Chapter 193 News
As the leader shouted "Surrender", all the bandit soldiers dropped their weapons and sat down on the spot, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

The bandit armies of the three routes each had their own masters, so it was impossible to tell who commanded whom.Before the battle, the nobles discussed the overall strategy and assigned tasks to the three chiefs, and they only needed to complete the part they were responsible for.

What if the development of the plot does not follow the set script?

To put it nicely, it is to require the three teams to cooperate with each other and adapt to the situation.The gentlemen are dignified aristocrats, and they are not leading soldiers in battle. It is already very good to be able to formulate a strategy of "blocking from the front, ambush on both sides and outflanking".If we still need to worry about other trivial matters, what's the use of supporting you people?

Therefore, logically speaking, the master can only make one-third of the thieves surrender.But the actual situation was that as soon as the word "surrender" was said, all the bandits, no matter which route they belonged to, threw away their weapons and gave up resistance.

In fact, the fighting will of all the bandits was already on the verge of collapse. If the "surrender" came a little later, they might have collapsed in an uproar and fled for their lives.

They are private soldiers recruited by the family, not dead soldiers who have been brainwashed since childhood.Fighting desperately against an unbeatable enemy in such a dangerous situation just now is already very worthy of the salary issued by the nobles.Do you still want to die for them meaninglessly?Why?
Not to mention ordinary thieves and bandits, even the leader of the ambush on the left has no doubts about surrendering and agrees by default.He was panting for breath at the moment, and he sat down on the ground without any image, and even the wound on his left arm that was bleeding was temporarily ignored.

After all, he is also a bronze fighter, and he can be considered a master among these more than a thousand bandits.But in the chaotic scene just now, his situation was not much better than that of ordinary thieves.This is well illustrated by the bleeding wound on his left arm.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain, but they seem to be sandwiched between two mountains that are about to fall. The left, right, front and back are crowded with people, and they have nowhere to escape.

But he was lucky, at least he could still sit here and feel the pain all over his body.The leader of the other road was much more unlucky.In the melee, he was first squeezed into a daze by his own people.Before he could tell the difference between east, west and north, he was hit by a rampant soldier, several spikes pierced through his chest, and he was extremely aggrieved.

The battle has ended like this, besides surrender, is there any other way out?
The battle was over, and the noble gentlemen who were far behind slowly approached here.

Whether they like it or not, whether they accept it or not, they cannot change their status as losers.

Of course, on the surface, they were members of the bandit suppression force and belonged to the victorious side.

But this identity made them even more uncomfortable.Seeing that the professionals recruited by the family had suffered heavy casualties, they still had to act like rejoicing winners.This kind of superficial kung fu is really not something that any nobleman can do.

The nobles stepped forward reluctantly, and the missionary troops were cleaning the battlefield.

The thieves who were still able to move threw down their weapons and squatted together with their heads in their hands.The soldiers put on their long spears again, with the point of the spears pointing inward, and surrounded them all round.

The nobles stopped nearby, while the third young master and several distinguished nobles walked towards Princess Yalena.

The families of the few people can be regarded as the best among the nobles, and the city and nobles are extremely well-cultivated.Even though their respective losses also made them heartbroken, they are personable and have gentle smiles on their faces, making it impossible to see the clues.

Just when he got closer, he happened to hear Tang Feng reporting the battle damage.

"...A total of about 1800 bandits were mobilized in this battle, more than 700 were killed or seriously injured, and the remaining more than 1000 people all surrendered. Our army fought 301 people and injured 28 people, 3 of whom were seriously injured. The number of casualties: zero!"

The number of soldiers is small and well-trained, and the statistics are extremely fast and accurate.The bandit army is more troublesome. Even their own leaders don't know how many people are under their own hands in each family, not to mention that one of the three leaders has died.In a short period of time, Tang Feng could only get a rough figure.

Tang Feng did not lower his voice, and even deliberately raised the volume through his excitement.He was very clear about Anthony's purpose and intentions, so he just took this opportunity to throw the dazzling record to the few nobles who came over.

Tang Feng's scheming was not in vain.

The third young master and the others paused, staring at Tang Feng with horrified and inexplicable eyes.

It was a one-sided battle, from beginning to end, and the nobles had expected it.And the facts have proved that this view is not wrong, the only small deviation is that the inverted direction is reversed.

But no matter how smooth the battle situation is, no matter how brilliant the record is, it is impossible to kill hundreds of enemies and capture thousands of enemies, right?Not to mention, none of our fighters died in battle.

You know, they only have 300 people, 300 people!

What about their opponents?According to what Tang Feng said, there were 1800 people!There are hundreds more than the number of people agreed by the nobles before. You add a little bit from each family, and I add a little bit.

What is already a surefire thing is an added insurance, even if there are some minor accidents, there is no need to worry at all.

No matter what accident happened, he relied on the knives and guns in his hands to head-on and put himself on the ground.

