis is a little bit powerless.

In short, Marco is a capable general, but not a good leader.

If possible, Duke Smolwa would prefer that his son's ability to do things be mediocre, and add all his talents to leadership.

Specific affairs can be done by the people below, but judging the situation and guiding the direction of the Grand Duke's Mansion can only be determined by oneself.

Especially now when the situation is changing and the situation is unpredictable, it is even more necessary to lead by an excellent helmsman with precise vision and the overall situation.

But how can the world be as expected? Although Marco still has shortcomings, he is already the best of all the heirs of the Grand Duke.

Alas~ I have no choice but to help Marco check as much as possible while I am not dead, and hope that he can grow up as soon as possible.

The Grand Duke sighed secretly, but Marquis Marco couldn't help asking.

"Father, according to my observation and analysis during this period of time, most of the nobles, big and small, tend to stand on the side of the Riga Empire. According to what you just said, they may not necessarily wait until we make a statement. The only thing missing now is It's just the first ones to stand up. If they are the first to express their attitude, the situation of the Grand Duke's Mansion will become very embarrassing. Actually, what do you think in your heart?"

Duke Smolwa glanced at his son, and asked lightly: "Now that you have started to take over my position, how would you choose?"

Marquis Marco was refreshed when he heard the words, knowing that this was an exam given by his father.

During this period of time, the upper circles in Hanover have been talking about this issue, and His Majesty the Marquis has also put a lot of thought and energy into it, and has already formed his own set of views in his mind, so he is well prepared.

"In my opinion, this battle shouldn't be fought at all, because we have no chance of winning!"

Straight to the point, Lord Marquis expressed his attitude in the first sentence.

"The strength gap between the two empires is quite obvious, and this gap is all-round. The quality of soldiers, training equipment, army size, the ability of generals, etc., etc., our glorious empire is much behind the other side. In this way Compared with the actual strength of China, we have already lost [-]% before the war officially started. The most frightening thing is that based on this understanding, people are generally pessimistic and disappointed with the outcome of this war. The consequences caused by this are two major The successive rebellions of the provinces. Under the pressure of such internal and external troubles, whether it is His Majesty the King or other imperial faction forces, it is like carrying a heavy mountain on their shoulders. As long as there is a slight disturbance, it may become crushed. The last straw of the camel made the pro-royal alliance collapse in an instant."

"Our standing and attitude in Hannover is not just a straw, but a huge weight of the final decision!"

"If we stand up at this time, maybe we don't even need to send out the army, just show our attitude and show the flag, it will be enough to completely collapse those people who have been tense."

"For such a great contribution to setting the world, I think the Riga Empire will not treat us badly."

After Marquis Marco finished speaking, he looked at his father nervously, hoping that his point of view would be affirmed by the other party.

Duke Smolwa was noncommittal.

"From the data on paper, your point of view can be established. But after all, you and I have never actually been on the battlefield. Whether the advantage will inevitably turn into the final victory is still very doubtful. Just like Abel According to what you said, Aberdeen should have won the battle against Taranto in all respects. But the final result was just the opposite. If it weren't for a little bit of luck, General John, together with him I am afraid that the army under his command will tell him where he is."

Marquis Marco argued unconvinced: "That's because the famous Riga general Franky joined Taranto, which enhanced the strength of their army. This also just shows the huge advantage of the Riga Empire over us at the general level: even If you lead a weak army, you can defeat the strong with the weak. If you lead a strong soldier, the Glorious Empire will be even more irresistible."

"But the degree of improvement should not be so high that Taranto can instantly equalize or even overtake the Aberdeen army. At least from the data on paper, this is impossible."

Duke Smolwa was calm and calm.

"Whether it is possible or impossible, since things happen like this, we can only accept this fact. But from here I have realized a truth: the outcome of a war is unpredictable until the last moment. No matter how the data on paper Clarity and clarity cannot fully determine the final outcome."

