Chapter 184
I don't know because the results are so unacceptable that some basic common sense has been forgotten.He still intends to simply pretend to be stupid and persist to the end in order to reverse the defeat.Anyway, the commanding generals of Hanover did not admit defeat, but instead ordered loudly again and again, directing the "surviving" soldiers to re-arrange and meet the enemy.

At the beginning of the battle, he was still arrogant. He felt that he didn't need to do any commanding at all due to the two-fold disparity in the strength of the troops. As long as the soldiers pushed over, it would be enough to crush the motley army in front of him.

Who would have thought that the ending would be so different from what I had imagined!

"I was only careless for a while, so you took advantage of it. The formations on the left and right wings have not been greatly impacted, and the strength of the troops is still there. As long as they are assembled, it may be possible to fight."

The general muttered to himself, as if analyzing the situation, but also as if to encourage himself.

But if he could re-arrange the scattered formation so easily, then his name should have been added to the list of famous players in the mainland long ago.

Seeing that his opponent wanted to fight to the end, Tang Feng didn't care.The orders were issued one by one, and the forward line passing through the formation drew an arc, and came back again.

And their opponents, the soldiers of Hanover, are looking for their positions nervously and chaotically in the newly arranged formation.

Of course Tang Feng wouldn't foolishly wait for the opponent to get ready. Following his command, the "No-name Army" crashed into the opponent's formation slowly but resolutely.

Duke Smolwa stroked his forehead with his hands and stopped looking at the field.

The commanding general was in hysteria and had lost the ability to judge.Even a military layman like the Grand Duke Smolwa has seen the outcome of this battle.The general's actions not only failed to save the defeat, but also made the province of Hanover lose all face.

Anthony shook his head slightly when he saw the general's performance.

Although strict training is an effective way to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, training is just training after all, and fighting on the front line of life and death on the battlefield is basically two concepts.

Training can be sneaky and slippery, it can be perfunctory, at most it is scolded and punished after being discovered by the chief.

But on a cruel battlefield, a small negligence may require one, several, or even dozens of living lives to make up for it.Not only will he lose his own life, but he will also implicate his brothers and colleagues. Who dares to be lazy, who dares to be sloppy?

Moreover, the iron-blooded killing field is the most ruthless examination room, and those who fail the test will be eliminated forever.The existence of these 300 people who are still standing on the school field is the best proof of their ability.

The difference in the environment caused a huge gap between the two forces.Fortunately, this is just a drill. Soldiers don't have to worry about their own lives, and the "death" of their companions will not have any negative impact on them.If it were a real life-and-death fight, the spreading panic would have caused the Hannover phalanx to collapse and flee.

Because of this, Anthony was not at all surprised that Tang Feng could win.His focus was on something else.

It was the "no-name army" commanded by Tang Feng with a strange configuration of arms.

Just now he explained to Duke Smolwa that this army was trained by Tang Feng alone.This statement is not false, but some parts are concealed.

This strange formation, which has never appeared in the history of Osland, was provided by Anthony.The specific training and operation methods are also from his teachings.

Anthony also wants to know how powerful the formation from another world can be in this time and space.

Tang Feng didn't keep Anthony waiting for long. Under the unparalleled attack of his soldiers, Hannover's remnant formation finally completely collapsed.No matter how unwilling the commanding general was, in the face of reality, he had to accept the result of defeat.

Regarding the performance of the fighters, Anthony's evaluation is "moderate", which is not too satisfactory.Because victory is expected, it would be really strange if they lost to Hannover's rookies who had never been on the battlefield.

The first official appearance of the different world formation shocked almost everyone present, but most of the credit for it should be attributed to the commander Tang Feng.There is no way, the time for learning, practicing and familiarizing is too short, and the soldiers cannot fully grasp it.The normal operation of the battle formation depends on Tang Feng's meticulous instructions, so that every fighter clearly knows what he should do.

And the price he paid was the sharp consumption of Tang Feng's brainpower, and he almost collapsed from exhaustion at this moment.His throat was so dry that it almost smoked, and he was completely speechless.

Fortunately, there were only 300 people in formation. If there were more people, Tang Feng would not be able to command even if he was exhausted.

The magic formation in another world, of course, is not a weak point that can only command hundreds of people.If the soldiers in the formation were more familiar with the formation, Tang Feng's instructions would not need to be so elaborate and complicated, and each group below could analyze the instructions by themselves and complete the designated tactical actions.

Of course, this requires a long time of practice, but there is no rush.

The outcome has been decided, Grand Duke Smova put away his complicated thoughts, and congratulated Princess Yalena and others with a smile on his face.

"The soldiers under Her Royal Highness's command are indeed brave in battle, and their strength is outstanding. I, Hannover, fought with twice as many troops. I thought it was very safe, but now I know that I am overestimated."

Princess Yalena smiled, her attitude was elegant and impeccable.

"Your Excellency the Duke, the Hannover soldiers are also well-trained. It can be seen that the Duke has also put in a lot of effort."

"The battle formation formed by the soldiers of Her Royal Highness is quite peculiar. The Duke doesn't know much about military affairs, but it is unheard of. I wonder if Her Royal Highness can solve this doubt for the Duke?"

Although Duke Smolwa was talking to Yalena, his eyes were on Anthony who was on the side.