All of a sudden, each family can be regarded as hurt, and the loss has been great.

If it weren't for the fact that the momentum was not right here, and he quickly signaled the leader to surrender immediately, the remaining 1000 people might not be able to keep it.Next, they still have a headache how to get these people back from Her Royal Highness.

The third young master and the others continued to walk forward in a daze, leaving only a sigh.

It's not that we don't work hard, it's because the enemy is too perverted!

Seeing several nobles approaching, Her Royal Highness greeted them proactively.

"My lords came at the right time, thanks to the bravery of the soldiers. Our army fulfilled its mission and defeated the main force of the bandit army. According to rough statistics, there are a total of about 1800 bandit troops here. After this battle, it is estimated that this All the gangsters in the mountains and forests were wiped out."

Several aristocratic lords kept smiling and congratulated, and their respect for Princess Yalena was much more genuine than before.

Face is earned by oneself.

After today's battle, everyone has seen the formidable power Her Royal Highness possesses, and no one dares to regard her as just a beautiful vase sent by the royal family.

The third young master was about to speak, when suddenly a spherical object was thrown over with a loud sound, rolling to his feet.

Several noble masters took a closer look, and they all let out an "ah" in fright, and took a few steps back one after another.

That was a bloody human head!
A warrior in armor was striding forward, the armor on his head had already been taken off, revealing a wild but young face.

"Happy, really happy! Are there any other bandits in this forest?"

As the young soldier said, he looked at the pale-faced nobles opposite him, his knife-like sharp eyes aimed maliciously at their necks, anyone could tell that he said, "I haven't killed enough yet." the meaning of.

After all, the third young master was younger and reacted faster than the others. He shook his head and waved his hands quickly.

"No more, no more, really no more!"

Everyone is well aware of the relationship between the nobles and these thugs.Seeing the undisguised murderous intent in the eyes of this blood-stained warrior, the third young master doubted whether the young man who was red-eyed would treat himself as a gangster and slash him with a knife.

Anthony on the side frowned and shouted: "Paul, what are you doing? How many times have I told you that you are still so frizzy. Do you know that you scared a few adults? Hurry up and apologize!"

The young man named Paul was obedient, and he immediately bent over and said, "I'm sorry!"

Several nobles quickly waved their hands: "It doesn't matter, don't..."

Just as he was about to politely express his generosity and tolerance, he never thought that this damn kid had already turned to Anthony, leaving several powerful, majestic and stable nobles aside. The scene was extremely funny.How could they have thought that Paul was only carrying out the apology as an order. As for sincerity, that was not at all.

"Boss, this is one of the leaders of those gangsters. I killed it myself. Do you think I should be credited with the first credit?"

Anthony didn't play around with him, and said with a straight face: "I'll wait until later, don't you see that I'm discussing important matters with a few adults? Hurry up and leave!"


Paul drooped his head, answered listlessly, turned and walked away.

Anthony bowed his hands to the nobles, and said apologetically, "I'm not strict with my subordinates, and I made a few adults laugh at me. Please forgive me for having a lot of adults."

A white-bearded nobleman waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's okay, Mr. Anthony's subordinates are all straightforward warriors, who are different from ordinary people, understandable, understandable. Hahaha!"

Praise, like demeanor, is a compulsory course for nobles.Even a dirty sow can be praised to the sky by them.Regarding Paul's offense and rudeness, the white-bearded nobleman finally fully expressed his generosity and tolerance in front of Anthony.

As for his true thoughts, only he himself knows.

Anthony nodded slightly, with a serious and focused expression.Seeing his gentleness, politeness, and respectful attitude, several elderly noble gentlemen couldn't help feeling more fond of this young man in their hearts.

The nobles praised the soldiers' achievements, and Anthony said that this was due to the accurate and detailed information provided by the nobles; the gentlemen praised the bravery of the soldiers, and Anthony said that it was because the nobles and their guards were sitting in the rear. Stabilize the morale of the army, so that the soldiers have no worries...

After a few words, the atmosphere between the two sides chatted more and more harmoniously, and there was a feeling that a bosom friend was rare and it was too late to meet each other.

Caton Juggernaut stretched out his finger, gently poked Princess Yalena beside him, and whispered in a strange tone: "I really didn't realize it before, your Anthony thinks one thing in his heart, but says another thing in his mouth." Kung Fu is not much better than those hypocritical nobles. You have to be more careful in the future, and don't let him fool you foolishly."

Yalena's face was slightly red, and she gave him a white look: "What is my Anthony?"

Then he turned his eyes to the young man over there, the appreciation and love in his eyes could be felt even by a blind man.

"However, I believe him!"

What else can Carton say?I had no choice but to roll my eyes.

At this moment, Tang Feng came here with a soldier and a bandit.

"Your Highness, this is the leader of this bandit army. He said he has a very important news to tell us."

(End of this chapter)

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