Eastern mythology system

Chapter 415 Malicious

Chapter 415 Malicious
The strong man at the auction made a final decision and announced the final ownership of the elf girl Alice.

Although his eyes are open to money, he wished that the auction price would be as high as possible.But this time the situation is really a bit weird, the money came too easily, even easier than the strong wind.As long as the partner who was entrusting him raised the price a little, the new young man would roll over and send money to himself without blinking his eyes.

Such a situation made the always ruthless strong man feel guilty, he didn't dare to let his companion continue to ask for a price, and he quickly accepted it.

Seeing that everything was settled, the young man in fine clothes and the tall and thin old man snorted, turned around and left in displeasure.

The surrounding crowd didn't disperse much, they were all whispering to each other, talking about something with their companions, and from time to time they made some exclamations of unknown meaning.

The slave hunting team was very straightforward. After receiving the stack of mainland bank notes handed over by Anthony, they immediately released them.

Only now that the banknote was in hand, the strong man finally let go of his hanging heart.Looking at the numbers on the bank note, a real sense of happiness rushed over my face.

But at the next moment, he felt a trace of regret in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the team that originally thought they would come to snatch people, really participated in the auction honestly, and even increased the price by twenty times without blinking an eye.If he had known it would be so smooth, he should have asked Tuo'er to call the price a few more times.

Hey, it's still too small, too cautious.

On the other side, the two elves finally met.



The elf girl Alice was very excited. She had already prepared for the worst, but unexpectedly she escaped at the last moment.

Moreover, it was in such a way that she hadn't expected it at all.

Thinking of this, Alice couldn't help but look at Anthony on the side.

The latter gave her a gentle smile, and said, "This is not a place to talk, let's go, let's leave here first."

Daniel and everyone in the Fox Mercenary Group naturally had no objection. Alice looked around and nodded obediently.

Obviously, this seven-member team is dominated by this young man, and everyone obeys his orders.

This made Alice even more strange.

The strength of this small team is not bad. Although it is not top-notch, it can also be called an elite team.This young man is young, so how can he make everyone obey him? It can't be because he is rich, right?

Alice followed Daniel and left, making a joke to herself in her heart.

Then she suddenly realized that this young man with a gentle face couldn't detect the depth of his strength by herself!

The slave catchers who had completed the auction began to pack up their things.

This time their harvest was only the elf girl Alice. In order to avoid the tracking and counter-killing of the elves, they had no time to catch other prey.Now that it has been revealed, there is no need to stay.

Several members gathered around the strong man at the auction, talking in low voices.The short, thin, middle-aged man who was acting as a support in the crowd waited for a while, and walked over quickly after Anthony and the others were out of sight.

"Boss, what happened just now? Why didn't you let me ask for a few more bids, and you announced the result in a hurry?"

"That's right." Someone else echoed, "It can be seen that that little guy has a lot of money. Even if he cheated him three or four times more, he probably wouldn't even bat an eye."

"Yes, what a great opportunity!"

"Just call a price at random, and he doubles it up by himself. Such a fool is not common."

Listening to his brother's discussion, the strong man like an iron tower couldn't hold back his face.Besides, when he really held a thick banknote, he regretted it in his heart.

"I'm sorry, brothers, I misunderstood the idea of ​​being the boss. I thought that the man was on the same side as the elf, and I was always wary of what kind of tricks he was going to play, so I accepted it when I saw it, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Now it seems that he It's just a rich fool, and there is no need to worry too much."

A group of men nodded in agreement.Although they said so in their mouths, before Anthony actually took out the bank note just now, which one was excited and uneasy, for fear that this was just a good dream.

But now, it's too late, and it's useless to regret it.

Unexpectedly, the strong man who is the boss doesn't think so.

"Monkey, go and follow them and find out their details. If they are local aristocrats with deep roots, then that's fine. If they are like us, they all came from other places, then we might as well follow up , find a suitable place to make a fortune. Tell me, what’s the idea?”

These men with fierce faces were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"Okay, boss, I agree with this idea."

Another person echoed: "Looking at the way that kid doesn't take money as money, he must be a dude from some big family. The guards around him are not skilled, and their level should not be much different from ours. In terms of numbers, we are more than them twice as much."

The short, thin, middle-aged man who worked as a childcare went on to say: "This is a tough battle, but compared with the possible gains, it is worth fighting for once."

Everyone in the slave hunting team nodded in agreement.

Judging by the way the young man is asking the price, God knows how much money he still has.But even if it is the most conservative estimate, no matter what, it should be ten times the transaction price just now!

This is a huge amount of money that makes people thumping, enough for this slave hunting team to take risks.

As for the counterattack of the family and forces behind him?

As long as it is done cleanly without leaving traces of hands, who would know that they did it.

Of course, no matter what, there are always risks.But for the slave catchers who lick blood on the knife edge every day, this little risk is nothing.Leaving aside the past, just capturing the elf girl just now has offended the entire elf clan.

Compared with the counterattack of the entire elf clan, offending a big family who doesn't know which country is really insignificant.

The heartbeat of the group of ferocious men accelerated, their blood boiled, and they wished they could rush up now, chop down the young man who hadn't gone far, and rob him of all his belongings.

The tower-like man in charge of the auction finally maintained his sanity, and quickly stretched out his hand to press down to calm the emotions of the brothers.

"Brothers, don't worry, everything will be discussed after we find out the other party's details and whereabouts."

Seeing everyone's expressions, he added another sentence.

"Of course money has to be earned, but we can't be blindly impulsive. If we rush forward and grab it without thinking, we might lose our lives before we get the money."

The group of people really calmed down and sat down again.

"Boss is right, we all listen to you."

Only then did the strong man at the auction nod in satisfaction.

This group of subordinates are rebellious, mercenary, and have no laws and regulations in their eyes.Everyone gathered together just to make a better fortune and make a fortune.Getting them to obey orders is really not an easy task.

Don't think that you are called the boss by them. If you can't lead them to make a lot of money, you will even hinder their way to get rich.I can think with my toes that I will definitely be pulled down from the position of the boss by them, and I will step on the bottom of the mud.

"Monkey, go quickly. Be careful to hide your whereabouts, and don't let them find out."

The man named Monkey went as ordered, and followed the direction where Anthony and others left.

The rest of the slave hunting team continued to pack their things and waited for the monkey's return.

(End of this chapter)

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