"What's more, the Grand Duke Mattesias, who guards the portal of the Eastern Front Empire, is not a general who only talks about wars on paper like General John. He has rich experience in leading the army, has a brilliant record, and has dealt with the Riga Empire army for decades. It can be said that we know the basics of this opponent. In addition, Huaishui Pass, which has been in operation for many years, is relied on, and the Riga Imperial Army may not be able to break through the pass."

Marko retorted: "That's just because General Dino didn't order a strong attack because he was concerned about the loss of the siege."

The Grand Duke looked into his son's eyes with piercing eyes.

"Whether he is unable or unwilling, it is a fact that the Riga people failed to break through. And the most direct result of this fact is: the resistance forces in the glorious empire can only rely on their own strength to resist the attack from the Royalist Front Fight back. Only if you stand up, you are qualified to talk about the future; if you can't stand it, then it has nothing to do with them no matter what happens in the future."

Marquis Marco froze for a moment, and then said: "If we betray the Glorious Empire now, there should be no risk, right? Edinburgh, the three most loyal allies of the royal family, is fully prepared to deal with General Dino's attack, and Aberdeen and Burgundy were also killed Taranto and Brussels are holding back, who else can stop us from Hannover? Whether it is a bluff or a formal army, we can choose independently, and we can advance and retreat freely. Even if we don’t help Keqishi and Duke Finney’s attack, we can You can take advantage of the emptiness of the imperial capital... ah!"

Marquis Marco followed his train of thought, and suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Duke Smolwa snorted, with a "you just thought of it" expression of hatred.

"The imperial capital is not empty at all. The strength of the six royal legions stationed there is no less than that of the Aberdeen army, even more elite. During the sneak attack, they didn't move a step, why? Besides defending Hannover, what reason can there be!"

Marco opened his mouth wide, but couldn't speak.

Among the six major provinces, Hannover's military strength is the weakest, even worse than Taranto.If he confronted the guarding forces of the imperial capital head-on, the result would probably be even more miserable than the fate of the glorious empire he analyzed just now.

The reason why this important military force was ignored was because more than half of the empire's territory was already ignited by gunpowder, but they remained unmoved, and the Marquis almost forgot their existence.

If Hanover really raises the flag of rebellion, the Royal Legion is afraid that they will rush out immediately and quickly wipe out the forces of the Grand Duke's Mansion.

They were not as lucky as Taranto, and the famous general Franky helped them out.

Thinking deeper, maybe His Majesty King Beckenbauer still wished for Hanover to rebel.After all, instead of keeping a powerful force with unpredictable intentions behind it, threatening to contain the military power of the imperial capital at all times, it is unable to fully support other battlefields.It's better to fight a quick battle to completely defeat the ruling power of the Grand Duke's Mansion, and then bring the province of Hanover under the direct control of the royal family.

Lord Marquis shuddered suddenly, and a cold sweat broke out on his back instantly.

My father's evaluation is not wrong, and I do have a lot of shortcomings at the level of strategic decision-making.Fortunately, the old father was there to help check the gate at the end, otherwise the whole family might be led into the abyss of eternal doom.

After a long time, Marquis Marco asked in a low voice: "According to this, you are optimistic that the Brilliant Empire will survive this difficulty?"

Facing his son's question, the always wise and steady Grand Duke Smolwa also showed a confused expression on his face for the first time.

"I don't know either. The situation is complicated now, and it is far from the time when the outcome is clear."

Soon, the confusion on the Grand Duke's face faded, and his calm expression returned.

He stretched out his finger, clicked on a document spread out on the table, and spoke leisurely.

"However, now there is an opportunity for us to have a glimpse of the odds of the empire's victory in this national war. Well, at least it can be used as a reference. Before that, we father and son will discuss what to do next Treat your distinguished guests well."

"That's why I came back to you in such a hurry."

Marquis Marco quickly looked up.

I saw a short sentence written on the document:

The mission led by Princess Yalena will arrive in Hannover tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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