As he said, as the supreme ruler of the province, the Grand Duke naturally does not need to be proficient in marching formations.But it is impossible for the generals under his command to know nothing about it-even if it is only on paper.He had asked someone a long time ago, and indeed there had never been any relevant written records of troops like the "No-name Army".

The smile on Princess Yalena's face remained unchanged, and her eyes also turned to the boy beside her.

After getting along with each other during this period, Her Royal Highness and others are used to Anthony taking over the overall situation, and he makes decisions and handles most of the problems.Yalina's eye movements expressed such meaning without concealment, which was extremely natural.

Besides, he was the one who created the arrangement of troops.

Anthony bowed slightly, and replied indifferently: "It's just a game that I came up with on the spur of the moment. The Duke has never heard of it before, and it's normal."


Duke Smovar's eyes lit up.

It is gold that always shines, no matter where it is placed.Besides, he didn't seem to be trying to hide it.

Just as he was about to ask further questions, a voice suddenly came in.

"Viscount Anthony is a genius, and he can create a brand new formation just as he likes. It's really amazing. I don't know which famous general in the mainland passed on Viscount Anthony's military knowledge?"

When Anthony and the others heard the words, they all looked towards the source of the sound in surprise.All I saw was a nobleman in fine clothes, with a thin figure and a sinister appearance.

Anthony's current title is Viscount, but the Grand Duke of Smolwa has always called him Mr., never commensurate with his title.Just because the titles of the two are too different, in terms of titles, it seems condescending and overpowering others.

The nobleman said "Viscount Anthony" one by one, and he seemed to admire, but his tone was full of sarcasm, and his provocative attitude was clearly stated.

The Grand Duke raised his eyebrows, but his face sank.

The nobleman jumped out of nowhere, but it was not arranged by the Duke's mansion in advance.No matter who he was targeting or what his purpose was, when Duke Smolwa, the master of the Hanover province, suddenly intervened when he was talking to distinguished guests, he was the first to cut the face of the Grand Duke.

"Count Herberger!"

The Grand Duke Smolwa roared in a low voice, his anger and dissatisfaction were like magma in a volcano, ready to erupt at any time.

Count Herberger's whole body shook violently, as if he had just discovered the Grand Duke whose face was sinking like water, he suddenly panicked.

On the contrary, Anthony, who was being ridiculed, smiled and didn't think he was disobedient.

"I usually like to read books, all kinds of books. I learned military and political knowledge from books, but I didn't worship under any famous general. In such a closed-door way, it is inevitable that there will be various gaps in what one person figured out. .If the Earl finds any mistakes or deficiencies, please let me know."

Anthony's tone is sincere and his manner is gentle.The Grand Duke didn't even intend to get angry when he saw the Righteous Lord, and he didn't feel like having a fit at the moment, so he just snorted coldly.

Count Herberger fought another cold war, but he still bit the bullet and said: "After all, the drill is just a drill, and it still can't be compared with a real battle. Your Excellency highlighted this strange phalanx created by your whimsy. When facing the enemy, no one can say for sure whether it will be able to exert the power it has today."

Feeling the heavy pressure of the Grand Duke next to him who seemed to be swallowing him alive, Earl Herberger finally replaced "Viscount" with "Your Excellency".

Anthony nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"Your Earl is right. No matter what kind of training, the purpose is for the moment when you finally step on the battlefield. It's a pity that there are no enemies in the province of Hanover. Even if you want to prove it to the Earl and other adults, I couldn’t find an opportunity either.”

"Not necessarily."

Earl Herberger seemed to have begun to adapt to the coercion of the Duke, and finally said what he wanted to say.

"There is a powerful bandit in the forest to the west of our province. If Your Excellency Anthony wants to prove himself, he can target this bandit."

When Duke Smolwa heard this, he snorted again.

He can now be sure that this Earl Herberger definitely planned it in advance.Although his performances were not considered clumsy, it was okay to deceive others. It would be delusional to deceive the Grand Duke Smovar, who had spent his whole life in the intriguing officialdom.

As for the bandit in the forest to the west, is there such a bandit in that place?Or a powerful gangster?Why have I never heard of it?

Various thoughts flashed through the Grand Duke Smolwa's mind, but he didn't intend to expose the other party's lies.

Isn't suppressing bandits equal to an enhanced version of actual combat exercise?Without the Duke's troublesome arrangement, he can have one more chance to observe. What reason does he have to stop it.

Anthony's smile over there is still gentle and sunny.

"It's easy to have a target. These fighters from Aberdeen have been on the battlefield. The mere bandits are unlikely to cause trouble to us. It is incumbent to use this to eliminate the bandits who caused the disaster. It's just that we don't know each other. situation, please provide us with some necessary information, Lord Earl."

"Of course no problem." Count Herberger also smiled, and his gloomy face seemed to fade a bit.

The military parade was over, the people gradually dispersed in twos and threes, and the nobles on the high platform also left one by one.

Judging from the excited expressions of everyone talking about it, it can be seen that this is a very successful military parade, and everyone is very satisfied.

The Grand Duke Smolwa looked at the back of the young man drifting away in front of him with a slightly confused gaze, and seemed to have captured something in his mind.But when I think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing.

What echoed in my ears were the unclear words of the young man before he took his leave and left:

"It is said that several powerful bandit gangs wandering from other provinces also gathered in the western mountains of Hanover. I don't know if this news is true..."

(End of this chapter)

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