Eastern mythology system

Chapter 24 The Hilton Family

Chapter 24 The Hilton Family

The province of Edinburgh is the most prosperous province among the six provinces of the Glorious Empire.As the provincial capital, Edinburgh is the city with the most wealthy people and the wealthiest in the country.

It is said that gold is everywhere here; it is said that if 10 people are randomly selected here, 9 of them are rich; it is said that even the street sweepers here earn more wages than the local rich men in the countryside; it is said...

These seemingly false rumors have attracted countless people who dream of getting rich overnight to come to Edinburgh to pan for gold, adding to the excitement and prosperity of the city.

The lord of the city of Edinburgh, the Grand Duke of Matthias, is also the actual controller of the province of Edinburgh.He was originally a soldier, and managed the territory under his rule with the strict discipline of an army.As the capital of Edinburgh, under the eyes of the Grand Duke, the security is of course extremely good.What's even more rare is that he deeply understands that the management of the territory cannot be copied from the army.Therefore, the Grand Duke used a large number of excellent management talents to assist him, and managed the entire territory in an orderly manner, so that everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, so he was deeply loved by the people.

As a big city famous for its prosperous business, the Hilton family, as a big merchant, naturally has a reputation and status far surpassing its earldom in Edinburgh.

On this day, the mansion of the Hilton family was decorated with lights and festoons, and it was full of joy.Not only the direct and collateral lines of the family, but also some distant relatives, or families or forces that are closer to the Hilton family, were all invited to attend a grand celebration reception.

Fortunately, the Hilton family may be short of other things, but they are not short of money.The mansion covers a large enough area, and all the items needed for the banquet are extremely abundant.Even if there are many guests, it is more than enough.

The reason for such a big ostentation is that the Hilton family has recently recruited a young and strong man.It is said that this strong man was found by Viscount Owen, the next patriarch of the Hilton family.Its age is ridiculously young, only 16 years old.Its strength is even more unbelievable. It is said that he once defeated two silver fighters alone!

The first reaction of those who heard the news was to let out such an exclamation.And the second reaction is disbelief.

A 16-year-old bronze fighter can be called a genius. A 16-year-old silver fighter, or even above a silver fighter?When did the Brilliant Empire produce such a genius?Let alone the Brilliant Empire, if you have counted the entire history of the continent, you can count with two hands the number of people who can reach this level.

Most of these supreme geniuses are the "Sons of God" of various gods, and they are also the inevitable candidates for Pope of their respective churches.And the few remaining people are also heroes who lead an era.

Can such a level of talent be recruited by a mere earl family in Hilton?And it was the idle Viscount Owen who was in charge of it himself?
Haha, believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway.

No matter what kind of thoughts you have, the people who come here are from your own family, or have a very close relationship, so naturally you won't talk nonsense and ask questions.Whatever the host likes to say, we just go along with it.Why bother to be serious and annoying.

Anthony and his party arrived in Edinburgh yesterday. After a day's rest, Earl Silvio held a grand welcome reception for the rising star of the empire.

In fact, the preparations for this reception started a few days ago, and the invitation letters for all the guests have been sent out long ago.Since Anthony agreed to Earl Silvio's invitation, he has sent people back to announce the good news and prepare for the reception at the same time.

At this moment, Anthony was sitting at a table at the top of the inner hall, next to Count Silvio, who was in charge.On his other side, accompanied by Viscount Owen.On the earl's right hand side was an old man with white beard and hair and a majestic expression.

This old man is the former patriarch of the Hilton family, and the current family Dinghaishenzhen, silver fighter Andreas Hilton!
The rise of the Hilton family took place in the past few decades.This is also the reason why some nobles who are jealous of their wealth and wealth secretly call them "upstarts".The beginning of the development of the Hilton family originated from the elder Andres Hilton.

In business, what we pay attention to is to make money with harmony.However, when others want to compare you to your fist size, not only can you not make money by being kind, but it will make others think you are weak and deceitful, which will intensify.At this time, Andres, who was the head of the patriarch at the time, relied on his personal strength and unyielding iron-blooded style to forcibly fight his way out of the business territory that had been divided up by various forces, and assigned him to the Hilton family. piece of cake.

