Eastern mythology system

Chapter 182 Miscellaneous Army?

Chapter 182 Miscellaneous Army?
"What did Princess Yalena tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, just casual chatting."

"Just chatting? She has stayed at your house for nearly an hour, longer than most families. Is it really as simple as chatting?"

"Okay, you actually sent someone to spy on me?!"

"Tch, who has the time to watch you? I'm paying attention to Princess Yalina and her party. Everyone knows what we're planning. Can you not pay attention to the princess's movements?"

"Well, that's true. Well, what did Her Royal Highness tell you?"

"Me? I didn't talk about anything, they were all boring topics without nutrition."


"why are you laughing?"

"I didn't laugh at anything, I just thought it was a coincidence, ha ha."


"Have you heard that the Grand Duke is going to hold a grand military parade at the school grounds in the north of the city?"

"Yeah, I don't know if this has anything to do with Princess Yalena's arrival?"

"There must be a connection, but it doesn't mean that the Grand Duke has been persuaded by the princess and has completely fallen for the royal family. After all, the princess is here to inspect and supervise the preparations for the war. No matter how you say it, the Duke should show something, otherwise it will lose face. I can't get past it."

"Well, it makes sense, but we can't take it lightly. The attitude of the Duke's Mansion has always been murky. The arrival of the princess will somewhat tilt the balance in the Duke's heart towards the royal family."

"Anyway, let's be careful, and then we will adapt to the situation."

"It can only be like this."


In the morning, the breeze was blowing, the sky was clear, and it was another fine weather.

On the large campus in the north of the city, the simple but spacious high platform temporarily built was already full of nobles and nobles in the city.

On both sides of the high platform, there were ordinary people who came to watch the excitement.They are not qualified to sit on the high platform, so they can only fill the open space on both sides with noisiness.

In front of them were armed guards armed with spears.It is not only to maintain order, but also to guard against possible ulterior motives who intend to make trouble.

As the sun rises gradually, people's enthusiasm also increases with the temperature of the weather.

Finally, the agreed time came.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of the drums and trumpets in the army, all the troops of Hannover and various arms lined up neatly in square formations, and they all appeared on the stage!

At the forefront are the spearmen.

The soldiers were tall and strong, wearing shiny armor, holding stainless steel spears obliquely in their hands, holding their heads high and their chests high, as they walked across the high parade platform with arrogance.

After the spearmen, there are elite main battle troops, heavy cavalry.

The same burly and strong warriors, riding on vigorous war horses, both men and horses are wearing thick armor.With the sound of "da da da" horseshoes, I slowly remembered that even in the side and front positions, the nobles could still feel a strong oppression coming, and felt that their hearts beat a little slower involuntarily. point.It is conceivable that if this group of heavy cavalry launched a charge, the power would be irresistible. .

After the heavily armored cavalry that made everyone hold their breath, and the atmosphere was breathless, the archers came next.

Compared with the first two phalanxes, the defense power of this army has dropped several grades obviously.But looking at the strong bows hanging obliquely on their shoulders, and the arrows in the quiver behind them that are completely different from ordinary bows and arrows, it can be imagined that this troop is also not here to make up for it.

Then there are sword and shield troops, cavalry troops, heavy infantry...

The people on both sides of the high platform had never seen such a big scene before. They were all enthusiastic and excited.While cheering loudly, they pushed forward desperately, trying to see the majestic and heroic appearance of the soldiers in their own province as close as possible.

Fortunately, the Duke's Mansion had already prepared and arranged sufficient guards to maintain order, so that these overly enthusiastic people did not rush to the school grounds.

Not to mention ordinary people who haven't seen much of the world, even those aristocratic gentlemen on the stage, how have they ever seen this?
It's not that they don't have the qualifications, it's just that the hinterland of the empire has been peaceful for a long time, how many opportunities can these troops raised by the Hanover province be useful?Since it is of no great use, naturally fewer people care about it.Aristocratic gentlemen have a lot of business to deal with every day, so how can they have the leisure to go to the barracks to watch the sweaty big-headed soldiers practice formation.

Now I suddenly saw hundreds of thousands of soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons, coming in a neat array. The powerful and shocking impact, how could the nobles and nobles who are used to social occasions with wine and beauties withstand it? They all stood up from their seats in astonishment, and their usual elegance and calmness were all thrown out of the sky at this moment.

The Grand Duke Smolwa smiled and nodded slightly in satisfaction.

"Mr. Anthony, how are my soldiers from Hanover?"

Anthony was sitting next to the Grand Duke. Hearing his question, he immediately clasped his hands and replied, "The generals are majestic and high-spirited. The armor is strong and the military is well-equipped. It shows that the Duke manages the army well. I admire you."

Duke Smolwa knew that the young man's words contained a lot of compliments, but the visual impact of the army marching in formation was not fake at all, and the other party probably agreed with it.