It can be said that Elder Andres used his fist to lay a foundation for the Hilton family.Although later, when the family business entered a stable development stage, he found that his way of rushing and killing was outdated, so he retreated bravely and gave up the position of patriarch to Silvio, who was more adept at management.However, the entire Hilton family is full of respect and gratitude to the family's pioneering hero.

In addition to the former patriarch, the two younger brothers of Earl Silvio and the two earls who are closer to the Hilton family and have equal status are also qualified to sit at the round table.

There were eight people in total, just enough to fill one table.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.The guests in the hall were half full, and began to gather together in twos and threes, chatting and laughing quietly.On such an occasion, it is normal to meet some business partners or potential partners.Many big business deals are concluded in a similar communication environment.

At the beginning of the banquet, Earl Silvio had grandly introduced the young genius newly recruited by the Hilton family.Of course, he focused on his age and strength.The earl held this grand welcome party, in order to show Anthony the family's importance and sincerity to him.Secondly, it is also to show their "muscles" to the outside world.

Therefore, most of the topics of discussion still revolve around the 16-year-old senior professional.It's just that the eyes, tone and expression all revealed a trace of suspicion.

Alberto Hilton, the third younger brother of Earl Silvio who was sitting opposite Anthony, stood up holding the wine glass in his hand, and said to Anthony: "Listen to my elder brother and Owen, Mr. Anthony defeated Alfredo and Bernard alone. The strength of the two silver fighters of Beiwu is unpredictable. With the help of Mr. Hilton, my family will be even more powerful, and my strength will be improved to a higher level. Come, let me toast Mr. Anthony again."

This situation has happened several times before.Among the people at the first table, except for Owen, everyone else toasted him in turn.Fortunately, he has a good capacity for alcohol, otherwise he would have already fallen down.

Anthony stood up, raised his glass, and was about to speak.Suddenly there was a chuckle of "嗤".

Anthony looked up, but there was a tall man in his 30s at the next table.I saw him with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his appearance was dignified.At this time, there was a disapproving expression on his face.

Earl Silvio once introduced the main members of the Hilton family to Anthony. This tall man was named Gabriel, who was the earl's nephew and the eldest son of Alberto Hilton.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Gabriel Hilton didn't feel flustered in the slightest. Instead, he was a little proud of being under the spotlight.

I saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, facing Anthony and said: "What my father said just now, Mr. Anthony defeated two silver fighters. I don't know what the price is now? Silver middle-level? Or silver high-level? No way. It's the golden fighter realm! Hahaha!"

His tone was frivolous, and anyone could hear the doubts about Anthony in his words.

Earl Silvio was very dissatisfied. Before others ran out to tear down the stage, his own people dug up the pillars first. What exactly does this Gabriel want to do?Just as he was about to stand up and shout loudly, a hand suddenly fell from his shoulder and pressed him down on the seat.

The count turned his head in surprise, and saw the former patriarch Andres shaking his head at him.

Anthony looked at the provocateur quietly, and his calm eyes only looked at Gabriel, feeling guilty.He said lightly, "I am a bloodline inheritor."

Bloodline inheritors are not fighters, and there is no rank division of iron, copper, silver, and gold.

Although Gabriel was a little flustered, under the eyes of everyone, his face did not allow him to retreat like this, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue: "It's a pity that the two silver fighters, Alfredo and Bernabeu, have something to go out. , not in the city of Edinburgh. Otherwise, if I can witness the fight between Mr. Anthony and the two silver fighters, I believe it will be very exciting."

The two silver fighters belonged to two earl families, and they both had a detached status like worship.Even the two earls had to be polite to them.Where is it possible to invite a "competition" like a performance at will?Gabriel's words were already mercilessly questioned and ridiculed.

Anthony's eyes narrowed slightly, with a dangerous gleam in them.

What does this fool mean?I am the person invited back by the Hilton patriarch himself. This Gabriel is also a main member of the Hilton family. How could he have such obvious hostility towards him?

He turned his head and saw Earl Silvio with an angry face, the hand on his shoulder, and the owner of the hand - the face was calm, like the former patriarch of Hilton who had nothing happened , Silver Fighter Andreas Hilton.

When Anthony turned around, his face was sinking like water.

Is this a slap in the face?Since you dare to let the horse come here, don't blame me for chopping your horse down!

(End of this chapter)

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