While they were talking, each phalanx walked past the high platform where the Grand Duke was, and the military parade was drawing to a close.

At this time, at the end of the line, came a rather unusual army.

This phalanx has a small number of people, only about 300 people, which has shrunk by half compared to the previous phalanx.The queues that formed naturally seemed much sparser.

What's more special is that whether it's the spearmen phalanx, the archer phalanx, or the light and heavy cavalry phalanx riding on horses, the equipment is uniform and the movements are consistent, which looks very shocking.

But this team is like a miscellaneous army. There are spearmen, sword shieldmen, archers, etc., and they can't even be classified as any one type of army.

Different types of arms have different types of weapons, so the entire array cannot be kept neat and consistent.Although they lined up horizontally and vertically, in the eyes of nobles and ordinary people, they were far inferior to the majestic warriors in front of them.

The cheers of the people on both sides of the high platform stopped abruptly, as if they were stunned at the same moment, and lost the ability to speak for a while.After the nobles on the high platform were stunned for a short while, they immediately started talking.

"Why is this army so... so strange?"

"Yeah, it's still in the finale position. Is there any deep meaning in it?"

"This is a military parade, not a formation where the two armies are facing each other. What 'deep meaning' is needed!"

"Look carefully, this army does not seem to be our Hannover soldiers?"

"Huh? It seems to be true."

"What's going on here? Why did a motley army of country bumpkins come in for our military parade in Hannover?"

"That's right, it's too outrageous. It was a good military parade, but they ruined the fun in the end."


At the beginning, the discussion of the nobles was mild and restrained, but they were strange and puzzled by this army.Later, when someone discovered that the phalanx was not a Hanoverian soldier, dissatisfaction and indignation gradually spread, and all kinds of ridicule and abuse also came and went.

The Grand Duke of Smolwa sat firmly, with the smile on his face undiminished, and he turned a deaf ear to the words of the nobles around him, and did not respond at all.

All of this was originally planned and arranged by him, so he naturally expected the reaction of the nobles.

The strange army ridiculed as "hillies" is the escort team that came with the princess mission.However, the Grand Duke, who attaches great importance to the princess and her party, has already found out that the 300 soldiers did not come from the imperial capital like Her Royal Highness, but were "borrowed" from the Aberdeen team to counter the rebellion.

To be precise, it was a subordinate soldier under the command of a young general named Tang Feng in the mission.It is said that it was a temporary formation of rookie troops, originally there were 1000 people, after a series of battles, only 300 people were left in the end.

Of course, His Excellency the Duke doesn't care about their identities or origins.As long as they are Her Royal Highness's people, that's fine.

Seeing that his father didn't respond, Marquis Marco knew it was time for him to come forward.He knew his father's plans and plans, and he knew exactly what he should do now.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Anthony. The province of Hannover hasn't experienced a military struggle for too long. People from all families have never seen the bravery of the soldiers in battle. They may not know enough about your department's ability. The words are offensive. , please forgive me, sir."

After Marquis Marco apologized to Anthony, he whispered a few words to the nobles behind him.

It's just that both Anthony and the nobles who were reprimanded can see the perfunctory attitude of Lord Marquis.

Anthony's eyes flickered, but he only replied modestly: "Master Marquis is serious."

"It's just that everyone's doubts are understandable. After all, just from the surface, your department's combat effectiveness...is really unconvincing."

Duke Smolwa also interjected at the right time.

He looked at the sparse phalanx of "miscellaneous soldiers" who had just passed by the high platform below, and turned his head to give Anthony a faint smile, narrowing his eyes slightly, like an old fox looking at a delicate chicken.

"Doesn't Mr. Anthony want to do something to prove the strength of your department and to dispel the doubts of us people who live in a corner?"

What are they trying to do! ?

Anthony looked at Duke Smolwa's mysterious smile, and his thoughts turned sharply, guessing the other party's possible intentions.

Anthony already had doubts in his mind when planning a military parade from the Grand Duke's Mansion and discussing with Princess Yalena to ask the soldiers from Aberdeen to also participate in the military parade.Looking at the remarks of the nobles at this time, as well as the chorus of the Grand Duke and his son who had obviously premeditated, he already had a glimmer of understanding in his mind.

No matter what the purpose of the Duke of Smolwa is, at least in this matter, the Duke's Palace and the Princess Mission are in the same pace.

Anthony brought these 300 rookie fighters who have undergone war training to Hannover, maybe he had some kind of thought.Now that the Grand Duke has set up the stage, Anthony will naturally not be polite, and will take advantage of the opportunity to perform on the stage.

"I don't know how the Duke wants us to prove it?"

Grand Duke Smova stroked his long gray beard and replied indifferently:

"Naturally, it's an actual combat exercise."

(End of this chapter)

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